Club 600

Hey 600, I've got something I want to share with you. It's been a bit since I shot a vid so I did one today. What's different is the audio I used. I have a friend on the other side of the country, who when I lived there was building his recording studio. Just before I left for my 4000km move, like the day before, he called me and asked if I'd pop by and lay something down. Unfortunately I could only spare a couple of hours and this is the end product. Me on vocals and Randall (A very Scottish dude) on guitar. Please smoke a big bowl before so you don't notice how pitchy the vocals are.

Oh, and I almost forgot fellow babies...Booger!

Hey 600, I've got something I want to share with you. It's been a bit since I shot a vid so I did one today. What's different is the audio I used. I have a friend on the other side of the country, who when I lived there was building his recording studio. Just before I left for my 4000km move, like the day before, he called me and asked if I'd pop by and lay something down. Unfortunately I could only spare a couple of hours and this is the end product. Me on vocals and Randall (A very Scottish dude) on guitar. Please smoke a big bowl before so you don't notice how pitchy the vocals are.

Oh, and I almost forgot fellow babies...Booger!


Hell yeah Duchie! I was singing right along with you bro, but I had to turn it up because I cant sing lol I did know the words though :lol:
Doob, is your ave the spot you got for the rush show? hehe I think it is :-) I think we'll both be having a good time that day, its on my B-day.

Edit: we should call craft headquarters, jig is missing :lol: or is it velveeta? idk :lol:
Alas, poor jigfresh.
I knew him, whodat, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.
He hath packed his bowl with a thousand layers of coughitude, and now how abbhor'd in my imagination it is!
My gorge rises at it.

(*edit: and yeah, that's my spot in history in my av du jour. Probably about 30 feet away from Alex)
(**edit again: in case I'm stoned and I miss it - Happy B-day, in advance!)
Thanks guys, glad you enjoyed it. Wish we could have had more time at it. That's some pretty pricey software there Doobie, never heard of that one. My friend used Cubase to record this one. Nice little studio he build himself. I have another song I recorded about 16 years ago. It's a song I wrote for my wife to be at the time and I had it recorded by Terry Gowan. If that name sounds familiar it's because it's Larry Gowans little brother. I knew him because I used to jam a lot with his other brother Pat. Problem is that the only copy I have is on a cassette and I'm not sure if Terry would even still have a copy.

Speaking of Gowan, let's hear some.
Dang, pretty awesome, duchie!
Recording well is another fine art. Just starting out with it and have lots to learn.
If my hard drives will quit dying on me I hope to have some proof of my bass playing mediocrity online in a week or two (if my fingers cooperate).
You've been warned.
What I would have done to have a pc with digital recording software back in the day. The ability to produce professional quality video and audio in your living room blows me away. Oh well, I'm still a Rock Star in my own mind. Looking forward to hearing what ya got bro.
What I would have done to have a pc with digital recording software back in the day. The ability to produce professional quality video and audio in your living room blows me away. Oh well, I'm still a Rock Star in my own mind. Looking forward to hearing what ya got bro.

You have no idea how tempted I am to woodshed on Plush for the weekend and lay a bass track down to go with the vocals & guitar. But I'd hate to ruin such a nice acoustic performance with an electric bass.

No, my first one is going to be, hmmm... oh, I don't know.... Rush.
Pick an album before Vapor Trails and I'll do the bass line from a song on the album.
Hey 600, I've got something I want to share with you. It's been a bit since I shot a vid so I did one today. What's different is the audio I used. I have a friend on the other side of the country, who when I lived there was building his recording studio. Just before I left for my 4000km move, like the day before, he called me and asked if I'd pop by and lay something down. Unfortunately I could only spare a couple of hours and this is the end product. Me on vocals and Randall (A very Scottish dude) on guitar. Please smoke a big bowl before so you don't notice how pitchy the vocals are.

Oh, and I almost forgot fellow babies...Booger!


I read the quote below your post and it said it was you singing. WTF!! I thought it was a real song from a Well done Duchie!!!
Thanks bassman, that's nice of you to say.

Doobie man, the great thing about digital media is how easy it is to copy it. Woodshed away man, whatever that means. lol, Not familiar with that one. I'm guessing it has to do with chopping it up. Hell, I'll send ya the file myself if you want.
Thanks bassman, that's nice of you to say.

Doobie man, the great thing about digital media is how easy it is to copy it. Woodshed away man, whatever that means. lol, Not familiar with that one. I'm guessing it has to do with chopping it up. Hell, I'll send ya the file myself if you want.

Woodshedding is when a musician secludes themselves off from the world to learn a new song or technique in an intense crash course sort of way.

