1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well peeps, I'm back and still on greek time been up for ages ffs

corfu is absolutely beautiful, turquoise sea, secluded cove beaches. the greeks are really good people too nice n friendly. pics on monday. they also have a very odd plant there which get this smells of ganj! i was getting wafts all over the place, teasing me. finally found which plant it was and no shit the thing has a covering of what looked like trichomes made an oily film when you touched the plant.

corfu was just coming out of a heatwave and with being in the highest spot on the island practically it was pushing 40 some days. the missus has started calling me donaldopolos i'm that brown.

was getting worried about the grow while away but when i got back everything was fine. the autopots hadnt even used a 1/4 tank while i was away :) the seedlings i potted up the day i went are a little stretched but nothing too bad. i reckon i could leave the auto's if on veg for 2-3 weeks without bother. flower im not so sure...

thanks for the return picshow peeps! glad to see your holding it down in my absence.

hit a bong of bubble when i got home to cedlebrate and near took my head off. tolerance built up from the dam visit wiped.


Well-Known Member
Sounds champion Donaldopolos, lol. Did you get pictures of said mystery plant?

Glad to hear everything went well with the auto, you jammy sod, away for a week. I need to get me self set up like that somehow. Good darts lad. laters, D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Sounds champion Donaldopolos, lol. Did you get pictures of said mystery plant?
Glad to hear everything went well with the auto, you jammy sod, away for a week. I need to get me self set up like that somehow. Good darts lad. laters, D
sadly no pics man, Its some kind of herb i think if memory serves, burnt like incense but its big and leafy.

yeah the auto came through like a champ though there appears to be some green algae in one of the tubes. my fault i was going to replace all the tubes from the first run but didn't. it's ordered now lol.

the clone onlies are curling a bit though i know they are only on half nutes or less in fact. still plenty of new growth its just curly wurly haha
Welcome back to prison England Donny dude.
haha bro this is playground England. if you let the country force you to conform your missing out big time imo.


Well-Known Member
Hope you had a good one Don. 40's you say, likewise in Cyprus - too fucking hot, enhances your beer drinking powers though. Was it Keo if memory serves me right.

"sadly no pics man, Its some kind of herb i think if memory serves, burnt like incense but its big and leafy. "

You never smoked that up did you.lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
it was just under 40 still bloody hot enough when your walking about. funnily enough i didnt drink that much. feared the hangover too much. hit the brandy on wednesday night and paid big time.

nah i didnt smoke that stuff man enjoyed the week off actually. well til i decided i fancied a spliff haha

mr west

Well-Known Member
I choose the path of least resistance at all times, keeping my head down is the way. My m8 went to malta the same weekend we was at D's, he came back full of ideas of buying a portion of maltas exbus service and fitting them out to take ppl on partys out in the stix. U see any business opertunitys?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
nah man the locals have it all wrapped up the folk that live in the sticks come into the tourist bits and work the summer to help out then go back up in the out of season. one bird worked the breakfast shift then the pool bar shift then the evening meal all with a constant smile. their economies on its arse at the moment anyway.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
it'll not happen the rest of europe wont let it as it'll weaken them substantially. still plenty good places not on the euro tho man

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey hey donnie bro good to see ya back, Greek isles huh? That's very cool! Sounds like a nice getaway for you and your honey ; !)

Have a good rest of the weekend man, talk to ya!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
what up HC !? yeah man wait till you see the pics. The place was possibly the most beautiful i've been to.

yeah i'm not sure what i fancy doing tonight. i've the option to go out for the big fight into toon or up to a mates to watch it. don't think i can be bothered either way though need some down time. might make a start on sorting out the grow, i've got to change out a bulb, move a load of plants round and take a round of snips, fit another screen net n stuff. just been chatting to my buddy, he's not 100% but he reckons he might have a kanny stud CQ x QT for me. i was cutting down in numbers but since the dam trip i went nuts n popped a boat load. i'm going to be pushed for space majorly.

laters chief

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Most i can remember from visiting greek islands was the island of Kos, drinking bottle after bottle of Vagina or whatever it was called and finding myself rather far out to sea in the early hours of the morning with nowt on. Little bit arid and dry but can't wait to try get back there some time, might try re-tracing me old mans backpack excursion through that area.

Greeks did indeed seem like the very nicest of people from the young people through to the decrepit


Well-Known Member
Hey bro welcome back. On the smart fone at the moment, so keeping it short. Glad u had a good week off, and that all is still well in the garden :)