fdd2blk's Basic Trimming And Topping Techniques


Well-Known Member
yes, your plant is healthy. never said it wouldnt be, so i dont know what youre proving, other than my point by throwing up that pic. your plant would have been just as healthy, and had more bud on it. not trying to be an ass, dude.
but in order to say that,you would have to know the grow room right?

i hear what you are saying,but that lower growth, "for me",would of just been trim for the kief run,no more than a sack at most,less energy for the rest off the plant.


Well-Known Member
did a little more topping and trimming. by continuing to do this i am increasing the thickness of my side branches. i am developing sturdy stalks to hold future colas. by topping i am keeping the height somewhat under control.


when topping i simply use my thumb nail to snip off the tops. i go around the whole plant every few days a nip off all the long tips.

IMG_3297.jpg IMG_3298.jpg



Well-Known Member
Fdd, no soil mix? What do you use? Im a noob and would like to learn from you, but if you want to ignore my questions, then I understand why a lot of ppl dont like you.



Well-Known Member
Fdd, no soil mix? What do you use? Im a noob and would like to learn from you, but if you want to ignore my questions, then I understand why a lot of ppl dont like you.

i have no specific mix. the dirt in that blue pot is from my neighbors backyard.

i was trying to stay focused on topping and trimming. chastise me for not jacking my own thread. the constant jabs at me are what make me so ornery. what does it do for you?


Well-Known Member
clay based dirt, with rocks and cat shit. maybe a gallon or two of old potting mix. i see some clay hydro balls in there as well. not sure where those came from. a little sticks and grass thrown in for fiber.


hope this helps answer some of your questions. sorry for ignoring you. :weed:


Well-Known Member
[SIZE=-1] What problem does cat feces pose as a human health problem?
The principal disease transmissible to humans is called Toxoplasmosis.
What is Toxoplasmosis?
This is an intestinal parasitic disease of cats and other animals. It affects the intestines and other tissues and the cysts are shed in the feces.
How does it affect humans?
It is associated with abortion and malformation of the unborn child in pregnant women. How common is this disease in Wisconsin cats? About 45% of the cats tested at the Central Animal Health Laboratory were positive.
How long do cats spread this organism?
They spread this organism for about 7-10 days after they become infected. They then become resistant, and fewer eggs are shed.
How is Toxoplasmosis spread to humans?
The eggs are usually placed in the mouth by fingers or objects contaminated with cat feces. Garden produce contaminated with cat feces containing infective eggs could be a human health hazard for pregnant women.

[SIZE=-1]What is the fertilizer value of cat and dog manure?
The composition of cat and dog manure is similar. The feces contain about 0.7% nitrogen (N), 0.25% phosphate (P2O5) and 0.02% potash (K2O). The urine contains about 1.1% N, 0.01% P2O5 and 0.5% K2O. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1] With normal "kitty litter," what is the fertilizer value of cat manure?
Since both the urine and feces are collected, cat manure with litter will contain about 0.85 lb N, 0.2 lb P2O5 and 0.15 lb K2O per 100 lb of manure. If the litter is sawdust or wood shavings, the N will be temporarily "locked up" by the bacteria and fungi in decomposing the litter and little, if any, will be available to plants for several weeks.
Will composting dog and cat manure make it safe for use on gardens?
Composting would sterilize the manure and make it safe for use if the temperature of the compost heap exceeds 165oF for about five days. Unfortunately, backyard compost heaps rarely reach this temperature, and the outer several inches never do.

[SIZE=-1]The health hazards associated with cat and dog manure are greater than the potential benefit from its fertilizer value. Cat and dog manure should be disposed of by flushing down the toilet, burying deep in the soil (six inches or more) or by placement in tight plastic bags for garbage collection. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Prepared by
R. E. Hall
Extension Veterinarian
Emmett Schulte
Extension Soil Scientist
University of Wisconsin, Madison[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1] there is also info for dog crap.

i'd stop using cat poop man, might make you sick one day.
I mean your not prego i assume lol, but still, more risk than i'd wanna take, sift out the cat poop.


Well-Known Member
i am sharing what I do.

that is all i am doing.

it was asked what kind of soil mix i used. i answered. take it or leave it.

unlike others i claim NOTHING.

my cat popped in it months ago. it's too hard for him to dig in it now. the cat poop is long composted. ;)

nowhere did i claim my soil was good. i simply shared what it was.

some people need to relax. bongsmilie


New Member
im relaxed ...........always.........but u dont flush dog poop.........there hair is different and dangerous to your sewer stuff


Well-Known Member
But poop? gross man, haha I kinda thought it was a joke.. just wanted it to be said that poop could carry some dangers. not trying to diss you at all, just trying to be helpful. at least your not using night soil.

edit: hahahaha i said but poop.


Well-Known Member
But poop? gross man, haha I kinda thought it was a joke.. just wanted it to be said that poop could carry some dangers. at least your not using night soil.
it was an empty pot. my cat pooped in it once, maybe twice. once again, that was months ago.

i have 5 cats and i'm in perfect health. :shock:

this is the part where i wanted to STAY FOCUSED ON TOPPING AND TRIMMING.

someone start a soil thread and i'll be happy to share my experiences.


New Member
there just jumping your ass cause your the boss..........i saw a monster u grew so maybe cat shit is the secret


Well-Known Member
i don't think people could handle my "real secrets". :) :cool:

i'm constantly being told my methods don't work, as i post real time pics of it happening. all i can do is share. bongsmilie
Well, it's true, I was typing my last response while you were replying. It took so long because, well, really, I thought you were joking and I juat couldn't stop laughing. I'm pretty high right now, so sorry about the laughing, dude. But, maybe, well, to be kind. Perhaps you shouldn't encourage new growers to emulate your unique way of growing.