Dr Greenthumbs G13

anyone else notice Brick Top has an obsession with that " frilly skirt wearing military guys " fantasy ? makes you wonder, eh ?

I just find it hilarious that at least some of your Canadian military dresses like Girl Scouts or little Catholic schoolgirls. Are they required to wear a standard Canadian military issued thong under their frilly little girly skirts or are they allowed to wear whatever they buy from Victoria's Secret or Frederick's of Hollywood?

I also find it hilarious that you keep posting this picture of your 'wife.'


With a 'wife' like that it's no wonder that you have a sheep fetish, and a TERRIBLE attitude. Does your 'wife' Stu, or Barney or whatever his name is, know about your 'favorite sheep?'
For my part I was saddened to see Bricktop go from someone I thought was truthful to someone I caught in a lie and nothing but a punk flamer

You have never caught me in one single lie and you damn well know it. You just want to create the false reality of that in hopes of discrediting me because of the mountain of evidence I have presented that shows Dr. Greenthumb's G13 extremely unlikely to be real.

What I am really enjoying though is seeing you being shredded on the MNS forums. You're way out of your league there lil' boy. Your spamming and pimping for Dr. Greenthumb is not at all appreciated there. You made a big mistake going there.

oday, 01:36 PM

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so here are the user profiles and posts made by "biggybuds" and ogman and chemdawg,i woulkd bet money that they are all ogman,just go through and look at the posts,especially biggybuds and ogman,they have almost identical posts talking abou the exact same things.......ogman,how dare you call me a spammer.uoi are the lowest of the low,YOU ARE A LYING SPAMMING DOUCHE BAG!!the proof is right here and there is no denying it.i have knoiwn this fact for over 2 years,but i did not care until you started with your big mouth.i hope you get what you deserve.

take a look folks,the proof is right in these posts!!!!!

i am still sickened that you could call me a spammer when you have been doing this for a long time.you are such a complete liar,karma will catch up with you i promise!!!!!

and im going to put this out there right now.i did post this on 5 sites to get seeds,but that was just a bonus,and i know i will never get them.you have to be called out once and for all.

so if everyone wants to do the homework you WILL see that ogman and biggybuds are just plain spamming liars.i was right all along!
I tell the truth

No, you tell what you desperately want to be the truth but where there is not irrefutable proof to support what you claim to be the truth to actually be the truth.

Definitions of truth on the Web:
a fact that has been verified.

Definitions of fact on the Web:

  • a concept whose truth can be proved.
Your stories and your claims and your assumptions and your assertions totally lack the above and that denies them the rightful ability to be claimed to be; "the truth."

hoo ya bricktop,......i guess now we are both spammers against the doc just because we know the facts.seriously guys and gals.just follow the links,you will see that he is a liar and a spammer,just take a look,especially ogman posts and biggybuds posts,take a look,there are a few that pertain to the EXACT descriptions of some strain comparisons,especially early wonder skunk.its no coinsidence,they talk about the eaxact same things.ogman give it up,you are done!!!! you have no validity here anymore
hoo ya bricktop,......i guess now we are both spammers against the doc just because we know the facts.seriously guys and gals.just follow the links,you will see that he is a liar and a spammer,just take a look,especially ogman posts and biggybuds posts,take a look,there are a few that pertain to the EXACT descriptions of some strain comparisons,especially early wonder skunk.its no coinsidence,they talk about the eaxact same things.ogman give it up,you are done!!!! you have no validity here anymore

That is true, and what's more, you never had any validity on MNS forums. They had you pegged as a Greenthump pimp and spammer from your first message.
OGMan ... you held Kangativa up as some sort of proof of the honesty and respectability and integrity of Dr. Greenthumb and his G13 .... but Kangativa sure wasn't very flattering about Dr. Greenthumb in his message about him.

Originally Posted by Kangativa
Ok seeing all this talk about Dr G is going on I want to say something, not to bag the guy but to get some answers.

