Sir, I understand you better now; you’re the same dude that found it odd that anyone, would hate the act of homosexuality. You’re found on p.42, (people knocking on your door), right below this thread, trying to convenience a young man that homosexual acts are considered normal and shouldn‘t make him feel repulsed.
As I said before, no one should explain to another, why homosexuality is a creepy thought. You should already know that!!
Listen carefully "deviant", just because Klosetman, Padawanbater and yourself find it okay or normal for a man to stick his penis in another man’s ass doesn’t mean that most condone this act or find it okay. Most find it sickening.
So, there you go, you Klosetman and Padwanbater are in the wrong thread!!
but now that you've heard me, i'll let the subject rest.
Keep in mind, you've claimed to leave several times as well.
^^^context: This is Klosetman talking to Heisenberg.
I'm sorry, but I just can't resist LOL . . . This has to be the funniest shit on the net.
Keep trying buddy,but we have showed you that your petty religion will no longer divide 'us'.
And so when the thread gets no attention he struggles and casts his lure over and over until sure enough he gets more bites. KK can't seem to resist the bait and allows the griefer to successfully reel in his catch.
Sounds like your already divided. Time to move in for the Kill. See what happens when a boy wonders into the Lyons' Den.
If homosexuality is so benevolent, gay and normal, why is it that they can't procreate?
Please, no smoke & mirrors.
Someone only has to think about this question for 10 seconds to see the error contained within. What we have here is another statement that has had enough thought put into it to cause emotion, but not enough thought to determine if the question is valid.
After 10 seconds thought it should occur to someone, homosexuals are able to procreate.
After 20 seconds thought it should occur to someone that if we condemn acts which do not lead to procreation, then we must include, masturbation, oral sex, condom use, pulling out, ect.
So either BB is a virgin or else his sexual encounters have always led to pregnancy...or hes a hypocrite.
If BB puts less than 10 seconds thought into his own posts, how much time do you think he spends on others? This sort of critical thought, the act of thinking the idea through and exploring it's implications, is what BB calls smoke and mirrors; dodging.
BB's posts can have some value. He does a great job of demonstrating logical fallacies. It's been pointed out how he uses ad hominem attacks and red herrings. I wonder, can anyone pick out a much more subtle form of ad hominem attack called 'poisoning the well'?
Poisoning the well (or attempting to poison the well) is a logical fallacy where adverse information about a target is pre-emptively presented to an audience, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing everything that the target person is about to say.
Hes used it many times but perhaps it is too boring to go back and find it. No worries, I am sure he will commit this and other fallacies in future posts since he can't seem to understand why fallacies are invalid. Perhaps when this thread is finished it can be printed out and used for a critical thinking class. (I know mine could have used new material)
EDIT: Nice plant in your avatar KlosetKing by the way, it smoke up nice?
Someone only has to think about this question for 10 seconds to see the error contained within. This is both a flawed premise and a flawed conclusion. What we have here is another statement that has had enough thought put into it to cause emotion, but not enough thought to determine if the question is valid.
After 10 seconds thought it should occur to someone, homosexuals are able to procreate.
After 20 seconds thought it should occur to someone that if we condemn acts which do not lead to procreation, then we must include, masturbation, oral sex, condom use, pulling out, ect.
So following his own logic, either BB is a virgin who's never masturbated or else his sexual encounters have always led to pregnancy...or hes a hypocrite.
If BB puts less than 10 seconds thought into his own posts, how much time do you think he spends on others? This sort of critical thought, the act of thinking the idea through and exploring it's implications, is what BB calls smoke and mirrors; dodging.
BB's posts can have some value. He does a great job of demonstrating logical fallacies. It's been pointed out how he uses ad hominem attacks and red herrings. I wonder, can anyone pick out a much more subtle form of ad hominem attack called 'poisoning the well'?
Poisoning the well (or attempting to poison the well) is a logical fallacy where adverse information about a target is pre-emptively presented to an audience, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing everything that the target person is about to say.
Hes used it many times but perhaps it is too boring to go back and find it. No worries, I am sure he will commit this and other fallacies in future posts since he can't seem to understand why fallacies are invalid. Perhaps when this thread is finished it can be printed out and used for a critical thinking class. (I know mine could have used new material)
As I said, debating him is useless, but perhaps we can use the opportunity to actually teach some people about critical thinking. The beauty is, we don't actually have to respond directly to him and yet the fallacies will still keep coming.
I just don't like the whole 1-2 sentences, double spacing thing....
You still haven't answered why priests, the holy ones of religion, seem to be homosexual pedophiles.If homosexuality is so benevolent, gay and normal, why is it that they can't procreate?
Please, no smoke & mirrors.
I just don't like the whole 1-2 sentences, double spacing thing....