My First Real Grow Thread! Socal Style!


Well-Known Member
Alright finally after a year or reading and listening meeting and seeing the great site here and the Roll it up folks i am really stoked to post my own grow thread. The weathers been great and I am on my second year of being a patient and its been the best two years of my life. This grow will be in all my control unlike the failure of my last thread.

So heres a snap shot of some inspiration that came in my the mail with my order. I will be posting pictures of my soil clones and everything. Happy Growing To all More to come Real soon! Here is my little piece of California!



So tomorrow when i go to get soil i am thinking about getting peat moss as well so that i wont have to use as much expensive soil to keep it easier on the wallet and adding the lime to help it i guess. Inless the peat moss comes ph adjusted already? Pops said somethen like some soil comes already ph'ed i forgot the word he used.

Anyways do i have the right idea with the peat moss so save cash? I figured one bag of peat moss and one bag of ocean forest and one bag of happy frog per 20 gallon smart maybe 4 or 8 quarts of perlite? Thanks in advance.
what it is goped!! damn bro! didnt even throw a link at me.ima ffof guy,i dont do a damn thing with it,or to many 20 gal? right? how many are you doing? the sky looks great in your pics! is that a shed?
I will be doing between 6 up to possibly 12 girls. Yea 20 gallons but the reason why i want to add to it is so i can save some money for beer! haha. Yea i built that room actually so i could always have a place to stay when i am not in the bay area. My dad is in the ground i think so its time for me to catch up to everyone haha. I feel like i got a late start whats your take? I might just put the clones straight outside and use a screen on top so they can get used to the sun.

Was gonna hit up everyone after i did some planting haha! Thanks everyone!
ya put a screen over them to filter the light so its not as intense for the first couple days they are outside. should start in mid may but i started late too outdoors.

that lil room looks nice, wish i could build one in my back yard. that would be cool.

ill make up a recipe for the soil tonight and give u it.
I will be doing between 6 up to possibly 12 girls. Yea 20 gallons but the reason why i want to add to it is so i can save some money for beer! haha. Yea i built that room actually so i could always have a place to stay when i am not in the bay area. My dad is in the ground i think so its time for me to catch up to everyone haha. I feel like i got a late start whats your take? I might just put the clones straight outside and use a screen on top so they can get used to the sun.

Was gonna hit up everyone after i did some planting
haha! Thanks everyone!

Can you do something about that lawn? bit of weednfeed etc plus some daily watering bro ,wtf.
I am in the dessert and been remodeling my house. i re did my whole front yard counters doors floors paint outside wood painted my whole house. Been real busy this last year and the back yard needs to be re done i know this very well and thats my next plan after harvest haha!

So everyone my order just came in! Time to get into town for supplies and some goodies. I will be in the garden catch you all soon with a update and more pics! Here is a teaser!

So the madness begins! All day driving more driving then loading. Got it all home now except still need a few more clones. I got two g13s looked healthy enough to me. Here is a list of what I bought today.

1. 5 bags of Ocean Forest

2. 5 bags of happy frog

3. 2 bags of perlite 12 quarts each.

4. Bag of worm castings

5. Blast strap mollasses.

6. Peat Moss

7. 4 20 gallon smart pots

8. 6 feet of black screen.

9. Big bag of dolomite lime

and so far two G 13 clones. My plan is to cute some holes in the bottom of the soil help it drain. And gonna cover them with the screen to help with the desert sun first couple of days! Time to get back to work i will check in with a up date.


So funny! Yea i bought 10 bags to they hooked it up for 12 bucks a bag i was going to put them under the direct sun light now family says his be down in the ditch needs a lot a lot of yard work and lots of tree trimming tomorrow gonna be a full day. I wish i knew more about these clones going to try to get the rest of the clones tomorrow. I wonder how much lime I should use?
wow those clones look really good for 15 where i am not far from u the clones all suck compared to yours.
like u said tho too bad you couldnt have gotten from a grower directly. but you should be fine with them and your soil mix. just need the right amount of sunlight which you have here in sunny so cal.
Thanks everyone! So i got up kinda late this morning but the first thing I did was start mixing soil and trimming trees. A few hours later this is were I am at : )

Very nice : ) I already have a ton growing and just looking at this makes me want more haha. Never ending gotts love em
They are looking great, just what they needed

Off & running!

All they need now is water