I sent him a fair amount of money for some seeds, double lots of 4 strains that I was interested in doing outdoors. The first lot didnt arrive after about 2 months, so I sent another email telling him and would it be ok if I changed the addy and if he didnt mind could he try again, I got a email saying ok that was all, so I did. I then waited another 6 weeks and still nothing, so I sent another email saying that they hadnt arrived either and I also said that I wasnt lying and that I was Nevils partner and I was also growing Dogless's gear.......Never heard from him again

Now there are a few people here that know I did this as I told them what I was going to do.

You can make what you like of this, but for me its a bit confusing, also the only time I never got seeds was from a rip off merchant that caught me out.

So Dr G if you really are here, please explain what happened.....K

So .. Dr. Greenthumb ripped me off by selling me FAKE Acapulco Gold seeds and now it comes out that he ripped off Kangativa by not sending him any seeds.

How do you explain that one OGMan? If Kangativa is so honest that he should be believed when he claimed that Nevil told him that Dr. Greenthumb's G13 looked like the real deal then Kangativa should be considered to just every bit as honest when he said that Dr. Greenthumb ripped him off by taking his money and never sending him any seeds in return.

What does that say about Dr. Greenthumb's honesty and his credibility? I told you how Dr. Greentumb ripped me off, and you attempted to twist and spin that into being a lie and LIED and claimed I never ordered or grew Dr. Greenthumb's G13 ... and now ... someone you held up as the epitome of honesty and truthfulness has told how Dr. Greenthumb totally ripped him off.

Are you now going to do the same with Kangativa as you attempted to do with me and twist and spin what he said and claim he lied? Or will you still say if it comes from Kangativa it is believable, it is honest, it is truthful, that it is irrefutable like you wanted what he claimed came from Nevil to be accepted as being?

If Kangativa lied about Dr. Greenthumb then there is no reason for anyone to believe what he claimed Nevil said. If you say what he claimed Nevil said was true then you have to admit and accept that what he said about Dr. Greenthumb ripping him off is totally true.

So OGMan, how will you tap dance your way around that one? Either Kangativa cannot be believed about the G13 or he, as am I, is living proof that Dr. Greenthumb rips people off. Which of the two is it OGMan? There is no third option to pick from. It is either one or the other. There is credibility or no credibility. Credibility means Nevil did tell Kangativa that the G13 looks real, but it also means that Dr. Greenthumb totally ripped him off, as he ripped me off. No Credibility could mean Dr. Greenthumb did not ripoff Kangativa, but it also means Kangativa is not credible, not believable in regards to what he claimed Nevil said about the G13.

So pick from column A or pick from column B ..... because there is no column C or D or E or F or any others to pick from.
This message from dogless that drum420 replies to only raises more questions:

Today, 04:12 AM

Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 91


Originally Posted by dogless
If people are waiting to hear from Nevil about the legitemacy of Doc's g13 you will have to wait until his friends are done testing it out. Nevil knows how the G13was rejuvinated but will not revael how it was done at my request.
Why so secretive? Did you breed it back to life or did you save the original clone somehow?

I have no plans to reveal where I acquired the cut all I can say it came from a hippie commune in my home state. It doesnt bother me to say that since there are at least a 100 of them.

Regarding the G13 cut, both you and DD got the original from me.
This is why it gets confusing. In the same post it's said that you got the cut in Cali from a commune and from Nevil, which is it?

If you recall when I first got back in contact with you that I had the G13 worked and that I had sold a cut for a large sum to a canadian breeder.
So did you breed it back to life or was it the original cutting? Where did the massive yields come from?

This is all anyone wants to know and all that anyone was arguing seeing as it had been said that this plant had lost vigor 20 years ago and the description of the G13 around now doesn't seem like the G13 of old. Where did it get it's massive yields? It sucks that you take someone questioning you as being hateful. Sure the debate got heated but you posted a statement that was highly controversial and didn't explain or respond at all. After all of the debate and talk over the years you had to expect it.
OGMan ... you held Kangativa up as some sort of proof of the honesty and respectability and integrity of Dr. Greenthumb and his G13 .... but Kangativa sure wasn't very flattering about Dr. Greenthumb in his message about him.

So .. Dr. Greenthumb ripped me off by selling me FAKE Acapulco Gold seeds and now it comes out that he ripped off Kangativa by not sending him any seeds.

