Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System


Well-Known Member
Yessir, two plants. That's the first thing people say when they see my cab in late flower. "I wouldn't have believed they were only two plants without just the two main tree trunks to prove it." I take that as a grand compliment from growers and just plain ol' pot-heads alike. But from a grower it's all the sweeter of course.

To tell all truth, when I read other journals and there are people intensely discussing fimming, topping, super-cropping, I'm not even sure what they're talking about. You saw what I did, bro. On the very first page of my journal, you'll see the ties I made in early clone re-veg. I didn't change or add much. I just let them develop in that posture and they stayed low as hell. When they really got their wheels spinning in the initial stretch phase of flower, I added one more tie to each of the main tops to pry the plants open more, allowing the inner branches to spread. Aside from some minor ties I added last night to pull some sagging lower branches up, It's not a complicated train at all.

I'm spoiled, really, by the power I've engineered into my system. First, nothing dies in there unless I cull it. And second, plants grow so rapidly and vigorously in there, I've come to think of it as "angry growth." It's really all I can do to keep plants from exploding into outer-space in that cab. Tying is just a desperate attempt to keep them away from the blazing hot light, it just happens to result in multiple kolas too (lucky me).

And lastly, I'm gonna give it up to the pheno. These clones came from a highly engineered mother. I have the name and number of the club manager who I got them from. I'm not gonna lose that info. Hot damn.


Just to give you and anyone reading this an idea, once the roots start poking out of the net pot and the first few strands dip into the surface of that bubbling cauldron, you can forget about it. I would duct-tape the fuckin' things down onto the surface of the tub if I could. There's no such thing as too low when it comes to a monster root system. When a root system gets monster, you could haphazardly chop branches and it will replace itself with two, three or four...I guess that's what they mean by some of those cutting techniques I've read discussed here and elsewhere. But that's because a setup like this is so crazy. I have mutant vigor, so I don't really have time or reason to cut or chop tops because usually there are so many, I don't see a need for forced multiplication. -- and again, they grow so fast, I don't even have time to think about it.

I had to do that severe 'pinching' technique last time in a last ditch attempt to keep the buds from burning due to the out of control sativa growth. More than pinching, these branches were pretty thick and woody like bamboo already, so I had to snap, snap, snap, snap, and snap. It was painful as you can imagine. When the branches are woody already, it's not bending, it's breaking. There was clear sap oozing from the breaks everywhere. When I was finished, it looked like Yogi Bear took a squat in the middle of my grow. But the roots were unimaginably huge at that point and drinking at an incredible rate. The plants just laughed off the damage, healed themselves at the breaks and turned semi-upright again. And the broken branches seemed to get angry because the top buds chunked up even thicker on the broken ones that had to heal themselves. Frightening.

Once I had this strange dream that the plants were so out of control that they were growing out of the box like alien vines all over the walls of my apartment. Hey, don't tell me you don't dream about your grows... when you can remember them, of course.
Amazing... Sounds like I need more bubbles and stronger lights, and to bend the plants over early on. Then spread the branches apart as they get bigger, to let more light in. Not as tricky as I thought. So the trick is all about getting a massive root system and bathing the leaves with strong light? I'm using fluorescent tubes in a square fixture that holds 8 of them, supposedly giving 16,000 lumens altogether. I know that doesn't penetrate as far into the leaves as the light that you're using, but this way I don't need a special exhaust system going through the light housing to cool it down. This week I'm planning to add 1 or 2 more "warm" fluorescent bulbs on the side(s) of my cabinet to get more light between the leaves (125 watts each). I hope that will help my plant grow bigger. In a future grow I'll also try out the nutes that you're using. This time I'm using Advanced Nutrients stuff, including Overdrive, Big Bud, B-52 & Voodoo Juice.


