Club 600


And guess who's back, at least for a while? Life's been really good except for when I came back from my little vacation I found I have not been fired from my job, they say, but oddly enough I haven't worked in two weeks. I take three frigging days off for the first time in three and a half years and I'm dismissed. Minus the income, I am so glad to be away from the slime that is management where I worked. What's with the mod stuff I'm reading? We all of a sudden needs mods on our thread? DST, you been bad again jumping down people's throats? My shackzilla is curing, very nice smoke so far. Almost three ounces dry. My killing fields is hitting the scissors today, she's been in dim light with no water for two days. Here she is before chopping and if I can find them some of the shackzilla before trimming and while trimming. Notice the nice buildup of scissor goo. Mmm, mmm, good.

The last three pics are of shackzilla.

Coming back strong with some fat nugs HU!!! Me Bad? Never, RIU has gone a bit cookoo of late and lots of people left, but we are all still kicking it in the 6doubleZero
Most here will tell you that they love their 600, but the coverage is limited. How large is your space? 4 plant scrog eh? 600 would work great for scrog as long as your veg time was in line with your space and your light.
i have more than enough space, limited height tho, 4x8x7. i have in place hooks for an additional light when i get the extra cash. as of right now im growing out this blueberry at 13days flower and have a superlemon haze 10day seedling. depending on how many clones i can get of this one superlemon haze in 7weeks(blueberry is going 9 weeks) will determine whether i do a 4 plant scrog or a sog with 10+ . what do you guys think, how many clones can i get in about 6 weeks of growth?
fyi, i will top as soon as 3rd set of nodes appear.

edit:this thread is A C T I V E !! wow. 5 pages in like 8 hours
And guess who's back, at least for a while? Life's been really good except for when I came back from my little vacation I found I have not been fired from my job, they say, but oddly enough I haven't worked in two weeks. I take three frigging days off for the first time in three and a half years and I'm dismissed. Minus the income, I am so glad to be away from the slime that is management where I worked. What's with the mod stuff I'm reading? We all of a sudden needs mods on our thread? DST, you been bad again jumping down people's throats? My shackzilla is curing, very nice smoke so far. Almost three ounces dry. My killing fields is hitting the scissors today, she's been in dim light with no water for two days. Here she is before chopping and if I can find them some of the shackzilla before trimming and while trimming. Notice the nice buildup of scissor goo. Mmm, mmm, good.

The last three pics are of shackzilla.
WOW!! Looks like fruity pebbles!! I want
Yabba Dabba Delicious!!
Speaking of scrog I have some questions 'cause I want to do one, actually my next grow. The sativa scrog I've been dreaming about forever. I see a four plant scrog mentioned. My screen is four feet wide with two inch by four inch openings. It's actually horse fencing so it's heavy duty not like chicken wire. So I'm thinking five feet long by four feet wide using three gallon smart pots. I am absolutely sure I will be growing a neville's haze and a hawaiian snow both supposedly monster sativas, not like I'm going to let them become monsters. My problem is this I can't make up my mind if I want to do four or six plants and not all of the sativas I have finish at the same time. Neville's haze could take fourteen weeks to finish my chocolope nine weeks and others in between nine and fourteen. So all of my veg time needs to be based on the neville's haze and hawaiian snow. I know I'll have to be chopping buds as they finish at different times, I have no problem with that. I guess my main question after all that stoned rambling, how many plants, four or six under the dimensions mentioned?

Rather than going down an endless list, it's good to be back guys and see the family again.
Hey genuity, I'm thinking back to the avatar of you riding that poor donkey. It's no damn wonder you look the way you do. A man after my own heart buttered white bread. Looks great, what is the red stuff and what's under it?

gotta keep the weight on:mrgreen:,and butterd white bread is the best:mrgreen:potato off the grill
with butter,sour crem,grilld bacon bits......
Hey don... you see my post about stuffing that thing? Another tip... only use the screen they gave you with it. I used a coffee filter in conjunction with the steel mesh and ended up loosing good shit onto the coffee filter. Nothing bad gets through that screen imo.

sorry man no i didnt, any tips would be greatly appreciated i want the max and best out of it i can. tho im reluctant to buy the vacuum purge thing seemed pricey for basically a vacuum pump imo!?

mesh filter all the way then eh kool
you boys need to smoke more and chat less. this thread moves so fast/too for a dyslexic lazy cunt to keep up lol.
Welcome home heads up. Always a good day when you are around.

Bassman... glad the rain dance worked. Me and mother nature are close like that. I bring good weather with me on vacation, no shit. People tell me it rains a lot in england... I don't know about all that. Even saw the sun shine in amsterdam for a few days. I brought the cool to PA... was 96 a couple days before we got here. Its been between 70-75 the whole time. And you guessed it weather man calls for tomorrow to be 90 again as tomorrow is when I leave.

Don... only other tip is to pack it pretty good. I packed my 1 oz tube with 1/2 oz which filled it. Another time I put 3/4 oz by smaahing it down more and I got a better percentage in yeild. I wouldn't stuff an oz in there though. Can't wait to see results.
you boys need to smoke more and chat less. this thread moves so fast/too for a dyslexic lazy cunt to keep up lol.

Would love to do some smoking... I actually got my hands on some chronic... is there anything you can do about the in laws, lol.
Would love to do some smoking... I actually got my hands on some chronic... is there anything you can do about the in laws, lol.
thats funny i got my inlaws here also with the kids want to smoke so i ran out to a shed we have on the property and lit one up just got back
lovin this lambsbread
my mother in law to be has been talked into trying a joint for the first time.
they have always lived in easten germany so never really spoke about pot before. iron curtain and all that. shes looking forward to having a joing with me and her daughter, trouble is how to get some exodus cheese over there.
lets just hope there are no dogs at the airport, cant see them thinking im good for their daughter if that happens.
my mother in law to be has been talked into trying a joint for the first time.
they have always lived in easten germany so never really spoke about pot before. iron curtain and all that. shes looking forward to having a joing with me and her daughter, trouble is how to get some exodus cheese over there.
lets just hope there are no dogs at the airport, cant see them thinking im good for their daughter if that happens.

If you can afford it, get a food vacuum sealer, they work great. I hear a few people in different states received their packages with no problems. Not that I've done it myself. It was something I read or saw somewhere, yeah, that's it. Just make sure you don't handle what you're sealing. Let someone else put the goods into the bag and you seal it and then seal it into another for insurance. You don't want to handle the weed and the bag, you will transfer some of the smell to a dogs nose that way. Hope that helps.

Jig, what part of pa you in? Philly by any chance?
Near philly... lancaster county. Amish country, and puerto rican country too. I saw an amish guy behind 6 horses plowing the feild old school style. I really wanted to take a picture for you guys but amish don't like their picture taken because they believe it steals a part of their soul. I respect peeps wishes like that so no pic. Let me tell you though... it did not look easy to get 6 horses to all pull toghether and in a strait line to boot.

Bc... tomorrow afternoon.