Rookie Canna and Coco Grow. Lsd & Blue Mystic Led Style!


Active Member
What people? Not much here just making a little Gumby/Gravity HasH. Been wanting to do this for awhile. I have 32grams of the clippings from my last harvest. That was onyx, easyryder, and haze automatic. All auto flowers. I've taken a few pics of the process so far. I got my brother helping me out. So far we have mixed the clippings into the ice and water. Started using a drill with a blender attachment but we have found the mixing spoon seems to work better. I bribed my bro with some bong tokes to help with the mixing. We went 30 minutes and then removed the ice and plant matter. After that we strained the water. We are now at the gravity stage. Got the bucket sitting for a good four to five hours. After the trich's settle for that time we will siphon off more water and transfer to a smaller jar to sit and settle again. I'll take some more pics and post when we get to that stage. Thanks for stopping by!

Got my bro doing the hard shit. Lol. Powered by Bong Tokes!


las fingerez

Well-Known Member

we bring greetings from outerspace lmao ;)

looking good so far mate, nice tutorial on the hash and sweet dog :)

hope ur good mate?


Active Member

we bring greetings from outerspace lmao ;)

looking good so far mate, nice tutorial on the hash and sweet dog :)

hope ur good mate?
Hey what up Las Fingerez? Thanks for stopping by bro! Yeah those pics under the LED are spacey an trippy looking. Luv how the bud tops look electric kinda. Thanks for your kind words about my GSD! That's my spoiled boy. That's cool you stopped by cause I plan on using your moveable scrog technique on my next grow. I'm chomping at the bit to try a scrog. I was out yesterday looking for something I can use for my scrog. No luck so far. I plan to do a Northern light Blue and I think another LSD. Take care bro and I'll probably be asking u some questions in the future.


Active Member
What up people? It's been about 6 hours and the trich's have settled down. So I have siphoned off most of the water. I then poured the rest into two mason jars. Now we will let gravity do it's thing. I'll check back in a few hours then siphon off most water again. Then I'll spread onto some wax paper to dry out. I'll post more pics when I get to this step. I also have some of the leftover ice and water and plant matter. I think I'm gonna try and do a secon extraction. I first seen someone doing this method on RIU and also watched some videos on YouTube about this method. This is my first time trying it and it seems to be going well. Thanks for stopping by!



Active Member
What up people? Well we are close to the end of the HasH making process. I have siphoned off as much water as I can for now. Both jars have been emptied onto wax paper. I now have a fan blowing over the wax paper hoping to evaporate some of the remaining water on top. I'll check on it when I wake up. May use an eye dropper or the corner of a napkin to soak up some water. Still has to settle again. I'll post in the morning again on the progress. Thanks for stopping by!



Active Member
What up people? Almost done with the gumby/gravity hash making process. The HasH is now on some wax paper drying. I have a small fan blowing over it now. Looks pretty good for my first time making HasH. Next time I will try and find a better screen to filter it through. Didn't realize how much there was. I thought I only had a thin layer of HasH. When I went to scrap it to the new wax paper I felt more there than I thought. There was a layer of green on the top. Being my first time I didn't know it was a beige color underneath. So when I scraped it I mixed that top layer of green. Next time I'll try and scrape the top layer off. I am pleased with this process so far. Can't wait to smoke that shit. Even if there is a little plant matter In it, I'm still pretty sure I'm gonna get BBBaked! I still have to do a second extraction from the leftover ice and water and plant matter from the first run. Maybe I'll get some more. Worth a try. Anyway here are a few pics of where I'm at in the process. I'll definitely post some pics of the final product as well as a smoke and weight report. Thanks for stopping by! Update on the plants tonight or tomorrow!



Active Member
What up people? I got a preliminary smoke report for ya! Hells Yeah! It worked! I still got some drying to do but I scraped some of the dried crumbs from the wax paper. I broke out the hash pipe and loaded it up. Took that first toke and had that immediate lung expansion. That's what I'm talkin bout! It had that killa HasH taste also! Dam I love that taste! Like I said before I do need a better screen to strain with. So there is a taste of some plant matter. It's all good for me though. Hell it was my first time ever attempting to make some HasH. I'm satisfied with the results so far! Will definitely try to improve next time! Back in February I was going to buy one of those Bubble now HasH making machines. Decided to put the money towards my co2 setup. Glad I did that! I'm cool making HasH this way until I can get some Bubble Bags. Thanks for following now I gotta prepare for my girls to wake and feed. Update on them later! Happy Growing RIU!