Well-Known Member
Amazing... Sounds like I need more bubbles and stronger lights, and to bend the plants over early on. Then spread the branches apart as they get bigger, to let more light in. Not as tricky as I thought. So the trick is all about getting a massive root system and bathing the leaves with strong light? I'm using fluorescent tubes in a square fixture that holds 8 of them, supposedly giving 16,000 lumens altogether. I know that doesn't penetrate as far into the leaves as the light that you're using, but this way I don't need a special exhaust system going through the light housing to cool it down. This week I'm planning to add 1 or 2 more "warm" fluorescent bulbs on the side(s) of my cabinet to get more light between the leaves (125 watts each). I hope that will help my plant grow bigger. In a future grow I'll also try out the nutes that you're using. This time I'm using Advanced Nutrients stuff, including Overdrive, Big Bud, B-52 & Voodoo Juice.
Grow healthy roots and you will have healthy plants. Tons of oxygen air bubbles and a good light will do wonders.
You say your lights are 16,000 Lumens. MH/HPS are around 40,000+ Lumens (alot more light penetration)
You want bigger plants. You need better lights..
I'm running the same nutes as you.. I'm pleased with it


Well-Known Member
Grow healthy roots and you will have healthy plants. Tons of oxygen air bubbles and a good light will do wonders.
You say your lights are 16,000 Lumens. MH/HPS are around 40,000+ Lumens (alot more light penetration)
You want bigger plants. You need better lights..
I'm running the same nutes as you.. I'm pleased with it
Wow! 40,000 lumens. That's quite a big difference. What wattage bulb are you talking about? 400 watts? 1,000 watts? If I don't get enough bud using fluorescents, I'll have to think about changing to MH/HPS.


Well-Known Member
Amazing... Sounds like I need more bubbles and stronger lights, and to bend the plants over early on. Then spread the branches apart as they get bigger, to let more light in. Not as tricky as I thought. So the trick is all about getting a massive root system and bathing the leaves with strong light? I'm using fluorescent tubes in a square fixture that holds 8 of them, supposedly giving 16,000 lumens altogether. I know that doesn't penetrate as far into the leaves as the light that you're using, but this way I don't need a special exhaust system going through the light housing to cool it down. This week I'm planning to add 1 or 2 more "warm" fluorescent bulbs on the side(s) of my cabinet to get more light between the leaves (125 watts each). I hope that will help my plant grow bigger. In a future grow I'll also try out the nutes that you're using. This time I'm using Advanced Nutrients stuff, including Overdrive, Big Bud, B-52 & Voodoo Juice.
Yeah, you pretty much got it, bro. But bear in mind that this type of training is best for starting out with clones. Clones are just a regenerated branch from a mother, so they tend to grow like strong vines, perfectly suited for growing in the horizontal position. When starting with seed, I've found that the opportunity to force the plant to lie down doesn't really present itself for me. When I grow seedlings, they stay so short up to the 5th, 6th, 7th node and the stalk is so squat and thick, there's no way to bend. And again, I never really messed with top chopping because my lowest branches would reach up, develop strong sub branches of their own, mulitiplying the tops with natural growth only. I'm really intrigued by forced multiplication through skillful cutting, but with this level of vigor, no time, no need.

Bluberry is right about the difference between hid and fluoro. I don't want to get into the mathematics of it, so maybe he'll answer your lumens to wattage question for yah! :D BUT you are also right about the heat exchange problem that fluoros DON'T have. If you could slide a couple more tubes at the lower part of your plants on the sides, fairly close to the plant's main stalk, I think it would help nicely.

You're using excellent nutes btw. No need to change if you're used to it.


Of course I don't see why you can't just make a 'mad-scientist' fluoro chamber by overloading your area with tubes, but enough fluoros can generate some heat of their own I would imagine.


Active Member
Of course I don't see why you can't just make a 'mad-scientist' fluoro chamber by overloading your area with tubes, but enough fluoros can generate some heat of their own I would imagine.

We struggle with temps with 12 bulbs.

Though, I wouldn't mind seeing some insane grow with a massive amount of flouro's ;)


Well-Known Member
The ladies are looking gorgeous, no? I'm not sure how well it's coming across in the photos since I update daily, but they look noticeably bulkier every day to the naked eye in person. I'm ratcheting down the ppm to 1400 although they're still drinking heavily. Oh, yeah... remind me to refill the external res later, willya? Thanks. (Edit: Thanks Mary Janey, I'm glad you removed that filth and showed me the error of my ways)



Well-Known Member
Hey, mods. You forgot to take down the other one.

