and good morning everyone. im high started the day off right
This is why I live and smoke with my Granny ^_^![]()
everyone was walking past me....teachers too. I was going to just ditch my last class and drive away but they were blocking me in by standing behind my car. It was funny afterwards though. My dean just laughed at me and said that she HAD to bust me.
i got busted b/c, i was highif your going to smoke bud then your going to smoke bud period. if you really want to do something your going to do it. with that said you just have to be careful and safe. i smoked for 4 years while still living at home, never been caught, they never had any suspicion. nothing. its really not that hard. i dont see how these kids get caught all the time. you just fail to think. dont fucking smoke then come straight inside. keep eye drops on ya if your toking. spray some cologne, wash your hands. and the smell can get stuck on your clothes. so while your smoking take your jacket or coat off, then put it on when your done. these are just a few things that you have to take into consideration when your hiding it from parents or anybody. just use your fucking brain.
At least Mommy didn't come in while you were cooking some black tar heroin in a spoon, tying off an arm, and listening to Johnny Cash..
"Its just a joint and some harmless gangsta' rap Mom, Jesus, don't be such a square!"
In my humble opinion... I think these kids should be banned as soon as they admit they are kids.....
Don't you agree to be 18 or older when joining this site? Or maybe I am remembering wrong....
come on man are you serious...why would you say that...bye bye..Im not going to lie, im 17. I turn 18 on march 2nd which is this sunday. But i dont act immature and stupid, look at my posts. Just because one kid decides to act like a fool dont judge the rest of us.
come on man are you serious...why would you say that...bye bye..![]()