Organic Aeroponic Reserva Privada OG Kush


Well-Known Member
we will be happy when were dead n in the happy growing grounds lol untill then we mortals must strugle and addapt. and carve out the extra little space we need :)

dirk d

Active Member
well i decided to go on a nice hike yesterday and when i came back the freaking AC was off again. temps were at 91F dont know for how long it was there but went to HD and bought the materials i needed for a stand. looks like im going to need a dehumidifier sooner than later. I hooked up a drain line to the AC will see if that stops the problem of it shutting off all the time. when i got back from HD the AC was off again!! dam. Anyways i think i rectified the situation.


Well-Known Member
tweak, tweak, tweak, what are you going to do with your time when you get it finally tweaked in :)
seems there is always something to compromize the grow, those that have never grown think its easy, they have no idea how much time and effort goes into a sucessfull grow.

dirk d

Active Member
ya i have no idea what to do if im not dealing with some crisis lol. well i figure i could hang out with some friends, hit some strip bars, maybe spend some time on the beach. wow the things i could do if im not growing all the time lol. maybe finally start that search for those twin blonds.

dirk d

Active Member
so had another disaster this morning. when i went to see the girls RACK #1 and #3 had no water. dont know how long they were without water but looks like awhile. over 4hrs at least. seems the girls are drinking a lot more now that the AC is running and removing the moisture from the air as well. will install some new water level tubes so i can make sure the res has at least 10 gallons at all times. I'm pretty close to really needing a 24/7 tri meter as well. 3 things im adding next couple weeks are a 8" inline fan with Carbon Filter, 65 pint Dehumidifier and the Tri meters on every res.

WR 2 looks pretty bad, we'll see if she recovers next couple hours. damm!


Well-Known Member
They should be fine after a good drink, check on 'em in a few hours, they'll be back to saluting the lights in no time mate.

dirk d

Active Member
man i hope so i was supposed to take cutting from WR #2 today!!! didnt think they would be drinking so much more now that the humidity is under 50% all the time. growing pains, damm!! stressing my girls messes with my emotions!! guess i still have a ways to go before i can feel comfortable the girls have the ideal environment. but 1 step closer. i'll take it one step at a time. and doesnt it always seem like shit goes down when you're sleeping??? wtf!!


Well-Known Member
Thats the trouble with some hydro set ups mate, if the pumps go down your f**ked and your right it always strikes when you can do nothing about it too. I once woke up to find the inner floor matt of my old tent being completely flooded and overflowing cos of a loose water pipe that came off due to back up pressure lol, I preffer "passive hydro" growing now in just pots/trays and feeding by hand. So simple and no leaks or droughts to worry about either.


Well-Known Member
dirk i had a leak that dumped the whole res on the floor till the pump quit picking up water, filled it all back up, fixed the leak n all turned out well. hope the girls are good bro, sending good karma to
also had power outage for 8 hours, like you said while i wasnt home, n all was well after. so i know they can do 8 hrs dry in the aero your running. that was in week 5 of flower. your girls are still in veg reght? they should pop right back, keep us posted.

dirk d

Active Member
WR2.jpgWR22.jpg Well here is my WR2. looks pretty bad. i salvaged 3 clones off her and hopefully those will root and i won't lose this pheno. there was a couple nodes that were still alive. i decided to cut most of her up and put her back in the veg room see if she can survive and grow again. will flower her in a couple weeks if she survives. I feel like a dad who just let their child get injured while not paying attention in the playground. i might have to put a hat on my head when i go into the flower room now. Bad Daddy! Bad Daddy! dam this sucks.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #3 DAY 14

FLWR32.jpgFLWR3.jpg Well most of this rack recovered from the water outage except for WR#2. went ahead and added the water gauge to ALL reservoirs. should have done this when i first started. live and learn i guess. sucks too because the environment is almost perfect 74 F 40% humidity, lots of air circulation. AC draining to pan so it won't shut off.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #2 DAY 55

FLWR2.jpgFLWR22.jpg Well FLWR #2 avoided the drought and is doing good. was going to multi harvest this but will see how the girls in veg are doing. would like to just chop the entire rack at 63 days and start with a new rack if my new girls are ready.
H2OGAUGE.jpg So here are the water gauges i installed. there was a slight leak, figured out the gasket goes on the inside of the reservoir not the outside!! lol. was stressing for a minute. went ahead and switched out the gaskets and all is good now.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #1 DAY 31

FLWR13.jpgFLWR12.jpgFLWR1.jpg So here is Rack #1 doesnt look too good at all. my OG Kush still has not recoverd. also my KK is not doing very good and my Cheese is OK. the Super Lemon haze and the 2 Blueberries have recovered though. Not sure why my OG looks so bad it has a very nice root mass, figured it could survive the drought. however the nugs are still moist so i will let this go for a couple days and see how they are doing. right now they are going through a clearex flush.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #1 DAY 31
FLWR15.jpg here is a couple more shots of Rack #1

FLWR14.jpgKK1.jpg one of my KK was dead. cut her up and threw her away. i was just test running these 2 small KK see how they would do when they are a bit smaller. will not put into FLWR any girl that hasnt had at least 3-4 weeks veg from now on.

dirk d

Active Member
VEG1.jpgVEG12.jpg Here's a shot of my new veg tent. all the girls are doing pretty good. will need to get 1 more veg unit that way i can have enough room for the 18 girls i need for flowering and give them enough time to get huge. going for less plants and higher yield.
Y.jpg Here is a shot of my mystery girl Y
X.jpg and here is mystery girl X they are both about 2-3 weeks old now i think


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about your loss, know the feeling of a kid getting hurt when your not looking. thats the worst...
on the bright side you learned something else and made accomidations so it will not happen again. we tend to learn better from our mistakes, before its always in the back of your mind but things dont happen to you its always someone else WRONG!!!

dirk d

Active Member
ya thanks 4tatude. definitely sucks i tell you. but my setup is getting closer to being dialed in now. I was always thinking to myself "i have no idea how much h2o i have exactly in my res's." i put those gauges on 8 reservoirs today and couldn't be happier about it.

Now that i know the water level at all times i was thinking that it would be great to know the PH/PPM/temp at all times as well. I bet my #'s are all over the place. would be nice to have a grow completely dialed in. Will get some tri-meters for each Flower Rack as well. Pretty soon i have to work on my top feed design iv been drawing up. was thinking of trying to have it up and running after next couple harvests.

i also germinated some RP Sour Kush, Big Budha Bubble Cheese, RP OG #18, and WhiteBerry today. will take some pics when they start sprouting.

dirk d

Active Member
veg1.jpgveg.jpg At least my VEG tent is doing good. all girls are growing nicely. i still dont feel comfortable topping my girls. i know i need to but still.
babies.jpg Here's a shot of all the new girls i germinated. im getting them used to the aero environment now. They will be in here a week then i'll move them over to the VEG tent.

dirk d

Active Member
so after checking out some awesome grows, thanks jin and tex, i've decided to get an under current system to add to my Flower Room, should be up and running in about 5 weeks or so.

FLWR #1 is still not doing too good. i thinned out the OG Kush today. anything that seemed dry I just took out, trying to let her focus on whats still alive. some of the leaves have turned up so that is promising. Also my 2nd KK that was young died. she was all shriveled up this morning. went ahead and cut her up and took her out. The CHS looks to be doing good and the SLH is doing good as well. the BB's are doing fine.