As i understand it 7.5 is still in the area of acceptability for growing weed but i would definatly say 6.8 is best or a lot better.
As for the plant i would say it is getting a slight bit better, recap us on what you have done up to this point from when you first posted?
The tiny leaves growing on top or the newest leaves look quite promising but the plant still looks like it is sucking those bottom leaves dry. Tricky on what i would do if it was me, looks like it is stabalising a little. There are a lot of options depending on what you have done and wether it is near the point where it needs watering! Please get back to us as the more info we have at this point the better. This pic looks better than the first one, not by much but better.
I wish i could just name its problem, sure dose look striking but with the bottom leaves dying from the middle in it sure looks weird. So many variables, distilled water, sterilised soil. Don't panic at this point and do somthing rash like transplant it, it could still be a little small to transplant from that pot or maybe you should considor new soil possibilities. All in all i think if it goes ok this plant might just make it, although a little stunted at first, nothing you could't tidy up later. I think you got a challenge on your hands but think it could be fun.