1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
No the search is gash eh. I do gravity maybe once or twice at about 7-8 weeks its basically like steroids for mj its just water retention, not actual weight increase Pk13/14 is better for bulking.

I'm fuckin wrecked. Send off from work for me jollies.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
No the search is gash eh. I do gravity maybe once or twice at about 7-8 weeks its basically like steroids for mj its just water retention, not actual weight increase Pk13/14 is better for bulking.

I'm fuckin wrecked. Send off from work for me jollies.


Well-Known Member
few snaps of the next round and odds n sods from the yard.

cheesequake x qrazytrain looking very uniform

purple cherry cheese x livers reveg loving the 600

2 dogs getting a bit of lst

group shot



was checking my tommies n found a huge slug in the poppies a snail and this little fella.

psychosis, dry n curing up a storm, i've missed this stuffbongsmilie

popped a load of black cherry kush and a blackwater kush hoping for suitably sharp lookin stud.

cheers for watching peeps
Them young uns are lookin good there don, and your chillies are comin on mint now mate to!!.........that pysco looks tasty hows it taste??

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
im only away a week the send off was fit for emigrating hahah think they want shot of me. im going to be bonnie at 5am for the flight. right quick bong and sort the garden for a week.....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye i was surprised to see the chilli's put out fruit in 18/6 but i guess thats just stereotyping eh :lol:

the psycho is my #1 taste wise i reckon it just licks the livers. but i actually prefer livers overall. fuck knows both are on par hahaha im too wrecked to think about it.

see you all in a week!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif,sans-serif]I want to lie, shipwrecked and comatose,
Drinking fresh mango juice.
Goldfish shoals, nibbling at my toes,
Fun, fun, fun, in the sun, sun, sun,
Fun, fun, fun, in the sun, sun, sun.

It always entertains me when people pay lots of money to go see the sunshine and we have a heatwave while they're gone :D Been getting some lovely lovely warm showers but it's hot and sunny as fook these days :)


Well-Known Member
It also entertains me when I fly off to some nice new country where I know it will be hot everyday, where I know I can experience new foods, smells, lovely new scenery, and look across to my wife who has the biggest smile on her face because she is relaxed and away from every day stresses and for a few moments/days you are completely chilled and relaxed.

But hey, I guess we could all stay at home, hope it doesn't piss down in between the brief spells of sunshine, hope the train that is late due to train lines being warped does actually turn up, and that the non airconditioned bus alternative is not going to be jam packed with stinking people with BO, and that when you finally get to the place you are going, the wind turns and you get thunderstorms and tropical rain to complete it all, lmao TTT....you stay at home lad, sounds like a treat.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, nah, not like that, just as in the irony of it, fuck english food and culture :D English folk largely go abroad for better weather, and always seems that when someone i know is popping over to spain or italy or whatnot for a week it suddenly get's very sunny :D I'm trying to get a a greek island for a few days for some seafood now that my canada thing is postponed :) fish fish fish :)


Well-Known Member
I wonder what Greece is like to visit at the moment.....no tax paying mofo's, lol.

If you like fish, got to South Africa, ferk me it's so cheap to eat fish there. Yellow fin tuna, Tiger, King, Jumbo prawns, Kabeljauw (cod)....mmmn. One of my fave restaraunts in Cape Town is a seafood place. You can take like 4 people out for the same price as 1 person in Europe. incredible.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Aye, Greece could be a bit tricky right now :D but the seas are rather tempting. Ent been to Cape town since i was a whippersnapper, would like to go back just to experience it outside of the spotlight of the mainstream media, "violence and corruption!"