Ok, So My Dream Setup was a Nightmare. Time for Plan F


Well-Known Member
ok.. i have a 1000w, easy cool hood 6", 6" 424 cfm fan.

I tried to setup in a bathroom and vent the 6" inline out the bathroom exhaust. No bueno, hit temps up to 90 degrees.. so i tried venting it into the bedroom, temp went to 86, but jesus that fan is loud and it was hard to sleep.

so plan F comes.

I am going to frame out a 4x4 grow "tent" and line the walls with 6 mil poly in my spare bedroom. I am going to run the 1000w with the fan exhausting hot air into the bedroom. I am then going to add a 10000 btu window style AC unit into the tent, then exhaust that in the bedroom also. I completely built out my bathroom just to have it fail, so i figured i would ask some opinions. See attached preschooler drawing! :wall::wall::wall:


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just sounds like a way to big bulb and a way to noise fan with no air intake but the tent think looks better
Icanuse some type of passive intake system.. i saw a few ways u can make a passive intake and still have it light proof.. but i mean if i need to get a duct fan and cut a 4 or 6in hole for duct fan im not opposed.. Im not on an uber budget or anything but i already have the 1k light and fan... dont really care about noise so much as temps.. I jsut cant vent the 424 fan into living space because it is WAY too loud.. sounds like an airplane :) so if i vent the inline fan for lights out into the bedroom the tent is in, and the ac into the living space, i should be ok on noise.

i can add also, that if absolutely needed, i can make the tent bigger.. 4x4 just fits perfect with still be able to use the room as an office.
Thats pretty much how I have the tent in one of my spare rooms but I exhaust through the roof now. at first it was venting into the room. when I closed the bedroom door the hot exhaust air just built up in the room and heated up the tent eventually! Noise being your complaint you dont want to leave the door open and heat the rest of your house as well and the a/c exhaust is going to be really hot air so it will super heat the bedroom and and veg closet then the flower room will just get got again! you need to vent that outside or through the roof as well!
why do you need 1000w for 4x4 space? thats the only thing i can think of lol

for good bud production! a 1000 in a 4x4 is nothing! the first two to three weeks of flower in my 4x4 tent I have a 1000 hps and throw a 400 or 600w mh in as well to help with the stretch (which ever isn't being used at the time) then just back to the 1000. I have way more light hanging up in my rooms and tent than the room needs but dont always run it. More light is better!
hhahah but thats 2x what you need! too much heat bro! ive seen faaaaaaaat nugs in a 4x4 tent with a 450. do you just only have a 1000w? a
to much heat all depends on how your set up is! I can rest my hand on my hoods as long as I want. the top or the glass bottom!
If I wanted I could leave the 1000 at the top of the tent and never worry about adjusting anything instead of hanging a 400 right on top of them! the light being right on top of them and adjusting all the time is a pain!
Yeah I have an intake! I use a duct fan and passive intake with bent ducting! My brand new intake fan stopped working and I had to make a quick fix fan for a bit! I posted it somewhere in the diy section! I didn't mention intake just because I'm high and didn't think to talk about his intake. LOL!
so for the intake! Intakes are a lot easier than exhaust! once you figure out how you want to vent your room it is pretty easy to get some ducting and make a couple passive intakes just put a s bend or 2 bends in the ducting to stop the light and or get a fan setup also with ducting so that you can stop the light! Intake bottom/ exhaust top! except when I run the a/c it blows from the top, so it cools the air up top and the hot air as it rises through the a/c air.
well somethings wrong then, do you have an intake fan? theres no mention of it. ive never seen 4x4 grown with a 1000w, so iguess youd know better, im just sayin.

That is my biggest problem trying to help people! get to talking about just the things they are talking about and forget to bring up the rest some times! he did mention earlier that he was going to set up a passive intake so I knew he knew he had to have one!
I will probably make the space 5x5. I will have to figure out how to vent the ac because the vent would be going to the absolute front of my house.. if u walk to my door u are within 6 inches of the exhaust.. thats the prob with exhauusting outside, roof.. well would it just go into the subfloor? i live in atwo story town home with the room being in the bedroom downstairs.!
i run 1000w per m2 in my old room same air system though temps stayed around the same as i got them now

this room im running 6 x 400w (400w/0.8m2) in a 2.4 x 1.7 room. ducted air in, 2 osc fans in room, 2 x can max 1000 carbon filters with can fans exhausting into the room. temps stay around 24-27oC an 17-19 lights out.
A lot of people have the a/c vents in the window during summer. unless it is obvious you have central air people shouldn't question. or move the grow upstairs.