First CFL Grow! Need Advice to Make Plant Bushy (Pics)


Active Member
its a 4 week old skywalker plant. i started her from a clone and she is currently under a 400 watt Daylight CFl. i am not sure what i can do to make more bushy, i have limited space because i am growing in a 5ft tall and 2x2 squared... could use the help guys



Well-Known Member
look up uncle ben's topping method
it will give you 2-4 main colas instead of 1, and will help with the height restrictions
or try some lst, tie that bitch down


Active Member
i have the light about 3 inches above the plant and i have heard and read that topping the plant isnt good for it, i was thinking about tieing her down but i didnt know if it was too late, i dont want to break main stem


Well-Known Member
I find that having several cfls surronding the plant and quite close will make it bushy. my plant is three weeks old and very bushy. this is my plant.


Active Member
i havent thought about keeping the light that close to the plant..... how mant watts are your lights?


Well-Known Member
would love to hear why you think its bad for the plant, it does stress but its been proven over and over to increase yield and manage height problems.
and you can probably feel right now if you bend her, she's very flexible.
its your plant and your decision but those are 2 proven methods that solve your height problem, with the added bonus of increasing yield.


Active Member
i hear that topping is bad for you plant because the top leafs shade all the rest and it damages the plant so it takes more energy to heal. so overall mystified bongs what do you think would be the best way for me to go right now topping or lst? the only reason i questioned both was because one i thought one was bad for the plant and the other because it was to late but you have me convinced that i am worng. so which would you say would bring me the biggest yeild?


Well-Known Member
i would veg for about another 2-3 weeks, then tie her over and flip to flower. any node left higher than the top node will flower like a top cola. my guess is after the veg period, you can get at least 8 nice top colas with some LST

ive seen a hydro grow. one tupperware, 2 plants, and he bent the over next to one another, about 1.5 ft tall each, now on their sides. he started flower and after 3 weeks his canopy looked like he had 10 plants in there, really only 2

so thats my advice... i wouldnt be offended if you chose another path as we all grow differently


Well-Known Member
BUT............ keep in mind this is your 1st grow and lst is kind of an advanced technique.
my best advice is KISS (keep it simple stupid)
i havent tried anything that i didnt understand yet.
once understood, its simple... dont futs yourself up

do what your comfortable with


Active Member
how would you recommend me tying her down, like i dont know where to start tying her down at and where to go after that....... sorry i am a rookie


If your nervous about topping, you can try pinching the tops (not too hard). I've done it with good sucess for years now. If done correctly it will stunt but not kill your top for a few days, which still makes the sides branch out like topping but you save the main cola. Just another option for you.


Active Member
BUT............ keep in mind this is your 1st grow and lst is kind of an advanced technique.
my best advice is KISS (keep it simple stupid)
i havent tried anything that i didnt understand yet.
once understood, its simple... dont futs yourself up

do what your comfortable with
but what i am looking for in my first grow is optimum yield =)


Active Member
If your nervous about topping, you can try pinching the tops (not too hard). I've done it with good sucess for years now. If done correctly it will stunt but not kill your top for a few days, which still makes the sides branch out like topping but you save the main cola. Just another option for you.
when you say "tops" you mean the top leafs right? sorry man i am completely new at this

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
You could use string and drill a hole in the side of your pot or something. It looks like it has some nice branching traits and would respond great to it too. Just bend it down so the the main cola is parralel to the ground or make a little circle or whatever. Once the main top can no longer grow upwards the other banches will start developing better.


Active Member
You could use string and drill a hole in the side of your pot or something. It looks like it has some nice branching traits and would respond great to it too. Just bend it down so the the main cola is parralel to the ground or make a little circle or whatever. Once the main top can no longer grow upwards the other banches will start developing better.
when do you think would be a good time to tie her down? is right now good or should i give her a couple more weeks


I'm referring to the top node or growing point on your plant. Just take it between your thumb and forefinger and give it a pinch, not hard enough to turn it to mush, fairly lightly. Worst case scenario, you pinch way to hard and kill the big deal same as cutting it off.


Well-Known Member
its a 4 week old skywalker plant. i started her from a clone and she is currently under a 400 watt Daylight CFl. i am not sure what i can do to make more bushy, i have limiter space because i am growing in a 5ft tall and 2x2 squared... could use the help guys

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with a 400 cfl that doesnt get much foliage penetration u want to utilize every single square inch of light, your probably only pushing like 10,000 lumens max with that 400 watt cfl i would suppose so u need to use it keeping it bushy is the right idea, i wouldnt top cuase 2x2 is skinny and that plants gonna wanna v up and out a little as well, plus u would still grow tall after the hormones get going again after the topping...have u ever though about a scrog screen?...than you can have a full, flat canopy to your standards and then bam, flower it and you will just have colas coming up out the top of the screen...ofcourse this will take longer to veg but it might be your best bet?? maybe top it and immediately after the separete nodes start growings up just keep those 2 branches LSTd down and when the bottom nodes catch up....flower it

oh and another thing, just in case you were curious, everything mystified has told you is sound, experienced advice, it truly boils down to what you want to do...


Active Member
I'm referring to the top node or growing point on your plant. Just take it between your thumb and forefinger and give it a pinch, not hard enough to turn it to mush, fairly lightly. Worst case scenario, you pinch way to hard and kill the big deal same as cutting it off.
alright thanks i will keep this mind and probably try it soon