Must Watch T.V.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
There is a new show premiering on the National Geographic channel called, "Navajo Cops."

This is about the area that I live in and they talk about answering calls about Skinwalkers. If you want to watch the show, it will be airing at 8pm MST.

I grew up with one of them and I hope he is featured on the show. He used to tell me about the calls he had to go to about Skinwalkers that would make the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Spooky.
Aren't "skinwalkers" another term for shape shifters?

In other traditions, possibly. Navajo Skinwalkers are a complete different thing altogether. The skinwalkers portrayed in movies and shows don't even come close to what they actually represent because Navajos don't talk about it to strangers. That's why I'm telling people to watch the show. This is the first time they've actually talked about it in public.
In other traditions, possibly. Navajo Skinwalkers are a complete different thing altogether. The skinwalkers portrayed in movies and shows don't even come close to what they actually represent because Navajos don't talk about it to strangers. That's why I'm telling people to watch the show. This is the first time they've actually talked about it in public.

I always watch stuff like that. National Geo, TLC, History and Discovery channel are the channels I watch the most.
I will definitely check out "Navajo Cops."
Wait..what are skin walkers? Enlighten me??

They are the antithesis of everything Navajo Spirituality represents. The way of the Navajo is called Hozho Naasha or The Way of Beauty. The word Hozho has no translation in English. It means Harmony/Balance/Beauty all rolled up into one. The skinwalkers practice the opposite of this and do everything they can to destroy hozho. They have certain gifts that come with being a skinwalkers. They can jam guns, stall cars, make you immobile, make you sick, kill you, run as fast as car doing about 60, they can assume the form of certain nocturnal animals by wearing their skins but maintain human intelligence. Hence the term skinwalkers.

They perform Navajo healing ceremonies backwards and can curse bones and other items which they can transfer under your skin causing you to become ill or even kill you. They are also said to be able to "sing" corpses out of the ground and pervert them. They then grind the body parts/bones into what is called corpse powder. They blow it on you with a small bone tube which can kill you. Traditional Navajo carry the antidote in their Jish (small bag worn around the neck) and it must be administered immediately.

They can do a bunch of other things that I don't feel comfortable talking about after dark. They are said to know when you're talking about them and it can solicit of visit.
There is a new show premiering on the National Geographic channel called, "Navajo Cops."

This is about the area that I live in and they talk about answering calls about Skinwalkers. If you want to watch the show, it will be airing at 8pm MST.

I grew up with one of them and I hope he is featured on the show. He used to tell me about the calls he had to go to about Skinwalkers that would make the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Spooky.

Do you know if the younger generation still believe in "skinwalkers" or is it just the elders? This is one show I don't want to miss, thanks.
Definitely watching the show too, if for nothing else than to be amazed at what hysteria can do to a community. I remember fearing ghosts, La LLorona and the Chupacabra as a kid.
Definitely watching the show too, if for nothing else than to be amazed at what hysteria can do to a community. I remember fearing ghosts, La LLorona and the Chupacabra as a kid.

It's not a myth. They are as real as you or I. I don't know about the "supernatural gifts" but I have seen them on several occasions and they scare the living shit out of me.

So these people actually believe they are skinwalkers? That's a sign of a psycopath and reason enough to be cautious.

Amen, brother. Amen. To become a skinwalker you have to kill a loved one, a child or a holy person (what white folks call a medicine man).
Pretty creepy dude in that there picture for sure mhmm...

I must've missed the show though, how was it?
Yeah, like Hollywood gets anything right. :p

I really enjoyed the program. Most of it was filmed not far from my house. I live between Farmington and Shiprock and recognized all of the landmarks. I wish they would have elaborated more on the skinwalkers but I'm really surprised they said as much as they did. Great show.