Highlife seeds scam? Or is Attitude starting to "sell" our private info?

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I also got the same f****n shirt as you did and when i received the email the exact same thing crossed my mind. No more orders from them for me and my pals, as no one from attitude ever even apologize and explain about their god damn fiasco. From what i hear same thing happened when their "secure", (my ass), CC billing system got hacked.

Do some research, there are so many legit seedbanks out there with great reviews, hell, even with same stock, shipping and prices, who have been in this industry for years. From what i see even these sites are updated to look and function better and the best part is, you can't find a single complaint about them over the net.

The only reason i was buying from Tude is because of their monthly promo, but considering they charge a bunch of money for shipping cost, no wonder they have a monthly freebies give away.

The problem with Attitude is that they just don't care about customer support, or feedback, since so many people choose to buy from them hands down. . .Well eventually they will, the hard way of course.

Aww how cute . . . u n Max have matching sigs . . . ROTFLMFAO!!

for reference, i have NEVER ONCE clicked a banner here to go to a seed site, so i'm doubtful that's the source. i also used the guest checkout when i last ordered over a year ago, but i might have "registered" there the year before. i don't remember. i'm particularly annoyed that they kept my info for so long. either they got it last year when i ordered as a guest, or the year before when i "might have" registered. what is the purpose of storing my info for so long?
for reference, i have NEVER ONCE clicked a banner here to go to a seed site, so i'm doubtful that's the source. i also used the guest checkout when i last ordered over a year ago, but i might have "registered" there the year before. i don't remember. i'm particularly annoyed that they kept my info for so long. either they got it last year when i ordered as a guest, or the year before when i "might have" registered. what is the purpose of storing my info for so long?

i think that sums up why some of us won't use a CC and our address
the thought of this practice, which seems to have been outed here
what is the purpose of storing my info for so long?

It's default behavior for the shopping cart they use. For almost all shopping carts.

It's always a good idea to log back in after an order and delete everything or change it to random bullshit when ordering from any site.
It's default behavior for the shopping cart they use. For almost all shopping carts.

It's always a good idea to log back in after an order and delete everything or change it to random bullshit when ordering from any site.
Your probably right. But who ever could be storing info long term for the intent of selling to others. There are companies who's sole business is to sell targeted mailing lists catered to the buying businesses.
Or in the worst case scenario, a list of buyers could be a good bargaining tool if a seller runs into some legal problems.
Your probably right. But who ever could be storing info long term for the intent of selling to others. There are companies who's sole business is to sell targeted mailing lists catered to the buying businesses.
Or in the worst case scenario, a list of buyers could be a good bargaining tool if a seller runs into some legal problems.

i think you nailed this pretty solid, future sale for sure
i think i can guess the deal, the original site says 'we won't sell your info'
but if they sell out their biz, then prior customers add value to the sale(a lot of value)
i got an email from global seed bank and inside was links to highlife or whatever. i too only have used attitude and i searched my old mail with keyword "seeds" it only the attitude thats ever emailed me and this ONE sketchy email.
I would never order from attitude cuz they've always had horror stories like this from the start and way before they started advertising here. Anyway, it's not a big deal, companies sell your info all the time. It's common practice, this is how websites make their money along with the ads you see. Not a big deal @ all. As long as you don't grow @ the address your purchases go to it shouldn't be a problem. Stay safe!
Of course they do. Almost all websites do this among their affiliates and some sell your info to anyone willing to purchase it. This is the norm. It's good business.
just throwing it out there, but look through attitude twitter, its usually firing out tweets pretty regularly , today nothing so far
just throwing it out there, but look through attitude twitter, its usually firing out tweets pretty regularly , today nothing so far

While I've never been to Twitter, and would not pretend to know anything about "tweeting", may I suggest that the Tude's "official tweeter" has the day off ? And not another conspiracy about to happen?
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