Osama Is Not Dead!He's On An Aircraft Carrier Being Treated As He Should Be..

Yep no inconsitencies there, or if there are you think it's unimportant? I wasted my time because you have your opinion, and you're going to stick with it no matter what evidence proves otherwise and no matter what the consequences are in believing a lie.

That's your choice, good day sir.

Mentions explosives and their strategic locations??????????????? Weren't we told there we no explosives, just plane crashes? Do you think some idiot extremist in a 3rd world country could bypass even the world trade center security on this kind of level? Also says he gave us info that helped us find biological weapons. That's a lie too, we never found any wmd's anywhere.


Nope nothing questionable at all. Whoever it was, or whichever one it was, we got him! Yea team!
Whenever the CIA or Homeland security or even the freakin FBI is involved there is some shit that we will just never know.....So to say it is one way or the other by someone who doesn't really know is what leads to these little pissing matches......Honestly I think if we really knew the full truth about every questionable event in the last 50 years....Not so sure that would be a good thing at all. Would society collapse? Chaos? Anarchy? No thanks I am at a crucial stage in my 5 year plan and no FTW contingency plan in place LOL...
Whenever the CIA or Homeland security or even the freakin FBI is involved there is some shit that we will just never know.....So to say it is one way or the other by someone who doesn't really know is what leads to these little pissing matches......Honestly I think if we really knew the full truth about every questionable event in the last 50 years....Not so sure that would be a good thing at all. Would society collapse? Chaos? Anarchy? No thanks I am at a crucial stage in my 5 year plan and no FTW contingency plan in place LOL...

I believe that Bush didn't know that 9/11 was going to happen, but he did know bin Laden couldn't have done it on his own. Everyone should know that Israel spies on the USA constantly. Israel blatantly attacked a US ship in the late 60's and LBJ did nothing. LBJ also concocted the false flag operation on the Sea of Tonkin to catapult the US into the VN war, causing deaths of over 50,000 troops. LBJ was a scum bag that is rotting in hell.
Hate only breeds more hate.
It's sad to see people celebrating over someones death no matter what that person did or not do.
Wars put the burden on many for the profit of a select group and it is this way because we are what we are.
The world is in its current state because we humans are what we are.
BBC - "people still dont believe OBL is dead"

Yeah...I know...."Liar, liar, pants on fire"..........I said I was "done" here. However, something has come to my attention that MUST be passed on............The Navy SEALS did their "thing" in Pakistan, and these folks watched:View attachment 1595275

But......Do you KNOW who THEY really are?????

Please observe and be truly informed:
View attachment 1595276

And........pooffff.................NOW I'm outta here.................ROFLMAO............BB
In case you guys haven't heard the taliban and al qeada both say he's dead as well as osama's daughter who said she seen her father shot in the face. As for the non lethal bullet crap, really? In a foriegn country on a raid for ubl someones going to have non lethal bullets, not going to happen. Nice try on the conspiracy theorists.


The Seal team went in with both types of weapons, lethal and non lethal according to the White House press release.
As for Oboma bin laden, I think he has been on ice for years. Although I dont believe anything the State and the mainstream media say or do. They can release pics from the deck of the USS Ronald Reagan of Osama swimming with the sharks and I would not believe it.
I'm not saying he's alive, I'm saying everything about this story and it's timing is bullshit. He was replaced once already somewhere between 04 and 07, you can find plenty of pictures online showing a new actor was put in place at some point. So likely died years ago.

Plus this one they just showed in video's released by the pentagon with him watching himself on tv is right handed, where as the real original was left handed.