How do you explain that one OGMan? If Kangativa is so honest that he should be believed when he claimed that Nevil told him that Dr. Greenthumb's G13 looked like the real deal then Kangativa should be considered to just every bit as honest when he said that Dr. Greenthumb ripped him off by taking his money and never sending him any seeds in return.

What does that say about Dr. Greenthumb's honesty and his credibility? I told you how Dr. Greentumb ripped me off, and you attempted to twist and spin that into being a lie and LIED and claimed I never ordered or grew Dr. Greenthumb's G13 ... and now ... someone you held up as the epitome of honesty and truthfulness has told how Dr. Greenthumb totally ripped him off.

Are you now going to do the same with Kangativa as you attempted to do with me and twist and spin what he said and claim he lied? Or will you still say if it comes from Kangativa it is believable, it is honest, it is truthful, that it is irrefutable like you wanted what he claimed came from Nevil to be accepted as being?

If Kangativa lied about Dr. Greenthumb then there is no reason for anyone to believe what he claimed Nevil said. If you say what he claimed Nevil said was true then you have to admit and accept that what he said about Dr. Greenthumb ripping him off is totally true.

So OGMan, how will you tap dance your way around that one? Either Kangativa cannot be believed about the G13 or he, as am I, is living proof that Dr. Greenthumb rips people off. Which of the two is it OGMan? There is no third option to pick from. It is either one or the other. There is credibility or no credibility. Credibility means Nevil did tell Kangativa that the G13 looks real, but it also means that Dr. Greenthumb totally ripped him off, as he ripped me off. No Credibility could mean Dr. Greenthumb did not ripoff Kangativa, but it also means Kangativa is not credible, not believable in regards to what he claimed Nevil said about the G13.

So pick from column A or pick from column B ..... because there is no column C or D or E or F or any others to pick from.

Kangativa, took it back, all is good.

So Brick, how did that serving of crow, that Jim Ortega brought to the table taste;)

Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 14


Hello my brothers,
Sad to see that my good friend Dr. Greenthumb's name is getting shit on especially on this site.
First of all I want to thank Dr Greenthumb for still not revealing that he got the G13 cut from me. And I am sure if you ask him he will still tell you all that he didnt get it from me. He gave me his word that he would not disclose me as his source and he is a man of his word. Doc is the type of friend that you can trust till the day you die. I have been growing his strains since I started growing after I was released from prison. I have grown out his Columbian Skies, Endless Sky, Bubba Kush, Dope, Oh Zone, Cheese and can tell you that they are all top shelf strains. They were everything Doc told me they were and some.
I just wish that all who are skeptical would get a taste of any of his strains. They would surely be apologizing for calling him a thief or a liar. When grow and smoke reports begain to surface with all positive results you all are going to wish you would have bought some sooner. Thats if they are still available. I spoke with Doc and he is tired of people who have never grown any of his strains questioning his integrity. He is thinking of shelfing it and only selling it in crosses. After reading this never ending witch hunt I have offered to buy it back.
I also want to thank all my good friends that have been here on the front lines fighting my battle with thier support.
If people are waiting to hear from Nevil about the legitemacy of Doc's g13 you will have to wait until his friends are done testing it out. Nevil knows how the G13was rejuvinated but will not revael how it was done at my request. Nevil knew back in Aug that " a well known breeder had purchased the strain" way before Doc started selling the G13 in its pure form.
I have no plans to reveal where I acquired the cut all I can say it came from a hippie commune in my home state. It doesnt bother me to say that since there are at least a 100 of them.
I have an email and p.m.'s to and from Nevil and I would never post a conversation even though Nevil allowed it. But at this point with all the hate I will post one

Originally Posted by dogless
Hey Nevil,
I am never one to ask for any favors but I do indeed need one from you right now.
I am getting harrased over a post (Dr greenthumbs g13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) that I posted here. It has gotten to the point that I am recieving some very hateful messages not to mention my name is all over the boards. Can you please come to my defense? You are the still the King to all and your word would settle all this bullshit. If you recall when I first got back in contact with you that I had the G13 worked and that I had sold a cut for a large sum to a canadian breeder. A long time before this bullshit started. Please help me lay this shit to rest.

