Thanks Tenner and Heatless. I watching What the Bleep do We Know now.
Puff, I love that Ode to the Brain Video.
That's what I'm thinking about. Do you really have more access to your brain or is your conscious mind in overdrive dealing with the things that would normally be filtered out in the "novelty" effect that is discussed by psychedelic researchers. The few trips I've had, I have usually felt more creative. Is it because whatever substance I'm on has temporarily disabled the mechanism in my mind that may filter things out that I'm predisposed to filter, whether correctly or incorrectly based on prior knowledge, before they make it to my conscious mind, or has the substance opened up other passage ways that are normally inaccessible allowing me to connect ideas that would otherwise remain isolated, like a single core processor compared to a multicore processor.
It's times like these I wish my academic career had been steered in other directions, but there's nothing like a few rum and cokes to make you feel like your talents have been wasted. Either way it's a damn interesting subject to think about.