Tell me about it!
A few things I know about good ol Cali Brown, He lives with his mom, grows weed in his closet, uses sand to kill bugs, thinks I have "issues" but never elaborates on them other than to cry "YOU HAVE ISSUES", is a Nark that actually posted that he is a nark in one of his threads "I told the mods on you", says I have no life but is sure to respond with the most very basic comebacks within minutes of me posting, and my very favorite likes to call me a troll and even went so far as to go into my album of shitheads and copied the troll pic out of it.
Hey Cali Brown, just because I don't live with my mom, grow weed out of my closet, nark other members off because they were picking on me, and spend no more time on here than you do, and the only come back I DO NOT have is " you have issues" does not make one a troll.
Now go feed Snoopy before he kicks your ass!