Hi Jim
I understand about the hateful messages. I've stopped posting because I'm not willing to deal with anonymous trolls without a stick to beat them with.
Regarding the G13 cut, both you and DD got the original from me. Kangativa is posting pics the HawxG13 grown from the seeds you sent. As I said earlier to you in a PM, one of them is almost a copy of the original G13 cutting.
I regret not having made fems of the G13. Mine lost vigor and died. It's a good job that you and DD kept it going. I look forward to getting it back. The G13 would seem to be the ideal medical cannabis type. It's probably time to bring back the pure indica lines. I was fond of the HPxNL1 (British Hemp posted some nice pics of HPxNL1) and the HP.NL1xG13.
I've already told these people that if Dogless starts talking, they should "sit" and pay attention. I regard you as an authority on indicas. I don't know what else I can say.
When we do your pure indicas, Kanga will post pics of them too. It's about all the proof that we can offer on the net.

You have my permission to post this PM if you like.
Kind regards


Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 14


Hello my brothers,
Sad to see that my good friend Dr. Greenthumb's name is getting shit on especially on this site.
First of all I want to thank Dr Greenthumb for still not revealing that he got the G13 cut from me. And I am sure if you ask him he will still tell you all that he didnt get it from me. He gave me his word that he would not disclose me as his source and he is a man of his word. Doc is the type of friend that you can trust till the day you die. I have been growing his strains since I started growing after I was released from prison. I have grown out his Columbian Skies, Endless Sky, Bubba Kush, Dope, Oh Zone, Cheese and can tell you that they are all top shelf strains. They were everything Doc told me they were and some.
I just wish that all who are skeptical would get a taste of any of his strains. They would surely be apologizing for calling him a thief or a liar. When grow and smoke reports begain to surface with all positive results you all are going to wish you would have bought some sooner. Thats if they are still available. I spoke with Doc and he is tired of people who have never grown any of his strains questioning his integrity. He is thinking of shelfing it and only selling it in crosses. After reading this never ending witch hunt I have offered to buy it back.
I also want to thank all my good friends that have been here on the front lines fighting my battle with thier support.
If people are waiting to hear from Nevil about the legitemacy of Doc's g13 you will have to wait until his friends are done testing it out. Nevil knows how the G13was rejuvinated but will not revael how it was done at my request. Nevil knew back in Aug that " a well known breeder had purchased the strain" way before Doc started selling the G13 in its pure form.
I have no plans to reveal where I acquired the cut all I can say it came from a hippie commune in my home state. It doesnt bother me to say that since there are at least a 100 of them.
I have an email and p.m.'s to and from Nevil and I would never post a conversation even though Nevil allowed it. But at this point with all the hate I will post one


The haters have been owned;)

Im glad we had Doc's back, and fought for him the last couple months, it was worth it.
Why so secretive? Did you breed it back to life or did you save the original clone somehow?

This is why it gets confusing. In the same post it's said that you got the cut in Cali from a commune and from Nevil, which is it?

did you breed it back to life or was it the original cutting? Where did the massive yields come from?

This is all anyone wants to know and all that anyone was arguing seeing as it had been said that this plant had lost vigor 20 years ago and the description of the G13 around now doesn't seem like the G13 of old. Where did it get it's massive yields? It sucks that you take someone questioning you as being hateful. Sure the debate got heated but you posted a statement that was highly controversial and didn't explain or respond at all. After all of the debate and talk over the years you had to expect it.

Sound like Dogless / Ortega was in Jail an had hippies keep the G13 alive for him. . .
DD said his yielded Huge when he got it form Neville. ( a super High yeild 86 G13) Ive read him say.
:shock::shock: Well brick top, WBW,stonehead, now what?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: VIVA le DrGreenthumb

I don't agree with WBW or his tactics but I do believe he is truthful. Bricktop is an out and out liar. Stonedmentalpatient is a a simple flamer who likes to massage his ego. The biggest liar and troll of all is Chadder aka Chadder 1,
Chadder 123, Chongsbuddy etc.

Anyway, Neville and Dogless have spoken out on this and backed Doc so this should all stop now
And they are testing it and won't know until October... Don't know why the Dr. G thumbs nut huggers are waving victory flags yet, we still have till October to know the real truth.

