Outdoor Garden: White widow, Auto Ak47 & NL, Cloud #9


Active Member
eh kinda but i havent updated lately, been too dam busy with work and workin on my house,
things are going ok though most of my Timewarps are around 30 inches tall and bushy as hell, theres a couple runts, which is wierd because they were all clones, maybe some root damage on a few or something.....they'll catch up, the season is young


Active Member
I grow soil and i always had transplanted my girls into bigger pots when i planned on putting them into flowering. I never really noticed any transplant shock in my ladies, but then again i'm just awesome so that might help haha xD

Your women are looking gorgeous man, care for your outdoor plants like they're your children cuz unlike indoor you can only grow one outdoor crop a year, well where I'm at anyway ha.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the smell is whats scaring me x.x im hopeing for the forestry to cover some of the smell. man im hopeing a lot er... :(
Hey what I do to cover smell. Drive arond find a road kill skunk and throw it 100yds from your plants. Also you can buy skunk sent online. Iv also used other smelly dead things. Sea food workswell so scrap from the docks bury it away from ur plants shallow up windso it mixes wth the other smell. No goes looking for dead anaimals.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Haha the dead skunk would def work.

Looking good time... You going to transplant that big one anytime soon? It's gotta be close to being out of room i would think..


New Member
Nope. I dont have anywhere to transplant. So in the pot it stays. Its flower mode now. Have alternating nodes and beginnings of calyxes

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Ahhh i see. Considering it's already flowering it's probably best not to anyways. I hate to see her get all stressed out and hermie up.

Anyways looking good buddy. Cant wait for these next couple months to go by!