Active Member
What up people? Day 47 of flower. Had the girls out to feed last night. Mixed up 8L of RO water. I added a tsp. and a half of calmax. That brought the ec to 0.36. I then used the canna calculator. It suggested 4ml of rhizotonic, 20ml of cannazyme and also 20ml each of coco a&b. Phd to 5.8. Canna calc had an ec of 1.7. Actual ec was 1.6. No Bloombastic this feed. Next feed though. They are looking really good. Sorry no pics. The LSD's to main colas are still white while some of the lower stuff is starting to turn to red hairs. She still seems to be lacking some N down there also. It's all good though. She still has some leaves down below that have crispy brown edges also. That's all good also for me. The Blue mystic has some nice buds also. She has her four tops all tied over and twisted. But those buds are popped up and looking and smelling tasty. After what I put her through I'm surprised she's looking this good. I guess they can take some abuse and still bounce back.
So like the stoner I am I have changed my mind on my next grow. I think I am gonna try some 12/12 from seed. I was checking out del66666 thread on it. He gets some decent yield out of doing it and sounds like he's perpetual. I like all of that. I'm gonna try and start 3 on that schedule and stagger some. Worth a try to me. Anyone know if scrog is still possible doing this method? Thanks for stopping by!


Well-Known Member
Great job on the hash dude! I might have to give it a shot after my current grow is done. How much longer til you're going to chop the lsd and blue mystic? Good luck with the 12/12 from seed, definitely interested to see how that one goes


Active Member
Great job on the hash dude! I might have to give it a shot after my current grow is done. How much longer til you're going to chop the lsd and blue mystic? Good luck with the 12/12 from seed, definitely interested to see how that one goes
What up Puff? Thanks for stopping by bro! Yeah that HasH turned out pretty good IMHO! First time and it was easy as fuck. Try it bro! It's simple! Smokes really good too. Yeah I know it's not the best grade. But for the method it's pretty decent. Gave me that lung expansion I usually get from HasH. Also tasted like HasH. Dam I luv that tast! Overall I'm definitley satisfied with the end result! I'm looking at 2 weeks from Saturday to harvest the girls. That will be day 65 of flower. I may have to wait till the next Saturday due to circumstances beyond my control! That will be day 72 and is more than likely gonna have to be the day I do it. Now that I think about it two weeks from Saturday is not gonna happen! 10% chance! Like I said circumstances beyond my control! So day 72 it is. 3 weeks from this Saturday. Or that Friday night also. Basically anytime that weekend before Sunday night.
Yeah I'm looking forward to trying out that 12/12 from seed. Was checking out del66666's thread and dude gets 2-3 oz. A plant. And they probably won't get to tall and push the height limits in my cab. He's perpetual and that will work for me in my current situation till I get my grow cave going. No room now for me to veg or clone till then. So if this works it's gonna be fucking killa! I wonder if they still respond to scrog well under those conditions? Hey thanks for stopping by bro!


Well-Known Member
Well ive just read this whole thread, Brilliant, really very interesting and well put together, well done chronicdoom on your grow and your write up. Im looking forward to reading the final results. The only bad thing about reading this is it reminds me that i was going to go with the LSD to go with my Blue Cheese but for some reason ended up going for ACID instead, wish i hadnt after seeing your lady. Youve done remarkably well there lad.
Im new to alternate light source and ive never took the time to look at some of the LED grows on here cuz im too busy looking at CFLs, i imagine youve done the LED community proud sir.
I know i am amazed at the results.
Good luck with the next few weeks. Cant Wait!!

P.S it was really a nice bonus to read an entire thread without somebody flaming somebody else or some guy starting a pointless argument. Wish all the threads were as chilled..


Active Member
Well ive just read this whole thread, Brilliant, really very interesting and well put together, well done chronicdoom on your grow and your write up. Im looking forward to reading the final results. The only bad thing about reading this is it reminds me that i was going to go with the LSD to go with my Blue Cheese but for some reason ended up going for ACID instead, wish i hadnt after seeing your lady. Youve done remarkably well there lad.
Im new to alternate light source and ive never took the time to look at some of the LED grows on here cuz im too busy looking at CFLs, i imagine youve done the LED community proud sir.
I know i am amazed at the results.
Good luck with the next few weeks. Cant Wait!!

