Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!


Well-Known Member
Are these crosses Casey Jones or Caseybands? I feel like I've seen you write both but I might just be high...

QleanerX popped a little tail so I threw her in a Jiffy pellet this morning. The BSBX has her first set of leaves and is off to the races! Come on GIRLS!

Good luck on the assesment, big money! Or you probably want less so your taxes go down huh?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey Clove, shooting for lower property taxes. These views are not free by any means. Not a super business friendly state.

As far as Casey Jones verses Caseyband, and talking with the original breeder I have deduced that the seeds in the casey bud were spluffed by some Headband pollen. The DOG Kushes that I have are a Headband phenotype and the Casey are almost a carbon copy but a tad smaller version. Busy day here...but the house wil be clean and I had a roll-off delivered to clean the barn out. Oh and the girls are all getting some good attention and the Ice crosses are soaking up the rays!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I hope he's better at contracts than divorce or you've just wasted your money.

Your comments are more often laced with pessimism than not cof. And there is always more than meets the eye, you know that. I goofed on my laywer a bit but what I didn't talk about was how I took the higher ground during the divorce in the interest of the kids. Being amicable with their mom for their sake was worth a lot more than some dough. Money means very little to me these days. Of course it's easy to say that when I make close to a half a k a day with my legit job. Even when I'm sitting home like this. And I have already filled the month and a half that I lost on that contract. They don't don't need to know that.

And stop sending me those stupid emails lol. Messing with you bro but seriously I don't read those that get sent around.Just get deleted

Have a good one


Well-Known Member
Hey Clove, shooting for lower property taxes. These views are not free by any means. Not a super business friendly state.

As far as Casey Jones verses Caseyband, and talking with the original breeder I have deduced that the seeds in the casey bud were spluffed by some Headband pollen. The DOG Kushes that I have are a Headband phenotype and the Casey are almost a carbon copy but a tad smaller version. Busy day here...but the house wil be clean and I had a roll-off delivered to clean the barn out. Oh and the girls are all getting some good attention and the Ice crosses are soaking up the rays!
Good luck there! I've found the state doesn't like giving up money very easily. Did you not mow your lawn for like 3 weeks prior? Maybe put some fake bullet hole stickers on your house and stuff? Anything to make it look less valuable!

Ok so if I read that right, the odds are these crosses that we thought had a Casey Jones dad, actually have a Casey Jones x Headband dad?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Good luck there! I've found the state doesn't like giving up money very easily. Did you not mow your lawn for like 3 weeks prior? Maybe put some fake bullet hole stickers on your house and stuff? Anything to make it look less valuable!

Ok so if I read that right, the odds are these crosses that we thought had a Casey Jones dad, actually have a Casey Jones x Headband dad?
Hey CLove thanks! Gotta run, my hottie and are are heading downtown in a few to our favorite bbq joint, but yes that's what the stud is made up of. What a special cross for a breeder! Keep your eyes open for some recessive genes!!

Trying to finish trimming my Blueberry before I have to head out...have a good one!


Well-Known Member
Many many little kids coming out to play. . . looks like the % out of the 8 I planted is lookin' pretty good.

Have yourself a good one, bro! I'm off to work in the garden, and then work work, if you know what I mean ;)


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I think I can afford to eat one or two....it's not going to be how many Romulan seeds do I have? It's going to be more like....how many thousand Rommy seeds do I have lol

See anything below that strikes your fancy bru just let me know

Well now that my letter has arrived, i know i fancy a try on that little bitch of a black rose in the middle, i think it has to be done, i also think i heard you say some good things possibly about P10, is that the void pheno? What do i know though, it's teh internet, abuse the offer, i'll take all but the carpet please, I've plenty of that and it's rather comfy and not of to dissimilar a colour :)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Well now that my letter has arrived, i know i fancy a try on that little bitch of a black rose in the middle, i think it has to be done, i also think i heard you say some good things possibly about P10, is that the void pheno? What do i know though, it's teh internet, abuse the offer, i'll take all but the carpet please, I've plenty of that and it's rather comfy and not of to dissimilar a colour :)
Haha my kinda humor : !) I'll set ya up just like everyone else....you'll be using them like trading cards with your bros your not going to know what to do with them all. Spreading the love is always a good thing! The Romulan seeds are ready now,,,I have tomorrow off sooooo. I'll pm ya in while


Well-Known Member
Haha my kinda humor : !) I'll set ya up just like everyone else....you'll be using them like trading cards with your bros your not going to know what to do with them all. Spreading the love is always a good thing! The Romulan seeds are ready now,,,I have tomorrow off sooooo. I'll pm ya in while
you are the man... lol. seriously tho. a very very generous person! its nice to know theres still good people out there that will help out people who they dont even know.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
If I ever get seeds from you I demand some Blueberry. <3

Damn that lemon qleanor looks nasty!!! bet it smells delish
Guess what man! Took the BB down last night and....hehe. Guess what I have for you. One of the DOG Kushes kept throwing out male flowers for a couple of weeks after I accidently snapped off a cola. I'm thinking unintentional breeding projects can be fun

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
you are the man... lol. seriously tho. a very very generous person! its nice to know theres still good people out there that will help out people who they dont even know.
Hey Chris what's going on man. Thanks for the good vibes! Someone here turned me on to spreading the love and I'm enjoying it for sure. MJ covering the world!


