The Effects of Tripping

-Thought process is sped up.
You think faster. Your brain receives more information under the influence of the drug and it can use more parts of the brain at one time.
A normal, sober person uses 13% of the brain at once.
when a person is under the influence of a psychedelic drug, they can use up to 70%

Do you have a source for that? I'm not at all trying to call bullshit. I'd just be really interested in reading about this aspect in particular.

I really like the part about the philosophical jibber jabber.:mrgreen:
Do you have a source for that? I'm not at all trying to call bullshit. I'd just be really interested in reading about this aspect in particular.

I really like the part about the philosophical jibber jabber.:mrgreen:

I couldn`t find the exact video but try "human brain on drugs" into Youtube. The experiment I saw used Psilocybin (on youtube) and the electromagnetic waves coming off the brain were measured and a virtual 3D image of the brain was created and coloured in where the colours indicated the EM wave strength. The video then showed a comparison between the two brains, one on drugs and one off drugs and the one on drugs was tending towards a hypercomputer :D

But thats all science can explain, I mean I`m not sure if: EM wave activity=Brainpower... Signals may be misfires but in turn speed the brain up, we don`t know. But I personally really feel my brain working much much faster on psychoactive drugs :) It has to make sense somehow, how can you just come up with bundles and bundles of philosophy, visions, old memories and such a high attention to detail otherwise

They might disorientate you slightly but your damn good at what you happen to focus on! :D

But I draw an important conclusion, I would love a trip this weekend :D Mmmmmm
whats gonna be your sacrament this weekend tenner?

I havent decided yet but I have 7.5gr of magic truffles in the freezer. I want to experience the psilocybin alone so ima go with the truffles I think :) I hope they are enough! Do we make tea with these things or plain munch them with peanut butter or whatever my student cupboard provides :D Marmelade? lol
i like em straight up. the taste to me is almost part of the ritual. its funny though cause i hate regular mushroom but if they got psilocybin in them, im down.
Do you have a source for that? I'm not at all trying to call bullshit. I'd just be really interested in reading about this aspect in particular.

I really like the part about the philosophical jibber jabber.:mrgreen:

none taken :)

but i did some calculations from the movie or film What the Bleep do we Know? Down the Rabbit Hole

and i have also had professors and have heard psychologists lecture and bring up similar statistics

i also love the philosophical jibber jabber :) :)
Where IS IT Q ??


IT must be IN KANSAS !!

this had A LOT of humor in it puffer.

i love it.
i like em straight up. the taste to me is almost part of the ritual. its funny though cause i hate regular mushroom but if they got psilocybin in them, im down.

Yeh I ate half a small bit when I first got them, its a funny taste indeed but wouldn`t put me off one bit. It would annoy me eventually though so may get some juice to wash it all down :) I hope its a strong enough dose!

Puffers on the job again! Nice ones :D
I did not know that psychedelics increase your brain activity to 70%? If thats the case what the fuck?

Is there proof for that ? I always feel like I'm a genius tripping, but just it just can't be the case
Thanks Tenner and Heatless. I watching What the Bleep do We Know now.

Puff, I love that Ode to the Brain Video.
I did not know that psychedelics increase your brain activity to 70%? If thats the case what the fuck?

Is there proof for that ? I always feel like I'm a genius tripping, but just it just can't be the case
That's what I'm thinking about. Do you really have more access to your brain or is your conscious mind in overdrive dealing with the things that would normally be filtered out in the "novelty" effect that is discussed by psychedelic researchers. The few trips I've had, I have usually felt more creative. Is it because whatever substance I'm on has temporarily disabled the mechanism in my mind that may filter things out that I'm predisposed to filter, whether correctly or incorrectly based on prior knowledge, before they make it to my conscious mind, or has the substance opened up other passage ways that are normally inaccessible allowing me to connect ideas that would otherwise remain isolated, like a single core processor compared to a multicore processor.

It's times like these I wish my academic career had been steered in other directions, but there's nothing like a few rum and cokes to make you feel like your talents have been wasted. Either way it's a damn interesting subject to think about.
right. i think this is definetly one of the better threads to come up in a while. has loads of information and answers almost every good question. i wouldnt even begin to wonder how much more info could be compiled in with it. thats just amazing.great great work bro.
Thanks Tenner and Heatless. I watching What the Bleep do We Know now.

It's times like these I wish my academic career had been steered in other directions, but there's nothing like a few rum and cokes to make you feel like your talents have been wasted. Either way it's a damn interesting subject to think about.

I don`t think anythings wasted, its all part of the trip :) I`m saying this because I`m the person who develops loads of random interests and gets really good at stuff he won`t use lol People always said dude you should do "this"(one thing i did) and someone else would say do "that"(something else i did) and they always used to say I was really good and interested at it. I was too, I made my own chemistry cabinets, biology labs and tinkered with loads of electronics. I don`t think it matters, all the information gathered just contributes to the "model of life" we have :) Gives us some good material to whirl around our minds and trip on :D
yea. but throw a psychedlic wrench into it and watch the colors and the movements change. breathing and echoing your name-t=e=n=n=e=r= D=|||O= I=|T=!!!
I agree with none of it being an actual waste. It's just sometimes hard to prioritize when our time is so finite. There are so many roads to travel, but the nature of existence only allows a glimpse of very few.
Thanks Tenner and Heatless. I watching What the Bleep do We Know now.

Puff, I love that Ode to the Brain Video.

That's what I'm thinking about. Do you really have more access to your brain or is your conscious mind in overdrive dealing with the things that would normally be filtered out in the "novelty" effect that is discussed by psychedelic researchers. The few trips I've had, I have usually felt more creative. Is it because whatever substance I'm on has temporarily disabled the mechanism in my mind that may filter things out that I'm predisposed to filter, whether correctly or incorrectly based on prior knowledge, before they make it to my conscious mind, or has the substance opened up other passage ways that are normally inaccessible allowing me to connect ideas that would otherwise remain isolated, like a single core processor compared to a multicore processor.

It's times like these I wish my academic career had been steered in other directions, but there's nothing like a few rum and cokes to make you feel like your talents have been wasted. Either way it's a damn interesting subject to think about.

well one of the main effects of tripping also is

time is slowed down

is that because our minds are sped up?? :)
Originally Posted by Sgt. Floyd

I agree with none of it being an actual waste. It's just sometimes hard to prioritize when our time is so finite. There are so many roads to travel, but the nature of existence only allows a glimpse of very few.

What IF ONE learns how to enter the 11 th Dimension .... where TIME does not exist ... ?
Would't ONE be free to travel anywhere at ALL TIME .... where ever they Please ?