P.S it was really a nice bonus to read an entire thread without somebody flaming somebody else or some guy starting a pointless argument. Wish all the threads were as chilled..
What up C Web? Right on! You read the whole thread. I appreciate it! That makes me feel good that you took the time. Thank you for the compliments also. You are way to kind sir! I take a little pride in trying to be thorough in my posts. Yeah surprisingly I haven't had to deal with any haters bashing my LED or anything else for that matter. After all we have the same goal here on RIU. To grow the best Chronic we can! Don't Hate! Congratulate!

Yeah the LSD and the LED are kick ass. Lol. I'm glad I picked up the LSD seeds. It really is a nice looking plant! Really really white pistils! Lots of trich's! Hope she smokes and tastes as good as she looks. Not to long to go. As for the LED, it has performed with kick ass results IMO. I am very pleased with the Supernova! Just doing my part to help the LED lights get more love! So far my LED experience has been amazing. It ain't cheap, but it has already paid for itself. Just to a little bit of sacrifice to get the loot.

Once again thanks for taking the time and checking out my grow! Much appreciated! Happy Growing!

Almost forgot, can anyone explain what to look for when the pistils are receding? I read that here on RIU, that pistils receding are an indicator of time to harvest. Is this true?My past 2 grows I was watching trichomes. Now I see something about receding pistils. Thanks for any info you can give! +rep


Well-Known Member
hey CD.

try this thread >>

he explains its quite simply and quite well.. you can't really just look for 1 thing when its ready, basically what I look out for are in no particular order

pistils - colour and recession
trichomes - clear, cloudy, amber
calyx - swell
overall look of the plant - as you can see from the pics in the link its a pretty obvious change when side by side - but it's obviously less noticeable when looking at it everyday, also some people prefer to leave it longer than others depending on what they're after.

before when i wasn't sure i used to kinda just wait until i thought it looked ready - then give it another week or two - but you'll learn over time and with more harvests and experience when is the right time to chop for you.

just my opinion

i've got a 30x loupe (although my blind eyes would appreciate a higher X lolz) and do check the trichs but they do not always tell the whole story and there are other key signs to look for

also another post that's quite informative >>

(ps i dunno if its linked the posts correctly as i view everything back to front - newest page first - but basically it is the first post on both links)



Active Member
hey CD.

try this thread >>

he explains its quite simply and quite well.. you can't really just look for 1 thing when its ready, basically what I look out for are in no particular order

pistils - colour and recession
trichomes - clear, cloudy, amber
calyx - swell
overall look of the plant - as you can see from the pics in the link its a pretty obvious change when side by side - but it's obviously less noticeable when looking at it everyday, also some people prefer to leave it longer than others depending on what they're after.

before when i wasn't sure i used to kinda just wait until i thought it looked ready - then give it another week or two - but you'll learn over time and with more harvests and experience when is the right time to chop for you.

just my opinion

i've got a 30x loupe (although my blind eyes would appreciate a higher X lolz) and do check the trichs but they do not always tell the whole story and there are other key signs to look for

also another post that's quite informative >>

(ps i dunno if its linked the posts correctly as i view everything back to front - newest page first - but basically it is the first post on both links)

What up M? Thanks for the links. Lol I have the Zeus link already scribed. I'll take my lazy ass over there and read up. Yeah I to have a 30x loupe and one of those pocket scopes that is 60x-100x. It's kinda a bitch to focus and shit. I also have a microscope that can go to 300x. I like to trim a little sugar leaf and check those trich's through it. Much easier. Thanks bro I'll be going to those links an reading up and watching my two girls. I plan to chop on what will be day 72. Can't really go past that date due to circumstances. Hope there ready then! I think they will be. Tried to +rep but I gotta spread the luv says riu. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Hey Chronics...........nice job on the hash bro, good tutorial also might give it a try some day cheers!!
So your goin for the 12/12 from seed next run,.....should work well with your set up mate i think!!!!...... good luck hope it goes well for you, you might want to ask del what strains are best for 12/12 as some dont take to it well, he's a cool guys he'll help you out no probs bro!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
seaDoom, very cool photo display and discription of your hash making process. YOu doggie picures were awesome. I was laughing so hard at the little bubbles with the remarks about the hash..hahahahah. So how do you like to smoke it ? sprinkel on your dope or do you have another preference?
Im thinking about making some as well after i harvest and you have really helped me to think about this process as a way to go. Thanks for taking the time to post such detailed information. you make it easy to understand and follow.
take it easy dude