I already have a good mp3 of your recording. Used "Freerecorder" to copy the audio off of youtube and saved it to my hard drive as an mp3. ;-)
Just need to brush up on my STP before I try and tackle it. Won't step all over it, just fill it out and be true to the song like the two of you were.
I remember their MTV Unplugged concert and really dug how well their music translated to acoustic. Real cool.
Anyways, need to dissect the song and get it right, then will post a link to it here when it's ready, after it's been layered in with your original recording.
Well then, I could woodshed for hours. My bass, my bong and my tunes, that's all I need. Oh, and a drink. My bass, my bong, my tunes and a drink, that's all I need. I don't need anything else. Well, maybe some munchies too, but that's it. My bass, my bong, my tunes, a drink and some munchies, but that's all! (Sorry, The Jerk just entered my mind there and it just ran with it)

Right on about adding to it, that would be cool. Wouldn't mind hearing it a little plumped up.
I just discovered that Barack Obama follows High Times Magazine on Twitter. How bout that? LOL But I'm sure he never "read". Or at least that's what he's telling everyone. Anyway, off to bed. Catch ya's later 600.
As I said before, I play a wicked triangle so cannot comment on a very high level about peoples music talents, but hell yea Duchie!!!!!!!! that was super cool my nug!!! I think between you, brother Doob, and me on a triangle, we could put out a pretty good tune. Who else will be in the band? Or I could be like Bez in the Happy Mondays, just dance around and take loads of drugs!! Sounds more like a job for me (I will hit the triangle every now and then of course)

Bez, lmao...

he played some mean maracas, hahaha.


Peace 600.

Dude... It is all such a grey area. You have NO IDEA. It's just a giant cluster fuck. The answer to any question you can ask is 'yes'. Do counties make their own regulations? yes. Do the state laws govern over those regulations? yes. Do the police do whatever the fuck they want whether there are being laws broken or not? yes. Does your personal mj doctor have the final say on what your allowed to possess? yes. Does it all not matter because the feds say it's illegal and they have the power over the state? yes.

It's the fucking WILD WEST. Like no shit. It's all good. Or bad, whatever way you want to look at it.

I have a doctors recommendation that says right on it I'm allowed to have 90 plants or less in a 100 sq ft area. I also live in a county that has a moretorium on co-ops opening. Meaning they wont allow them to open or exist. However we have at least 20 co-ops open doing business, listed on weedtrackers, etc. It's all crazy crazy crazy.

when i see it on tv i see feds tearing the places up and taking all the pot.
but i also see the state police standing and watching. why dont the state police try and arrest on of the feds as a statement to the whole stupid situation, sure they probably would get arrested in return but it sure would be funny to see them trying to arrest each other. might get the right people attention too, because it would sure piss off some of the top dogs to see that their police force is embarrasing themselves on tv. maybe it would make them re-think the whole thing if the constantly try to arrest the reds for busting the shops.
people at the top like grey areas' though, it means they can glean more money from it all........
Morning guys. Hey D, thanks, but you know, you don't have to be a musician to be an entertainer in the band. Everybody has their part, even the wacky guy dancing around on dope. If he were to die tomorrow, would the band be the same? Probably not. So I'm thinking for a stage backdrop we set up 600, 600's and blind the crowd with it every now and then, placing them under our submission.

So, grey areas in law eh? Our newly elected opposition is in hot water right now for bringing up the separatist issue again. This is the one about Quebec separating from the rest of Canada. It's a stupid thing looming over us for decades now. Our courts decided that it would take a "clear" majority vote in order for that to happen. The thing is the didn't make it clear what a "clear" majority is. Well the opposition did in their policy and they say it's 50% +1. Well now everyone's saying he has a separatist agenda. What a bunch of whack jobs. Any kid can figure out that game of words. How can you come up with that kind of guideline unless your just coming up with anything to appease the masses so you can move on.

How about a great article, from yesterday even, on why we should get rid of cops. The article's written my a research analyst out of Cali. "Abolish the Police"

Here's another one about voting and the democratic process. It's sort of summed up in Churchills saying, found in my sig. Churchill also went on to say, which I learned in the article's comments, that democracy is the worst system except for all the others. "The evils of voting"

:peace: Duchie
I read the quote below your post and it said it was you singing. WTF!! I thought it was a real song from a Well done Duchie!!!
Those Herijuanas are so fn small! They look so cool. I would have them in much smaller pots though, I grow plants that size in solo cups! You sure could fit a lot more in there with smaller containers...But you know that. Speaking of solo cups I have an MK to harvest, Im estimating somewhere close to a quarter dry from it, maybe a little less. I get an close to an ounce in 1 gallons with this MK cut. Not the best yielder either.
Those Herijuanas are so fn small! They look so cool. I would have them in much smaller pots though, I grow plants that size in solo cups! You sure could fit a lot more in there with smaller containers...But you know that. Speaking of solo cups I have an MK to harvest, Im estimating somewhere close to a quarter dry from it, maybe a little less. I get an close to an ounce in 1 gallons with this MK cut. Not the best yielder either.
Hey OI, I am still figuring things out and trying to tune things in. Don't know if it makes a difference but these girls are 12/12 from seed and they were planted April 1. I figure they still have 4 or 5 weeks left so hopefully they'll catch up. I'm also noticing that certain strains are lost in these pots so I will probably be doing some downsizing soon. I'm actually thinking of a second tent to do single runs in, particularly the taller sativas, which will leave the first tent for the smaller plants in a perpetual of sorts. That's the plan anyway.