Raided By The Police, Not For Growing


Well-Known Member
Kind of a really long story, and I'm posting from an iPhone.
Let me give a little background info.
My girlfriend and I got engaged on Monday and it was great. The following day her aunt and a police officer come over to my house and start screaming at me.. Calling me a woman beater telling me I'm getting placed under arrest all this bullshit.
My fiancé kinda ends the beef with her aunt because apparently what happened is her ex-boyfriend from 6 years ago caught wind of our engagement, and called my fiance's aunt and told her I was holding her against her will and she was being held captive.... So the cops come looking for me of course... Meanwhile we're both like WHAT THE FUCK? I go into work, and my boss goes... Yo I gotta tell you something... (we are good friends and we blaze together) and he preceeds to tell me that some guy called here, and spoke with "my manager" saying that they should just fire me since I won't be working there for much longer because I put my girlfriend in the hospital and I'm going to jail. So now I'm really like what the fuck... So Wednesday rolls around, and we decide to go to the police station and make reports to quell the rumors. We made official statements saying the allegations aren't true. The cop I spoke too says it's all good, he's gonna go visit this guy and tell him if he makes another false report he'll face arrest. I'm okay with that, I just wanna be left alone. I've already beat this guy up before and I know he would call the cops and I'd be in jail if I did it again. So it's Wednesday right, at 6pm my fiancé and I leave to go have dinner with my parents and to tell them the good news right. We get back at 8pm... My house is DESTROYED. Muddy foot prints on the windowsill, tracked throughout my house. My closet is ravaged through my drawers are rummaged around, every damn drawer and cupboard in my kitchen is open. And the worst part, I had 2 ounces of high quality bud. Papers, oil, pipes, bongs, paraphernalia absolutely everywhere hidden in the closet and EVERYTHING is gone. Whoever it was went through EVERYTHING, took EVERYTHING that had to do with marijuana, stole my dog, and left.
We call the cops, they dispatch an officer and this asshole shows up. You know what he tells me?? There was a frantic 9-11 call from my fiance's mom saying I was holding her hostage(because surprise surprise) he talked to her mom. Cops came bursting through my house, saw we weren't there... Completely ransacked everything and took every last little bit of anything that has to do with weed... Hang on it gets better..... I tell these cops like what the fuck, we went to the police station and made reports to ensure this kind of bullshit never hapowned... They look all confused, and I physically SHOW them the police reports.... They then tell me that whoever I spoke to the previous day, probably NEVER FILED THE REPORTS YET. Because when the officers looked up the case number from the forms I had, there was ABSOLUTELY no record of us even going to the police station... And they are telling me that this raid happened because an officer didn't want to do his paperwork...

I know, too long didn't read. Fuck off if you don't care, but I could use someone's help as to what to do.
.22 to the head will get the job done but with less mess. ....Personally i would just give him a good ole ass kickin...
Holy shit! Well at least you didn't get busted for the weed... I guess.
Can you have a restraining order put on this guy so that he "can't" be in contact with your friends and family?

Just make sure you are the 'responsible citizen', keep the law on your side, and don't get sucked into any retaliation or something that can be used against you.
figures he wouldnt file that day and maybe wait a couple to get around to it
it seems pretty serious you could always file for small claims court for damages and if you are scripted you can file your meds and things ti medicate with
I'd get a lawyer and sue him for damages and cleanup, and damage to reputation. I'd also get a gun because this person is crazy.
I can't harm this guy, I already have before. I jumped him in a mall like a year ago when I seen him with a buddy...
If I touch him now that equals jail... Which equals no job, no fiancé, nothing. Fuck that I'd kill this guy right now but I just can't.
i know someone that got shot 8 times in the face and head close range with a .22 and the dude made a 100% recovery.

.22 to the head will get the job done but with less mess. ....Personally i would just give him a good ole ass kickin...
Man that's nuts. I think id be more pissed at the cops than that dude. Well maybe not since he seemed to have started the mess. But probably.

My only advice would be to use this situation to draw you and your girl even closer. I know nothing legally speaking except LEO is above the law. Sucks
it seems like the cops should be taking care of this scumbag for you for filing a false police report. i know a bitch that got 6 months in the county lockup for the same shit.

I can't harm this guy, I already have before. I jumped him in a mall like a year ago when I seen him with a buddy...
If I touch him now that equals jail... Which equals no job, no fiancé, nothing. Fuck that I'd kill this guy right now but I just can't.
A suit aqainst the department is best, also filling a false report on the ex will cause waves. If her mom called the police about something that didnt happen than she should go to jail too.
the hell part of it all was my bud got life in prison with no chance of parole and his ex ol lady is fucking a deformed face looking fucker and his kids are calling him dad.