grow suggestions


any suggestions on how to stealth grow. i live with my parents and want to get some bud since my town is so damn dry.


Well-Known Member
google Stealth pc case grow. A word of advice, dont say you live with your parents and want to do a stealth grow. Thats gonna make 60% of the people who see the thread not respond, 35% attack you over it, and maybe 5% like me who will respond and try to help.


Well-Known Member
its more like 5 or 6 months if you do it in the woods... but i did it when i was a kid and i got away with it for several years... and my old man was a state cop... goes without saying he wasnt COOL... but in just one of those whom you cant tell what to do


Well-Known Member
eh, it depends on your parents really. My mom was cool with it but i had to keep it secret from my dad. Then i decided to grow flowers for a while and showed them off to him, he never suspected a thing.