Okay, okay no more pictures of CLOTHED women. Shee-it. I thought a bunch of stoners wouldn't get their undies all in a bind over something like that. What is this? Sunday school? We're marijuana growers fer Chrissakes!

My art is being censored! Lol.


Well-Known Member
I haven't take a look below since the water change. I bet it's getting mighty heavy down there. I'm almost afraid to look.


Active Member
Looking like they are right on target. I think i told you before that i got 8 zips off two of these diablos but remeber they did herm on me around week 5. Thats coming up for you. Watch them like a hawk. I would shed a tear for you if these bitches went he-bitch.
One love!


Well-Known Member

Welcome to Donkey Dick Country. Just a minor follow up. So y'know how I decided to ease back a little and take 'em down to 1400ppm? After about four hours, they drank it down to 1350. I know, incredible. So I said fuck it and injected them back up to 1450 with nute and calmag. Let's see what these girls really have. Fasten your seat-belts and keep your arms and legs in the car at all times. Enjoy the ride.



Well-Known Member
Looking like they are right on target. I think i told you before that i got 8 zips off two of these diablos but remeber they did herm on me around week 5. Thats coming up for you. Watch them like a hawk. I would shed a tear for you if these bitches went he-bitch.
One love!
:fire:I'm watching.
but then again, so are you. If they herm, then we all see it together...and we go out in a blaze of glory no matter what...TOGETHER. MUA HA HA HA HA HA (rubbing hands together in evil manner).
:fire:But as we watch, let's keep in mind that these plants have gotten world-class treatment. So if they herm, it wasn't my fault. (I'm always looking for places where I can use 'world-class').


Well-Known Member
Another brush with lemon fuel. Working with the plants, I accidentally got a real sticky smudge on my finger. Smells like... Victory. Lemon-scented Victory. This stuff is gonna get me lemon-fuel happy, I can sense it already.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a super-cropper, chopper or topper. This is all I do.
Nice to see that you can get such amazing yields without doing that other stuff.

QUESTION: Do those long colas develop entirely during the flowering phase? I never got that far before, so I haven't seen colas on my own plants yet. Just wondering what to expect.


Well-Known Member

Welcome to Donkey Dick Country. Just a minor follow up. So y'know how I decided to ease back a little and take 'em down to 1400ppm? After about four hours, they drank it down to 1350. I know, incredible. So I said fuck it and injected them back up to 1450 with nute and calmag. Let's see what these girls really have. Fasten your seat-belts and keep your arms and legs in the car at all times. Enjoy the ride.
GORGEOUS shot of some huge colas! How will you know when the buds are ready to harvest?


Well-Known Member
Nice to see that you can get such amazing yields without doing that other stuff.

QUESTION: Do those long colas develop entirely during the flowering phase? I never got that far before, so I haven't seen colas on my own plants yet. Just wondering what to expect.
If a plant is genetically inclined to develop long colas (donkey cox), yes, you'll see that stacking formation by mid-flower. It's just doing it a bit faster in my current grow because this is my best grow yet, where I have all the factors pumping at optimal or near optimal levels. But please be aware that not all plants are genetically inclined to grow donkey dicks. For example, the Platinum OG from my last grow (which had strong sativa characteristics) didn't donkey dick as much because they had a stretchier structure with more space between the nodes. It's all about node spacing on the stalks. If the plant genetically has pretty tight nodes, they will stop stretching early and the continued chunking will fill up those gaps creating that donkey dick effect.

You'll have to remind me what strain you're growing so I can research it and give you an idea of the kind of bud structure to expect.


Well-Known Member
GORGEOUS shot of some huge colas! How will you know when the buds are ready to harvest?
Though there is some variance in length of life cycle among different strains, I think the number most growers have in mind concerning a flowering period is anywhere between 8-10 weeks. The description label on the pots of these clones says 9-10 weeks (It's also generally known that OG Kush strains take a bit longer than others to mature), but at the rate they've been going, I'm not going to cling to the label's estimate.

Though there is the strain's prescribed flowering period to consider, I tend to rely more on the visual indicators of the buds. I harvest when all the hairs have turned orange/brown, the trichs have a good sprinkling of amber, and the buds are so fat, they're shouting, "Please...no more. I can't take another bite." It usually takes right around 8-9 weeks for the buds to get to this state.