The Irish Growers Thread!

How Do Lads! I'm in Leinster here. My 1st grow and one of my first posts! great to hear there a a load of Paddys producing out there, get out and away from the criminality. I have pics on my Profile if you wanna look.
All AF, hydro, indoor. tell me what you think if you got time!

Go Raibh Mhait Agaibh!!!!
iv grown greenhouse seeds. i actually prefer nirvana, cheaper, and way stronger plants.

having said that i grew fem trainwreck....and boy was it yummy. :weed:
Hi Jack. We don't do DNA Genetics seeds anymore, sorry. Too many problems with them.

Thanks for the reply IrishSeeds, no problem, I've also heard a few bad reviews about some of their products...

I was just wondering, how safe is it to order seeds from yourselfs to an Irish address? I'm considering placing an order but have been chicken'ing out...
Have your guys customers ever had any hasstle from the boys in blue or an post?
Thanks for the reply IrishSeeds, no problem, I've also heard a few bad reviews about some of their products...

I was just wondering, how safe is it to order seeds from yourselfs to an Irish address? I'm considering placing an order but have been chicken'ing out...
Have your guys customers ever had any hasstle from the boys in blue or an post?
nothing they can do, cannabis seeds are perfectly legal
Whats the craic lads any of you know where I can get some good grow equipment in Dublin or near enough. Maybe 1000w lumatek ballasts, decent hoods like hydrofarms radiant aircooled reflectors, rhino filters, etc.

Plant the seed and free the weed.
No offense dude but theres LOADS! "Grow shop dublin/ireland" is a good Google shot. Loads of others in this thread, Id recommend from personal experience, but I dont think they have 1000w ballasts on the site. I think most people in large ops use 600w but more of them to be honest. They're the most efficient lamps and if you've more smaller lamps (as opposed to an equal wattage in 1000w lamps) you'll have much more coverage meaning more overall light used (ie. 10x 600w's gives better coverage than 6x 1000w's and actually gives out more light). Just a thought, hope it helps.
Hey there Harrekin, ye dude I've checked all the Irish stores online mate but I thought I'd ask whether there were any good retail outlets in or around the Dublin area I hadn't heard about. I just got off the phone to bloomandgrow and they said they could order the Lumatek 1000w's from the UK for me so that's grand I can drop down to him and order them.The new 1000w lumateks are a great bit of kit with some pretty good features, they can run at 600w, 750w, 1000w, and superlumen (OVERDRIVE). Plus the dude at bloomandgrow said that multiple 1000w lumatek's are now more efficient than multiple 600w's. And I'll get some nice dense juicy buds running them babies in super lumen mode.

Plus the dude at bloomandgrow said that multiple 1000w lumatek's are now more efficient than multiple 600w's.

harrekins right on the 1000 v 600,

also quote related

well cabron. I TOTALLY agree with you on using 1k mh for veg. literally makes the best plants I have seen buy a long shot....t5ho are great for up to about 1.5feet but to really get max veg you need 600 or 1000 mh...

now I have to beg to differ on your ideas on 600 watt being inferieor to 1000..
if you do the math you can see that 600 watt are the most eficent... as most 600 watt hps can deliver 98,000 lumens and some of the new electronic ballast are even producing 118,000lumens with a new optimized bulb you can see thats fanastic lumens and plenty of penitration..

now compare that to the average 1000watt hps at 148,000 lumens , its easy to see that the 1000watt hps produces more...

the problem is that your using much more power. they draw in the range of 1275 wtts of energy to make that 1000watts output... plus the heat build up is alwasy an issue with 1000w....

no take into account a 600 watt using 705 watts energy total consumed power .

I have seen many optimized proffesional garndens that prefer to use 2 600 watts in place of 1 x 1000watt... when you comapre 2 x600 versus 1x1000watt the lumens output are undesputed...
2x 600wat =225,000lum...
where as the
1000 being only 145,000lumens...

2x 600wat power consumption = 1410w
1 x 10000watt power consumption = 1275w

so for a 135 watts more power used with 2 x 600 w your increasing your lumens output by a large factor . basically a 8% increase in power usage delivers a whopping 40% power output due to the major power efficiency of the 600watt systems...

the other advanatages are:
- less localized heat build up
- more spread out light source means better deliver of light for plants farther away
- overlapping of light paths which creates more grow foot print
- closer bulb to canopy placement which is a huge advantage due to penetration as light drops off half its lumens for ever foot traveled..

hope this helps you and others as it was somthing I learned many years ago..

The only disadvantage is that the set up cost is more as you need double the light equipment, 2x ballast bulb reflector etc.... but performance always cost

as for the overdrive, pic related,good but keep an eye on them

not an indoor grower myself , but planning the dream rooms;)

never knew there were 750 bulbs
itz got that bad iv resorted to solid, till my girls r ready. havent had brown in years.
only four weeks or so left happy dayzz.
y oh y cant i get a bit of nice green that dont sparkle
and doesent cost 450 an O.
booooooooo down wit dis sort of thing!
450 an oz, fuck me i thought those days were long gone. you should really be only paying 3-350 for decent shit, in south dublin anyway.
4 weeks is not 2 bad though, at least youll have some nice smoke next month stickey!!!!
also jingle they have the greenhouse seeds in that head shop behind the cb, still half price aswell i think.

those leds look nice only problem is getting your temps upto a reasonable level, seen a few nice grows with them though,
How Do Lads! I'm in Leinster here. My 1st grow and one of my first posts! great to hear there a a load of Paddys producing out there, get out and away from the criminality. I have pics on my Profile if you wanna look.
All AF, hydro, indoor. tell me what you think if you got time!

Go Raibh Mhait Agaibh!!!!

Nice!!!! I'm a first timer myself, just have the one plant growing but she's going good.

Day 28

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itz got that bad iv resorted to solid, till my girls r ready. havent had brown in years.
only four weeks or so left happy dayzz.
y oh y cant i get a bit of nice green that dont sparkle
and doesent cost 450 an O.
booooooooo down wit dis sort of thing!

I haven't had anything in months, brown or green :( Can't wait for my own girl to finish!!
Ye id agree with Lu, Some lovely Silver haze going round, 320 a zip..Very nice .
Lu whats the name of that place again, do they have a website......Been reading up on that Nevills haze, looks animal...Also havent posted any pics for a bit as they are just doing thier thing, will do in a couple of days or so...I have to say though both a still very short, was expecting a lot lot bigger