Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems


Well-Known Member
I came across this neat little list that can probably help a lot of people out. If you like it check my post in the General area...I need some help!

Quick Deficiency Guide

Nitrogen: Entire plant is light green in color; lower leaves are yellow; growth is stunted....

Phosphorous: Entire plant is bluish-green, often developing a red or purpleish cast; lower leaves may be yellow, drying to a greenish-brown to black color; growth may be stunted...

Potassium: Leaves have a papery appearance; dead areas along the edges of leaves; growth is stunted...

Magnesium: Lower leaves turn yellow along the tips and margin and between the veins; the lower leaves wilt...

Calcium: Young stems and new leaves die...

Zinc: Leaf tissue between the veins is lighter in color; yellowed; papery in appearance...

Iron: Leaf tissue appears yellow, while the veins remain green...

Copper: Leaf edges appear dark green or blue; leaf edges curl upward; young leaves permanently wilt...

Sulfur: Young leaves turn pale green, while the older leaves remain green; plant is stunted and spindly...

Mananese: Growth is stunted; lower leaves have a checkered pattern of yellow and green...

Molybdenum: Leaves are stunted, pale green, and malformed...

Boron: Young leaves are scorched at tips and margins...
OK here is a start of some links........
THE MARIJUANA GROWER'S Mel Frank & Ed Rosenthal
This is some of Ed Rosenthals book...good read

International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!
One of the better sick plant guides I've come across

Cannabis Nutrient and Deficiency Table
This one is definately in the wrong area...I was on this site for over a month before I used it.

I'll update this list as I find more usefull info
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Cool post the other link to the cannagraphic forums is good stuff too. Anyone know how much epsom salt should I use for foliar feeding?
edit: my bad stupid question.