Well-Known Member
Hey Chris what's going on man. Thanks for the good vibes! Someone here turned me on to spreading the love and I'm enjoying it for sure. MJ covering the world!
no problem man. just tellin the truth. lol. only 1 of the BSB's actually broke ground. but it is doin great! growin very quickly actually. sum really fat leaves as well! now lets just hope its female.... lol

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Yeah man the Black Sour Bubble had some fat ass fan leaves lol. Really big. Sounds like it's growing good, I'll keep my fingers crossed that it's a female

Trimming ( and smooking ; ) some DOG right now!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
The first 2 seeds that came out of the Romulan got eaten ;) The next dozen go to Tip Top!

I'm sure that I can find a few Black Rose seeds for ya bru!



Well-Known Member
Thought you would enjoy this Highlander.
A group of US representatives plan to introduce legislation that will legalize marijuana and allow states to legislate its use, pro-marijuana groups said Wednesday.
The legislation would limit the federal government's role in marijuana enforcement to cross-border or inter-state smuggling, and allow people to legally grow, use or sell marijuana in states where it is legal.
The bill, which is expected to be introduced on Thursday by Republican Representative Ron Paul and Democratic Representative Barney Frank, would be the first ever legislation designed to end the federal ban on marijuana.
Sixteen of the 50 states as well as the District of Columbia have legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes.
But planting, selling or commercially distributing marijuana remains illegal under federal law.
Last year, California citizens voted not to legalize recreational marijuana use, although the debate continues in about half a dozen other states.
Three weeks ago a group of ex-presidents of Latin America as well as former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan denounced the failure of the global war on drugs and called for urgent changes, including the legalization of cannabis.
Between 1998 and 2008, worldwide consumption of opiates increased 35 percent, with cocaine use growing 27 percent and marijuana use growing 8.5 percent, according to the Global Commission on Drug Policy.
June marks the 40th anniversary of the "War on Drugs" launched by President Richard Nixon in 1970, the first major US anti-drug initiative.


Well-Known Member
Thought you would enjoy this Highlander.
A group of US representatives plan to introduce legislation that will legalize marijuana and allow states to legislate its use, pro-marijuana groups said Wednesday.
The legislation would limit the federal government's role in marijuana enforcement to cross-border or inter-state smuggling, and allow people to legally grow, use or sell marijuana in states where it is legal.
The bill, which is expected to be introduced on Thursday by Republican Representative Ron Paul and Democratic Representative Barney Frank, would be the first ever legislation designed to end the federal ban on marijuana.
Sixteen of the 50 states as well as the District of Columbia have legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes.
But planting, selling or commercially distributing marijuana remains illegal under federal law.
Last year, California citizens voted not to legalize recreational marijuana use, although the debate continues in about half a dozen other states.
Three weeks ago a group of ex-presidents of Latin America as well as former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan denounced the failure of the global war on drugs and called for urgent changes, including the legalization of cannabis.
Between 1998 and 2008, worldwide consumption of opiates increased 35 percent, with cocaine use growing 27 percent and marijuana use growing 8.5 percent, according to the Global Commission on Drug Policy.
June marks the 40th anniversary of the "War on Drugs" launched by President Richard Nixon in 1970, the first major US anti-drug initiative.
Where did you hear this?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hemlock! Long time buddy hope things are good for yas! Shoot me a note sometime, let me know how things are going.

Barney Frank commands a lot of respect, especially considering his lifestyle, but poor Ron Paul lol...he's on the right page about a lot of things but he has the Rodney syndrome lol. No respect. My state is so far behind the times considering pot it's pathetic,,,cancer patients, hiv patients. Noone gets a script here cause they cant sleep ha. We did just this summer ok a law allow a few dispenseries though, 5 I think. My girl is really pushing me to look into opening one but my whole life I have lived under the radar and in between the cracks...even my legit job is not so legit haha if ya know what I mean, that I don't know if I want to come up for air and be scrutinized and regulated. As a matter of fact, I know I don't! Things are heading in the right direction though and I think it's our responsibility to see that it does.

Bit of a ramble and got a little off track : !), must of been that rip of DOG off the bubbler I took! Going to be a good day!!

Thanks for stopping by Hem and for the positive news...I hadn't heard about that. Later man