Snitched on over 75 cents......!


New Member
So Im chillin at my friends house we have a 1/4 and weve been smokin all day, my bud mind you. Him and his girl go into the bed room to fuck and me and my girl are like " were leaving" i still have an 1/8 in my pocket. I drop my lighter into the couch and find 75 cents while looking for it. So i take it saying " Hmmm blunt money...sweet", and he finds out gets fucking pissed and then his bitch ass g/f calls my fucking mom and tells here that all im doing with my life is drugs and im going no i got ratted out for 75 cents....fuckin bull shit man! And shes not even pissed about it, thats the fucking kicker....guess you gotta figure out who your real friends are the hard way.
the daycare lady didnt get mad at you for taking the money. stupid bitch shoulda slapped your hand when you were trying to steal..

i have an idea . grow up and dont hang out with elementary kids. and tell that chick that was fucking your friend to sew up her twat before she gets knocked up!!!! silly kids
you and your friends are retarded. you are a thief. they are lowlife snitching fucks.

you all should die in a large fire.

the proper thing to do would have been to smash your fingers with a big hammer
you and your friends are retarded. you are a thief. they are lowlife snitching fucks.

you all should die in a large fire.

the proper thing to do would have been to smash your fingers with a big hammer

damn that was harsh. i guess mine wasnt to nice either. :mrgreen:
Its because of snitch's that I cant share my thoughts and dreams ... Its a damn shame ... I have a very Clever Criminal mind
how did he find out u took it? and taking it was ur first and biggest mistake...i dont care if it's a penny...if ur at my place and taking my shit without my permission, thats reason enough for an ass whoopin...and ur talkin about real friends...get a life son
Indeed....annnnnd fuck you all:hump: Ive got a blunt to burn and its not worth my time to listen to you bitches. And again......:hump:.:blsmoke:

Ha ,Ha , Ha, If we were in Jail You would be my bitch,,, I'd call you Maytag. Cause your ass would be doing my laundry.. I'd be pimping you out for some Salad Tossing ... BITCH..

Now Go fetch me a Turkey POT PIE
So Im chillin at my friends house we have a 1/4 and weve been smokin all day, my bud mind you. Him and his girl go into the bed room to fuck and me and my girl are like " were leaving" i still have an 1/8 in my pocket. I drop my lighter into the couch and find 75 cents while looking for it. So i take it saying " Hmmm blunt money...sweet", and he finds out gets fucking pissed and then his bitch ass g/f calls my fucking mom and tells here that all im doing with my life is drugs and im going no i got ratted out for 75 cents....fuckin bull shit man! And shes not even pissed about it, thats the fucking kicker....guess you gotta figure out who your real friends are the hard way.

when it comes to ur friends its always bout weed and money, and when it comes ur friends girl its always bout u
its not like there gona get married, he is not ur friend if u got know understanding bout money in the couch, what u do outside should ur house should stay there, y r people talkin to ur parents, if u grow ur lucky that u not fucked up the ass,
I remember when I was that young, but never that stupid. Well maybe, when I was 13 and smoked my third joint I thought I was cool. Your not cool if you get ratted out to your mom, kiddo. I thought this was an unfortanate guy who got busted out to the cops for 75 cents, not there mom, who is probably f'd up herself to not ground this little punk. This is a forum on Horticultural Biology, and stuff for us grown folks, read the warning kids! Must be 18 to join!