Not to mention the story has changed 3 times already, and the media is going way way overboard to both ensure you it's real and he's dead and excuse no proof. The fact they claimed 99.9% dna match which is scientifically impossible in itself, or that even having his DNA to match to means we had him before and then let him go only to find him again just now.... Use your head.
lmfao!!!!!!!!! I used to do DNA testing and it is possible to get a 99.9% certainty of a match and you only need one relative's DNA as a reference to match it to. Obviously, the closer the relative the greater the certainty. Human beings all share 99.9% of the same DNA, so in essence we are all 99.9% related to one another. lol!bongsmilie
lmfao!!!!!!!!! I used to do DNA testing and it is possible to get a 99.9% certainty of a match and you only need one relative's DNA as a reference to match it to. Obviously, the closer the relative the greater the certainty. Human beings all share 99.9% of the same DNA, so in essence we are all 99.9% related to one another. lol!bongsmilie

The similarities between all humans are completely omitted in DNA matching and selection is based soley on 16 or so random segments that vary from person to person and which don't just mark us as all humans. 16 of 16 never match even in immediate family members they are consistantly different, but family members can share some of them. Even if you had 15 of 16 match, which is nearly impossible that's not ---anywhere near 99.9%---.

If what you say about yourself being in DNA testing were true, you would know this. This is DNA matching 101, the first thing you would have learned, the most basic and most important of facts which took me all of 10 minutes to learn and this is just going off memory having only read it once.

I'm not calling you a liar, but... Either you were the most incompetent DNA tester on the planet, or you intentionally tried to confuse people or... You lied!

All I did was look it up myself to confirm what people were saying about it being impossible and find out how it is impossible, and low and behold they are clearly right and I seem to know more than you do even though I am not and never was into DNA work professionally.

DNA evidence alone isn't even enough to convict someone in this country, it's only allowed to corroborate or strengthen a case based on other real evidence, which is one of the reasons why it's so hard to overturn a conviction with proof that DNA doesn't match after the fact.

When you can only differentiate billions of people based on 16 segments of DNA how many times are similarities going to occur that don't reflect it is even the same person or related even in the slightest at all? From what little I read it seems barely better than polygraph testing which is proven bullshit, but especially because it's so easy to cheat and fake evidence with DNA. Who can refute it but someone with money and resources for independant testing, not to mention how easy it is to plant since people can steal your DNA at any time from any number of sources, but our country absolutely loves it's convictions. And in this case nobody can refute shit because we don't have the DNA do we, we just are told it matched.

Now knowing all this and knowing how simple math works it is clearly *** completely scientifically impossible*** to have a 99.9% match. 16/16th's is not 99.9% and 15/16th's is not 99.9% either.

There is nothing that would be 99.9%. can't.

That proves it's all a lie, and just saying 99.9% match would get any case thrown out of court in an absolute heartbeat.

We have a hard on to fill prisons and convict anyone, even if it's not the right person, just to make it look good on a prosecutor or judges record or get a kickback from a for profit prison or get re-elected or keep the black man down or make people feel safe or closure or something.

I heard a joke that obama's the only black man that has to actually work to convince people he killed someone. I found that funny.

Another obama joke would be that DNA is usually used to convict black men, not get them re-elected.

The way your response is worded it's somewhere around 85% likely you are an ape or monkey or chimp or your momma got loved up by a gorilla, or 99.9% likely you yourself are osama if how you evaluated DNA were true. In that case I claim the reward for his capture, and point the finger straight at you. And I want them to shoot to kill and dump your body right away too, so my reward can't be denied by finding you innocent in court later.

I know you're going to say you were just joking or whatever, but you made it seem as if you knew what you were talking about and claimed to have knowlege in the subject...

EVERYONE!......very carefully BACK away from the crazy person, and quickly now,
RUN, RUN for your life.....
It's gonna BLOW!

Come on. I can't believe no one else is saying this other than the Militany Muslim groups.

Think about it. a HUGE team of seals, arguably the the best fighting group in the world. Certainly trained to SHIT!

Your telling me that they wouldnt have gone into that house with some form of Non lethal weapontry (one guy in the group.. incase a kid pops up around the corner) & one again, your telling me they couldnt have hit him with tranquilizer darts (or some form of.. you can imagine they have some pretty neat shit to choose from) & got him out of there.

I really believe there's more than a chance that he is on an aircraft carrier somewhere with a cattle prod up his ass singing like a canary.

I could be wrong. But I promise, if they WANTED to get someone out of there alive it would have happened.

There is the argument that they HAD to kill him, not take him alive because of the poilitical backlash or something. But that;s the same reason they would cover up his actual capture.

