Questions on Everyone's Mind: What Would You Do?


Well-Known Member
R.I.U. community ive been apart of this familly for a while now and ive done a few grows ,im by know means an expert,...nor would i say im a novice,.....lets just say i know enough......i browse the forum a lot give and help and get it where i can......ive recently ran into a problem with my better half about (of all things) growing ,....and the arguement made me dedcide to start this thread,..... while a lot people either have a growers license of some incredable james bond ,incognito, G-14 CLASSIFIED set-up,..most of us dont !!!! what i would like to do is start a tread for people with any ideas about improving your GROW OPERATION while keeping the electrical cost and anthing that draws attention to a minimal ...about designing setups that are stealty and at the same time energy effecient and produce decent yields(1 to 1 and 1/2 pounds)....any ideas about lighting, conservation,..techniques,.....strains that accomodate,..stories or imput about this problem are more than welcome,.....LADIES and GENTLEMEN ....let hear what you have to say!!!:!::!::!:
Install "frosty skylights in above your grow area" and plug your ballasts into a photocell controller than goes on at dusk
I run 2 600 hps in a 5x5 Jardin tent with co2, minimal plant count and a simple scrubber. 8 inch fan to pull plenty of air! I pull well over a lb effortlessly. Simple nothing fancy or crazy and still maxin the harvest out!!!
I run 2 600 hps in a 5x5 Jardin tent with co2, minimal plant count and a simple scrubber. 8 inch fan to pull plenty of air! I pull well over a lb effortlessly. Simple nothing fancy or crazy and still maxin the harvest out!!!

indipow82 im loving the idea,....thats the reason why i started this thread thats set up sounds perfect,...i was running a aquamist with two 600 watt h.p.s ,..along with a couple of other things but it was showing on the eletric bill, girl started to get parinoid after she read an article about some one in the town getting bumped with a few pounds, im looking for anything thats works well but dosent leave a power comsumption signature,......dose your set up leave any dents in your eletric bill????
Hi, I had the same issues to some extent with my partner, Bitching about the risks continuously, So i made a stealth grow using CFL`S, My setup wont pull that much off a plant but its well hidden and quiet. You never know it might give you some inspiration :)

Day 2 - 1212 - 9.jpg
A Recirculating DWC system and a 600W HPS hooked to a solar panel would run for almost nothing and under the radar for years. You should take a look at them, they go for like 12 grand for 4kW, giving you enough power for an AC and other stuff.
masp84- For real that is all it costs?? And that supplies you with 4kW p/hour to run on? Sorry to sound stupid but I am really interested and could use some knowledge on the subject as Ima new to solar.
Hi, I had the same issues to some extent with my partner, Bitching about the risks continuously, So i made a stealth grow using CFL`S, My setup wont pull that much off a plant but its well hidden and quiet. You never know it might give you some inspiration :)

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belesar great idea bro,......set looks clean and efficient,.......i just may give your design some thought i may need a little more in term of a yield tho,...thnx!!!
I live in a warm climate and my best investment by far was a mini split A/C with inverter technology. The old window unit ran twice as long with twice the amperage. Knocked $80 a month off my electrical cost. Down sides are initial cost ($1200 for the A/C and $400 for install) and had to stop growing and turn my grow room into hobby room so A/C tech wouldn't be suspicious.
hogatech you just tipped me to something new what are frosty sky lights!!!

They are skylights that are semi transparent. if you hook it up to a photocell outlet it will only power on your lights at dusk. utilizing mother nature until you need it. They sell these semi transparent green domes that look like water heaters in eureka that are 8 ft tall for that very purpose. and their green for helicopters flying over.
if you are reasonable about your normal use of electricity, a 600 watt light wont bump your electric bill up to a point where it looks suspicious. compare your bill w/ a few neighbors/friends in the same size house/apartments & you will see.-if you are over 50% higher than everyone else,you might have reason to worry.
just get the kids to turn off the various TV's, computers, computer games, heating appliances, lights and all the other electricity wasting gadgets around the house, become nudists to cut down on the endless washer,tumble dryer, and ironing costs, or you could run the lights during the day so the worry about light leaks is gone,
or buy a generator and compressor, and pretend you are a noisy diy fanatic with OCD. the best thing would be to keep schtum.
Ususally if you don't want to pay a huge monthly electric bill, your initial costs are a bit higher.
Like, LED's and T5's will probably solve all your problems electricity wise, but then again...LED's...
I don't like them, but apparently a lot of people are getting results som you might wanna look into
the newer ones. There's also a new (not really new but new) technology that is getting a good reputation;
Plasma Lights.
I have no idea what they are, or if they're more efficient than HID's but the one I saw only had two little LED looking light ports and this was pulling WEIGHT!
Here's the link. I honestly haven't seen plants so pretty and effortless. I mean if you look through the pictures, his space is pretty damn big, and he's covering it easily and still pulling heavy kholas, with one light

Then there's ScroG. Some people area fraid to try it but if you could see the yeild it produces with a good strain, you;d be sold. It's incredibly simple. Here's a thread of a guy pulling an elbow off one plant with one 400w light, using ScroG.

Here is a very simple method for learning how to ScroG. He explains it well and it's really that simple.

