What's Your Guy's Opinion On 2012?


Active Member
The way I see it:

If the world is going to end next year then there is nothing we can do to stop it, so I am going to just continue living my life and fight til I take my last breath.
If the world doesn't end next year then I will still just continue living my life and fight til I take my last breath.

When people get all worried and worked up over the "end of the world" I have to chuckle. We are all going to die eventually, nothing we can do to stop it so why obsess over when the end will be and why not just LIVE. I don't like quoting rap songs but this line from Drake pertains to this, "everybody dies but not everybody LIVES" stop obsessing over the end and enjoy the present.


Active Member
The way I see it:

If the world is going to end next year then there is nothing we can do to stop it, so I am going to just continue living my life and fight til I take my last breath.
If the world doesn't end next year then I will still just continue living my life and fight til I take my last breath.

When people get all worried and worked up over the "end of the world" I have to chuckle. We are all going to die eventually, nothing we can do to stop it so why obsess over when the end will be and why not just LIVE. I don't like quoting rap songs but this line from Drake pertains to this, "everybody dies but not everybody LIVES" stop obsessing over the end and enjoy the present.

well put my friend.


Well-Known Member
all in the name of GOD. ;)
Branch Davidians, Jones town, those were actual nut jobs who used the bible in an evil way and took advantage of misguided individuals.

Its implying thats what Christianity is like. Another comparison would be that Osama Bin Laden is the representative of all Islam.

If some guy ran into a Harley Davidson store and shot it up in the name of Seadoos everywhere :cuss:, its not the company that makes seadoo fault.

See the angle I am coming at here?


Well-Known Member
A little fact here, religion is a central cause of death in this world, countless wars have been started over religion and people die every day in warring countries over religious conflicts. Religion is the primary cause of strife in the middle east and was the guideline for the holocaust. Churches are exempt from taxes with the roman catholic church being worth 410 billion in cash, 479 billion in stocks and bonds, 29 billion in gold, and 470 billion in fixed assets - investments and real-estate. Churches are some of the most profitable businesses throughout history and in the current day.

Tons of people gave away all their savings and everything they have to Robert Campbell's church predicting the rapture and are left with nothing. Religion itself disgusts me because humans are flawed creatures, the principles it upholds are not the issue, I believe that we should all abide by a moral code and common decency.

Essentially I see religion as a weapon. Control a persons heart and mind and how they perceive the universe, you own their reality. The world is better off without it, there is no proof of heaven or hell and the only way to find out is to wait your turn. Don't worry it will be here soon enough.


Active Member
why would you feel the need to apologize for my feelings? :?

who said i need to worship anything? right now i worship my seadoo. that's as far as religion goes for me.

you live your life for jesus, i'll go to the lake.

burn me in hell. :fire:

there's that whole GUILT thing again, eh?

i just texted my buddy and invited him to the lake. he declined because he's on his way to church.

jesus hates you.

he made this so you can't have it, ... View attachment 1644728

lead us not into temptation.

"lead us not into temptation" is a way of stating a reverse meaning. Kinda like when somebody asks you how are you doing, your reply is "not to bad" actually meaning good.
So lead us not into temptation actually means keep us safe.

the guilt is on me for not believing.

god took my friend.

he won't reply to my texts now. :(
FDD I expected more out of you. God did not take your friend, just natural causes happened. If that would be the case I would be angry constantly.

a lot of crazy shit has been going on lately, it seems more and more real each month that goes by, but either way, idgaf cause the way i see it whatever happens happens im not gonna try and stop it... i just live my life,
It is true alot of things have been happening, but out of the norm, I don't know about that. Man has been around only for a short time, we cannot classify normal by the amount of time we have been here.

all in the name of GOD. ;)

A little fact here, religion is a central cause of death in this world, countless wars have been started over religion and people die every day in warring countries over religious conflicts. Religion is the primary cause of strife in the middle east and was the guideline for the holocaust. Churches are exempt from taxes with the roman catholic church being worth 410 billion in cash, 479 billion in stocks and bonds, 29 billion in gold, and 470 billion in fixed assets - investments and real-estate. Churches are some of the most profitable businesses throughout history and in the current day.

Tons of people gave away all their savings and everything they have to Robert Campbell's church predicting the rapture and are left with nothing. Religion itself disgusts me because humans are flawed creatures, the principles it upholds are not the issue, I believe that we should all abide by a moral code and common decency.