Myself, I hope they have him in a cave with lsd & some really shitty stobe lights & he;s beggin for momma. Fuck water boarding. You put a drill bit in a guys elbow he;s gonna chat about anything you want.

I suspect they are getting as much info out of him as possible THEN he will be fish food. If he IS alive, there is NO way he is ever going to see the light of day again. And I;m ok with that :)

Usoma is probably alive but Osama is definitely dead.
I did think it was weird that they gave Osama a water burial in the ocean. I mean why? So he wouldn't be a martyr? So there wouldn't be a backlash? That shit was gonna happen either way. The didn't mind showing Saddam's sons and they're shit compared to Osama. I don't know it is a little weird.
The similarities between all humans are completely omitted in DNA matching and selection is based soley on 16 or so random segments that vary from person to person and which don't just mark us as all humans. 16 of 16 never match even in immediate family members they are consistantly different, but family members can share some of them. Even if you had 15 of 16 match, which is nearly impossible that's not ---anywhere near 99.9%---.

If what you say about yourself being in DNA testing were true, you would know this. This is DNA matching 101, the first thing you would have learned, the most basic and most important of facts which took me all of 10 minutes to learn and this is just going off memory having only read it once.

I'm not calling you a liar, but... Either you were the most incompetent DNA tester on the planet, or you intentionally tried to confuse people or... You lied!

All I did was look it up myself to confirm what people were saying about it being impossible and find out how it is impossible, and low and behold they are clearly right and I seem to know more than you do even though I am not and never was into DNA work professionally.

DNA evidence alone isn't even enough to convict someone in this country, it's only allowed to corroborate or strengthen a case based on other real evidence, which is one of the reasons why it's so hard to overturn a conviction with proof that DNA doesn't match after the fact.

When you can only differentiate billions of people based on 16 segments of DNA how many times are similarities going to occur that don't reflect it is even the same person or related even in the slightest at all? From what little I read it seems barely better than polygraph testing which is proven bullshit, but especially because it's so easy to cheat and fake evidence with DNA. Who can refute it but someone with money and resources for independant testing, not to mention how easy it is to plant since people can steal your DNA at any time from any number of sources, but our country absolutely loves it's convictions. And in this case nobody can refute shit because we don't have the DNA do we, we just are told it matched.

Now knowing all this and knowing how simple math works it is clearly *** completely scientifically impossible*** to have a 99.9% match. 16/16th's is not 99.9% and 15/16th's is not 99.9% either.

There is nothing that would be 99.9%. can't.

That proves it's all a lie, and just saying 99.9% match would get any case thrown out of court in an absolute heartbeat.

We have a hard on to fill prisons and convict anyone, even if it's not the right person, just to make it look good on a prosecutor or judges record or get a kickback from a for profit prison or get re-elected or keep the black man down or make people feel safe or closure or something.

I heard a joke that obama's the only black man that has to actually work to convince people he killed someone. I found that funny.

Another obama joke would be that DNA is usually used to convict black men, not get them re-elected.

The way your response is worded it's somewhere around 85% likely you are an ape or monkey or chimp or your momma got loved up by a gorilla, or 99.9% likely you yourself are osama if how you evaluated DNA were true. In that case I claim the reward for his capture, and point the finger straight at you. And I want them to shoot to kill and dump your body right away too, so my reward can't be denied by finding you innocent in court later.

I know you're going to say you were just joking or whatever, but you made it seem as if you knew what you were talking about and claimed to have knowlege in the subject...