This way, you could keep you current set up and get an even BIGGER harvest. But truthfully, the reason I bring up ScroG to you is because scrog was invented for people with small lights. Scrog is perfect for T5 fluoros and CFL's because you can have the lights up to an incha away from the top of the plants.
The point of a scrog is to create an even canopy so that the light can be as close as humanly possible, making buds denser, and thereby, increase yeild way WAY more that if you just let the plant grow naturally (without topping or lst tho you can do both with ScroG).
If you have your heart set on downgrading your grow. Seriously consider ScroG.
Ususally if you don't want to pay a huge monthly electric bill, your initial costs are a bit higher.
Like, LED's and T5's will probably solve all your problems electricity wise, but then again...LED's...
I don't like them, but apparently a lot of people are getting results som you might wanna look into
the newer ones. There's also a new (not really new but new) technology that is getting a good reputation;
Plasma Lights.
I have no idea what they are, or if they're more efficient than HID's but the one I saw only had two little LED looking light ports and this was pulling WEIGHT!
Here's the link. I honestly haven't seen plants so pretty and effortless. I mean if you look through the pictures, his space is pretty damn big, and he's covering it easily and still pulling heavy kholas, with one light

Then there's ScroG. Some people area fraid to try it but if you could see the yeild it produces with a good strain, you;d be sold. It's incredibly simple. Here's a thread of a guy pulling an elbow off one plant with one 400w light, using ScroG.

Here is a very simple method for learning how to ScroG. He explains it well and it's really that simple.

This way, you could keep you current set up and get an even BIGGER harvest. But truthfully, the reason I bring up ScroG to you is because scrog was invented for people with small lights. Scrog is perfect for T5 fluoros and CFL's because you can have the lights up to an incha away from the top of the plants.
The point of a scrog is to create an even canopy so that the light can be as close as humanly possible, making buds denser, and thereby, increase yeild way WAY more that if you just let the plant grow naturally (without topping or lst tho you can do both with ScroG).
If you have your heart set on downgrading your grow. Seriously consider ScroG.

whats good beans,.....yeah im felling you on the screen of green technique,...ive used it not big on t5's of cfl's or led's even though theres a new 600 watts led out now thats i hear is giving the h.p.s and halide's a run for there money ...i did a test grow with one white widow under a couple of 125 cfl's just to see,....(istead of listening to what everone says find out for my self)...and the bud was okay,.....but it was just okay.......i used the same white widow seeds from nirviana an a aquamist areoponic system under 2 600 watt h.p.s and the shit had me laying on the floor staring at the ceiling ,listening to the same song on repeat for 3 hours , girl came in and was like ...........that shit's rotting your brain!!!!...LOL!!! by no means knocking anyone who use t5's of hid, or cfl's to each is it's own,...but thats why i started this tread beacause i had to stop using the aquamist sytem beacause we moved and i dont have the space also i wanted to hear some of our everyday ppl ideas on doing decent grow(decent yields) under everyday conditions..........great imput on the scrog idea
just get the kids to turn off the various TV's, computers, computer games, heating appliances, lights and all the other electricity wasting gadgets around the house, become nudists to cut down on the endless washer,tumble dryer, and ironing costs, or you could run the lights during the day so the worry about light leaks is gone,
or buy a generator and compressor, and pretend you are a noisy diy fanatic with OCD. the best thing would be to keep schtum. funny.......the nudist idea isnt a bad idea tho.........i tell my homegirl one of us will have to become nudists to even out the electrical cost.....but it cant be me beacause i have to work,...she'll have take one for the team
A Recirculating DWC system and a 600W HPS hooked to a solar panel would run for almost nothing and under the radar for years. You should take a look at them, they go for like 12 grand for 4kW, giving you enough power for an AC and other stuff.

masp whats good yeah thats a good idea and while im probably shure the panels would probably pay for themselves overtime,....12k for a setup running only 600 watts is a little steep, im trying to give ideas to the everyday grower that are reasonable,...........great idea tho!!!
okay fellas, we"ve had a breaktrough. so my ole lady comes in the house and say's the sweetes words us growers will ever hear........"baby how much will it cost for you to set up a grow room how you want it '???...............after the heavens opend , angels played harps , volcanos erupted ,..fireworks popped,.........A SMALL TEAR CAME TO MY EYE .........and with all the strenth i could muster i mentally told the tear "YOU BETTA GET BACK IN MY EYE"....and as calm and as cool as ever with my best poker face i looked at her and said..............HOW MUCH DO WE HAVE TO SPARE!!!!!
$12,000 for a 4kw solar system setup? Are you kidding me? for $12,000 I could get enough Do it your self solar cells to do almost a 10kw solar system and buy the stuff needed to have a complete solar system setup. The key to a solar system is wieing up the batteries right to store alot of Amp Hours and the solar panels to charge them properly. if you brake it up right you can get a bigger solar setup then if you had a big single combined one.

#1 rule in solar is make sure your solar system can store more then enough Amp hours then your going to use.
#2 rule make sure you can keep each battery bank system charged with as little solar panels needed.
#3 rule don't use an inverter that is rated at say 2,000w when you will only be using around 500w or w/e. Always use inverters that is a bit higher then what your going to be using to reduce the wasted power that isn't getting used.