Essentially I see religion as a weapon. Control a persons heart and mind and how they perceive the universe, you own their reality. The world is better off without it, there is no proof of heaven or hell and the only way to find out is to wait your turn. Don't worry it will be here soon enough.
All this that people relate to believe, it has nothing to do with it. The same way people look at radical Islam, it also has nothing to do with true Islam.

The Christian Crusades, God would just shake his head, and wonder how can they miss the point by so much.

True faith brings great understanding and love for yourself and everything around you.


Well-Known Member
Branch Davidians, Jones town, those were actual nut jobs who used the bible in an evil way and took advantage of misguided individuals.

Its implying thats what Christianity is like. Another comparison would be that Osama Bin Laden is the representative of all Islam.

If some guy ran into a Harley Davidson store and shot it up in the name of Seadoos everywhere :cuss:, its not the company that makes seadoo fault.

See the angle I am coming at here?
yes. "angle". exactly. ;)


Well-Known Member
"lead us not into temptation" is a way of stating a reverse meaning. Kinda like when somebody asks you how are you doing, your reply is "not to bad" actually meaning good.
So lead us not into temptation actually means keep us safe.

FDD I expected more out of you. God did not take your friend, just natural causes happened. If that would be the case I would be angry constantly.

It is true alot of things have been happening, but out of the norm, I don't know about that. Man has been around only for a short time, we cannot classify normal by the amount of time we have been here.

All this that people relate to believe, it has nothing to do with it. The same way people look at radical Islam, it also has nothing to do with true Islam.

The Christian Crusades, God would just shake his head, and wonder how can they miss the point by so much.

True faith brings great understanding and love for yourself and everything around you.

my buddy was cool a month ago. somehow since now and then jesus took his hand. he now has completely changed and every text contains some reference to god. he is pushing 40. i don't need to hear it. i got it the first time he told me and stated as much. he keeps pushing. so i simply said "i have no place in my life for god right now. i'm doing great and just want to go to the lake". apparently he can't accept that, due to GOD. he won't reply to my texts now. how is that "natural causes"? :?

god took my friend. :(

i DO love him and everyone around me. it's HIM blowing me off. i'm at peace, he was spending all his money on "massages". i must be confused.


Well-Known Member
Been looking at the mayan calander and the math behind it.
Makes alot of sense and adds up.
Whats your guy's opinion on that?
Im pretty sure everyone has alot to say. No flaming about religion.
Just post what you think about 2012.
2012 -------557days-----11 hours------47 minutes ----- good luck everyone lol


Well-Known Member
Branch Davidians, Jones town, those were actual nut jobs who used the bible in an evil way and took advantage of misguided individuals.

Its implying thats what Christianity is like. Another comparison would be that Osama Bin Laden is the representative of all Islam.

If some guy ran into a Harley Davidson store and shot it up in the name of Seadoos everywhere :cuss:, its not the company that makes seadoo fault.

See the angle I am coming at here?
thats the point though. religion enables people to do those things to others. people get brainwashed by the cult, and after that are totally controlled by the preacher. if you believe the rapture is coming, you have no problem giving away your possessions to the church because it will all be over soon anyways, right? if you believe that a person can heal you by making some prayers and putting his hand on your head, then you dont have a problem donating money to the church. if you see a person of another religion as the enemy, 9/11 can happen. if you get convinced that others in your own community are witches, you wouldnt have a problem burning them alive. they are evil and need to be gotten rid of.

they think its good to be doing those things because thats what they see as gods will. if god wants it, who is going to stop them? what human is going to stop you from pleasing god? those that do try to stop it are now grouped together with the other sinners/infidels. this creates even more of an us vs. them scenario, in the eyes of the religious. in turn, that makes them believe even more in the cause, producing more violence


Well-Known Member
A little fact here, religion is a central cause of death in this world, countless wars have been started over religion and people die every day in warring countries over religious conflicts. Religion is the primary cause of strife in the middle east and was the guideline for the holocaust. Churches are exempt from taxes with the roman catholic church being worth 410 billion in cash, 479 billion in stocks and bonds, 29 billion in gold, and 470 billion in fixed assets - investments and real-estate. Churches are some of the most profitable businesses throughout history and in the current day.

Tons of people gave away all their savings and everything they have to Robert Campbell's church predicting the rapture and are left with nothing. Religion itself disgusts me because humans are flawed creatures, the principles it upholds are not the issue, I believe that we should all abide by a moral code and common decency.

