First Grow Tips

I'm gonna star growing and I need some tips to hav to start it up. I'm gonna be growing white widow, straight purp, lemon kush and northern lights. Thanks


Active Member
Why are there like 3 of these at least a day? There are stickies for a reason. People really need to learn the Internet.

newb weed grower

Active Member
hmm ok
start by germinating where youll stick your seeds in a papertowel until tap roots show normally like 2 to 5 days
then just water them when necesary not alot too much love will kill them dead
like once every two days or so is normally good
depending on how small your container is youl need to transplant after about 3 weeks or so
which is when i normally give mine nutes high in nitrogen
and you would start that a 1/8 strength when you do that youll notice a nice green color tiny bit darker on newly grown leaves
then just water when it wants u to and grow it like a plant lol
i was gonna go into real detail but u have jondamon who i learned most of what i know from and the rest of riu
if u stay in riu and read as much info as u can youll find yourself becoming quite the exspert
stick to the stickies like kizzurt said
oh not that itl make a huge diff but i grow by cfls
and a little newb advice stay away from the following
miracle grow
incandescent bulbs
and your cat which will happilly mall your plant for u
hope i was of help or at least a laugh
see yah next time riu