But if Neville says Dogless has his cut and Dogless sold his cut to Dr. Greenthumb then at least that closes one loop. Only time will tell if it's the real deal now
OGMan ... you held Kangativa up as some sort of proof of the honesty and respectability and integrity of Dr. Greenthumb and his G13 .... but Kangativa sure wasn't very flattering about Dr. Greenthumb in his message about him.

So .. Dr. Greenthumb ripped me off by selling me FAKE Acapulco Gold seeds and now it comes out that he ripped off Kangativa by not sending him any seeds.

How do you explain that one OGMan? If Kangativa is so honest that he should be believed when he claimed that Nevil told him that Dr. Greenthumb's G13 looked like the real deal then Kangativa should be considered to just every bit as honest when he said that Dr. Greenthumb ripped him off by taking his money and never sending him any seeds in return.

What does that say about Dr. Greenthumb's honesty and his credibility? I told you how Dr. Greentumb ripped me off, and you attempted to twist and spin that into being a lie and LIED and claimed I never ordered or grew Dr. Greenthumb's G13 ... and now ... someone you held up as the epitome of honesty and truthfulness has told how Dr. Greenthumb totally ripped him off.

Are you now going to do the same with Kangativa as you attempted to do with me and twist and spin what he said and claim he lied? Or will you still say if it comes from Kangativa it is believable, it is honest, it is truthful, that it is irrefutable like you wanted what he claimed came from Nevil to be accepted as being?

If Kangativa lied about Dr. Greenthumb then there is no reason for anyone to believe what he claimed Nevil said. If you say what he claimed Nevil said was true then you have to admit and accept that what he said about Dr. Greenthumb ripping him off is totally true.

So OGMan, how will you tap dance your way around that one? Either Kangativa cannot be believed about the G13 or he, as am I, is living proof that Dr. Greenthumb rips people off. Which of the two is it OGMan? There is no third option to pick from. It is either one or the other. There is credibility or no credibility. Credibility means Nevil did tell Kangativa that the G13 looks real, but it also means that Dr. Greenthumb totally ripped him off, as he ripped me off. No Credibility could mean Dr. Greenthumb did not ripoff Kangativa, but it also means Kangativa is not credible, not believable in regards to what he claimed Nevil said about the G13.

So pick from column A or pick from column B ..... because there is no column C or D or E or F or any others to pick from.

So now its your turn...pick from column A or B.
If you believe Kanga about being burned by Greenthumb then you also have to beleive him about Nevile. Thats by your own logic.
A- Greenthumb has G13 and burned Kanga
B- Doc doesnt have G13 and Kanga is lying about being burned.

Pick one please..

It must suck to find your logic has to apply to you also, but you do that alot so its not a surprise that you dont hold yourself to the same standards.
So now its your turn...pick from column A or B.
If you believe Kanga about being burned by Greenthumb then you also have to beleive him about Nevile. Thats by your own logic.
A- Greenthumb has G13 and burned Kanga
B- Doc doesnt have G13 and Kanga is lying about being burned.

Pick one please..

It must suck to find your logic has to apply to you also, but you do that alot so its not a surprise that you dont hold yourself to the same standards.
Just because Ortega had the plant doesn't mean he kept the original alive. He even said he worked the clone and now Nevil is testing it. Why would he need to test anything if it was the original?.
Just because Ortega had the plant doesn't mean he kept the original alive. He even said he worked the clone.

At this point Im not even sure what you guys are trying to say. Whats does that matter to whether Doc has Neviles G13 or not? A clone of the Original is still the same plant yes?
Just so i can get back on track as to what you are claiming here is how this has played out to me.

1- Doc's G13 is too expensive
2- Its not DD's cut
3- if it is DD's cut then its not real g13
4-Docs description isnt the same as the Orig G13

#4 seems to be the one you guys are clinging to now...kinda has holes in it but what ever makes you feel better.
Why do you guys keep shifting your arguments? And can you please just lay them out in a logical, orderly fashion so i can understand where you are coming from? Its a lot like the conservative argument about global Warming...first it doesnt exist and then they just dont like the way its going to be implemented.....change the argument to keep em confused.