Essentially I see religion as a weapon. Control a persons heart and mind and how they perceive the universe, you own their reality. The world is better off without it, there is no proof of heaven or hell and the only way to find out is to wait your turn. Don't worry it will be here soon enough.
Yeah that made no sense to what i said...


Active Member
my buddy was cool a month ago. somehow since now and then jesus took his hand. he now has completely changed and every text contains some reference to god. he is pushing 40. i don't need to hear it. i got it the first time he told me and stated as much. he keeps pushing. so i simply said "i have no place in my life for god right now. i'm doing great and just want to go to the lake". apparently he can't accept that, due to GOD. he won't reply to my texts now. how is that "natural causes"? :?

god took my friend. :(

i DO love him and everyone around me. it's HIM blowing me off. i'm at peace, he was spending all his money on "massages". i must be confused.
Sorry I thought you meant he had passed. But yes when a person has a strong conversion it can be quite overwhelming for the people around them.

I feel for you because I realize that it must look like he is blowing you off. Just give him some time and try to be supportive of him.

It has been going on 4 years for myself, at first I think I pissed alot of people off. I have mellowed and now understand alot better.

Everybody has there own journey in life and you must allow them to find it. In your face ministry is a bunch of crap.

Alot of people that say they are "at peace" and if they are trully there are a lot closer to God than most others, even if they do not realize it.

Don't get angry about the situation, just let it work it self out, and allow him his journey, a true friend will stick by through thick and thin.

You probably don't recognize me FDD, but I have read alot of your posts and I do think you are trully at peace.;-)


Well-Known Member
Sorry I thought you meant he had passed. But yes when a person has a strong conversion it can be quite overwhelming for the people around them.

I feel for you because I realize that it must look like he is blowing you off. Just give him some time and try to be supportive of him.

It has been going on 4 years for myself, at first I think I pissed alot of people off. I have mellowed and now understand alot better.

Everybody has there own journey in life and you must allow them to find it. In your face ministry is a bunch of crap.

Alot of people that say they are "at peace" and if they are trully there are a lot closer to God than most others, even if they do not realize it.

Don't get angry about the situation, just let it work it self out, and allow him his journey, a true friend will stick by through thick and thin.

You probably don't recognize me FDD, but I have read alot of your posts and I do think you are trully at peace.;-)
doesn't excuse the fact that god took my friend. i'm sitting in the driveway, alone. seadoo hitched to the back of my truck. YEA god!! :(

how long does this usually take? :?


Well-Known Member
It was not a response to you, it was just a statement. I harbor no ill will toward any religion, only the results of people who misinterpret it. The primary reason I believe the world is better without it would be that it is not just one isolated incident, there is constant conflict revolving around it throughout history and into the present day. You are free to do whatever you want and I would be a hypocrite to try and stop you, but I will choose to believe in free choice and things that I have personally witnessed with my own eyes.

Yeah that made no sense to what i said...


Well-Known Member
it doesn't "look like" he is blowing me off, he IS blowing me off. using god as his excuse. i'm wise enough that i've seen it all my life. in a year he'll be drunk and paying for whores again. laughing about "that time i went to church".


Well-Known Member
Number one cause of death in our history is old age...

Famine and Disease related to famine comes a close second...

Expansionism is the number one cause for war...

Religion is the number one excuse for war...

The Lord (IMHO) does not condone the stupid bull shit we pull out of our asses on a generational basis.

God didnt tell them nor make them drink the kool-aid...(mmm grape)

I hate to say it but i do not feel that bad for those who fell victim to that moron Camping. If they had just read there Bibles instead of had it read to them they would have known that only the Father knows when the rapture will occur. No man not even the son. They would also be privy to the knowledge that there will be many false prophets during the time leading up to and especially during the end of days. Knowledge people thats why the damn book is there, if your gona strive to be a Christian you must equip yourself with the knowledge to back yo shite up....now where are the fucking zombies!



Well-Known Member
It was not a response to you, it was just a statement. I harbor no ill will toward any religion, only the results of people who misinterpret it. The primary reason I believe the world is better without it would be that it is not just one isolated incident, there is constant conflict revolving around it throughout history and into the present day. You are free to do whatever you want and I would be a hypocrite to try and stop you, but I will choose to believe in free choice and things that I have personally witnessed with my own eyes.
My apologies for assuming...


Well-Known Member
it doesn't "look like" he is blowing me off, he IS blowing me off. using god as his excuse. i'm wise enough that i've seen it all my life. in a year he'll be drunk and paying for whores again. laughing about "that time i went to church".
Call his ass up...or give me his number ill call his ass up! :D