See, I can use really huge, bold font too! Dude, you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. First off, no method of identification can ever be 100% certain, ok? Is DNA infallible? Of course not. Properly conducted DNA testing is VERY reliable though. I realize the testing isn't conducted on the 99.9% of the DNA which is shared by most other mammals. The technology is rapidly evolving and there are several different techniques used for DNA profiling. Not just the DNA evidence is examined in any case, is this a fair assumption? Assuming the investigation is accurate and honest to the degree it can be, we have intel which led us to a courier. We linked a real name somehow with said courier. Said courier was tracked to this compound in Abbotabod which I'm assuming was heavily surveilled. Osama was evidently easily recognized by the SEALs, don't ask how, I wasn't there. They used facial recognition technology based on the numerous photographs and videos compiled by the CIA. They used a reference sample, most likely from one of his numerous living relatives which isn't a fanatic to match his DNA too. Which technique they used I can't say either. You are making assumptions based on what exactly? Something you read on a conspiracy blog? Please dude! Get over yourself! I have no idea whether this person was Osama Bin Ladin, but supposedly the surviving wives have admitted it was him. Evidently, the Taliban and Al Quaida both have admitted he's dead. With the mountain of evidence presented before them they are saying they are 99.9% certain that the person the SEALs took out and subsequently identified through various modern, scientific means, as well as good old fashioned detective work (intelligence gathering notwithstanding. lol!) was Osama Bin Ladin. Here is a link for you to peruse at your leisure. If you can't keep a somewhat civil tone with me, I will happily disengage from this debate with you. :evil:

"I realize the testing isn't conducted on the 99.9% of the DNA which is shared by most other mammals."

That's not what you said originally, not even close. I was upset because what you said was wrong. I got my information on how DNA testing is done from a medical site online googling DNA matching and how it applies to the law. I don't ever accept either side of any story, not conspiracy theorists side or the governments, I research them myself and listen to both sides and see what could be true and what couldn't.

I watched obama in his first broadcast and when people cheered outside the white house after he said one thing, then watched the story change the next day, then again the next, didn't just take conspiracy theorists word for it that it changed. It did change. Why is that? Didn't he say he watched the whole thing live and led the whole operation or at least set it up himself? He's not a stupid guy, and I don't see him as having a memory problem so bad he couldn't remember one of the single most important events during his presidency.

I shouldn't have yelled with bold fonts, buy you pissed me off completely dismissing my accurate claim which I took the time to investigate on my own with your innacurate info and a claimed experience in the subject.

The rest of what you just typed deflects the subject back to hearsay and worse. So someone says a relative says, a relative we could torture with the patriot act who is under the custody of some not too nice people who also torture and kill at will. A courier said to someone in government, and they said something to the media, and the media repeated it to us, and they supposedly used facial recognition to match a guy who's face has changed twice at least on us already etc. Wow that's all really convincing stuff

There's nothing to debate when there are no facts and no evidence. It's not just hearsay, actually worse it's third and fourth party and worse hearsay, possibly under diress without even the words out of the original peoples mouths on screen to verify proper translation from people with a vested interest in deceiving you.

Facts can be debated and the fact is the official story has changed 3 times already, and claims were made that are impossible.

If I'm wrong and everyone else questioning it is wrong that 99% is not mathematically possible, show me how with the math based on the number of DNA segments used in testing, or don't. We are both wasting our time here if you aren't open to the possibility it's all bullshit.
the point is there evidence is not good enough, they killed him and threw his body to sea 2 weeks ago what? they lie constantly, they got caught lying like hundreds of times about this osama bin laden fable really their story is full of so many holes. How convenient this happens right after this birth certificate shit, right after they demonize conspiracy theorist really?

I love your sources doc , the cia, the military, the main stream media, people who are paid to follow orders and protect their employers interest, great sources, ya lets just take their word for it. If I was one of those NAVY Seals I wouldn't say shit, Oh the "numerous videos compiled by the CIA" these must be accurate totally not a psy-op of sorts, yea they totally would tell 100% truth. on a subject which is a patsy of their own agency or at least a subject which is of great interest to them, they are totally unbiased regarding osama bin laden(sarcasm)

Case closed, they said its trued, they said they got the dnas, some people wrote some reports for their boss(that read like a tom clancy novel), the bloody glove out the bronco, it must be true they said it. Marijuana is also highly addictive dangerous drug and should be classified on schedule 1 with heroin. I got a prediction for you to come back and think of this when it happens, they are going to say that they found among the documents the plans for the 9/11 attack, mark my words, 8:53AM Saturday May 14, they admited yesterday they found the new terrorist list and target list with obama as a target, baseball cards of terrorist, the next boogy men, its like theater.

As we say on the internet "Pics or it didn't happen" lol