Don't Want To Quit.


I've smoked tons of marijuana since starting in April. I've posted here several times about fear of depersonalization and other "psychotic" issues that I thought I may have. I've considered quitting pot, but I honestly don't really want to... Pot seems to have caused this, but ironically cures it too. I did have sort of a bad anxiety trip one time after smoking a blunt of AK-47 and watching Paranormal Activity, but I was fine after that... I continued to smoke and suddenly one day I felt foggy, then it turned into serious anxiety, then depression and suicidal thoughts followed. I haven't been able to understand why it happened, I've never been that kind of person. Now I just feel foggy, sometimes like I'm in a dream, thinking about it doesn't help... Many people will say "it has nothing to do with the pot...". I say, stop trying to make it sound so harmless, there are many reports of this similar thing on the net... All I want to know is... what will get rid of this? I'm taking a toking break for the next week or so, but it's been two months of feeling psychotic and it must end before I seriously go insane.


Well-Known Member
I've smoked tons of marijuana since starting in April. I've posted here several times about fear of depersonalization and other "psychotic" issues that I thought I may have. I've considered quitting pot, but I honestly don't really want to... Pot seems to have caused this, but ironically cures it too. I did have sort of a bad anxiety trip one time after smoking a blunt of AK-47 and watching Paranormal Activity, but I was fine after that... I continued to smoke and suddenly one day I felt foggy, then it turned into serious anxiety, then depression and suicidal thoughts followed. I haven't been able to understand why it happened, I've never been that kind of person. Now I just feel foggy, sometimes like I'm in a dream, thinking about it doesn't help... Many people will say "it has nothing to do with the pot...". I say, stop trying to make it sound so harmless, there are many reports of this similar thing on the net... All I want to know is... what will get rid of this? I'm taking a toking break for the next week or so, but it's been two months of feeling psychotic and it must end before I seriously go insane.
Never smoke weed again my friend.


@ Ryantherhino: ....That's all you have to say? That would only make things worse. It's not relevant to what I'm talking about anyway.


Well-Known Member
hallucinogens will make you have a change or heart and if your at the bottom you can only go up. you will confront whats wrong and only when you do that can YOU GET BETTER.;)


But I don't have bad highs... why would I have bad sobers? I mean I know I've smoked straight for two months... maybe I take more time adjusting to reality? I don't know.


Well-Known Member
have u tried edibles? sometimes straight smoking stresses ot the lungs- which can onset ur paranoia. that i cant breathe feelling. this can cause ur heart to race, bp to rise and an unsettling feeling...but honestly u might wana take a break and see how u feel, if u get better then maybe weed just isnt for you.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
@ Ryantherhino: ....That's all you have to say? That would only make things worse. It's not relevant to what I'm talking about anyway.
Cannabis does not cause psychosis. It may exacerbate a problem already present. There is absolutely no scientific proof that Cannabis causes any mental illnesses. People use Cannabis to self-medicate which only masks the problems instead of controls them. We have a variety of strains of cannabis which can effect you differently. Being diagnosed and treated for post-traumatic stress disorder I tend to steer clear of indica and indica dominant strains. They tend to trigger my anxiety and paranoia. I like the sativa and sativa dominant strains. They don't have that effect on me.

You have two choices. Either quit altogether or find the type of cannabis that works for you. Good luck with your choice.


There's the thing though. I haven't really tried to get better at any point. In reality things aren't really THAT bad... It worries me when I read up on the net about psychotic disorders people get from smoking. All I really feel is cloudy and foggy... especially around light. I have very good lungs so marijuana really hasn't done anything to me (my lungs aren't any different than they were before).

Yes, I first started in April, 420 is when I started. I've smoked 12 strains of weed already, some sativa and some indica. None of the weeds I have smoked worsen my condition, they don't do anything to it. May 25th I just woke up from a nap like that, I had felt a usual fog from smoking too much the day before, and figured I need sleep, that's usually the cure. I wake up, horrible anxiety. That's how it all started. From there on I used weed to remedy this, and up my mood (it really makes me happy sometimes, even the day after). Green crack sure did the trick for me.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
There's the thing though. I haven't really tried to get better at any point. In reality things aren't really THAT bad... It worries me when I read up on the net about psychotic disorders people get from smoking. All I really feel is cloudy and foggy... especially around light. I have very good lungs so marijuana really hasn't done anything to me (my lungs aren't any different than they were before).
You don't "get" mental disorders from smoking cannabis. Seriously. the cloudy foggy feeling can be a dissociative episode or even a small psychotic break. Cannabis isn't causing this. I would talk with my medical doctor and describe all the symptoms if it were me.


Well to be perfectly honest with you, throughout all of this smoking, I've gotten very little sleep. And I mean very little. I was still in school during a lot of this and was getting 2-3 hours and then going in. I often when I stay at my friends house smoke a huge amount and pass out on his floor. The waking up is terrible. I have a headache and have no clue what's going on. Somehow indica strains make a blanket on a floor as comfortable as a class A hotel room haha. When I would want to sleep, my friends would call and say, come over and smoke. I'll never turn down being high...

Wait... what do you mean an episode? This has been going on for months... Except it's different now than it was before. Now that I've stopped smoking for awhile (it's been two days), I've felt very strange. It's like I'm so used to being high that reality itself is just... off.


Well-Known Member
how old are you? cannabis has been known to onset paranoid schizophrenia, which usually onsets in the 20s


Well-Known Member
Get some sleep just like i said. sleep your whole weekend away and you'll be back to normal. trust me i have done my share of just about everything


Okay... first of all I'm 18. Second of all, I wouldn't go that far. I don't feel anything similar to schizo. What I'm feeling isn't even a disconnected feeling, it's just an irritating sort of unfocused feeling, but I'm not really out of reality... At times I'll feel more upset about it but other times I won't care (say, I'm watching T.V, or smoking more).

Strangely enough, I had a terrible case of this at one point, where I literally felt like I was in a glass box all day. I smoked some really dank stuff and went home and slept 12 hours and woke up. And what do you know? It's gone. It didn't happen for awhile until I had some purple urkel and didn't really sleep after... The anxiety itself is what I can't explain, but I don't think it was directly caused by the marijuana, it was anxiety over seeing paranormal activity when I smoked the blunt of AK-47. I had no clue why I was feeling afraid of my house, probably because I feared it at a young age... But it still didn't make any sense. I noticed feeling VERY disconnected after that, and as I smoked more it seemed to subside quite a bit... This is all sketchy as hell though.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes you just need to get out of the house and do something fun like a drive in the woods or a day at the beach.


I've been away from the house 24/7, I actually just want to stay in my house for awhile just to relax and sleep. I've been getting absolutely f*cked up for weeks straight and all I want all the time is to sleep, nothing but sleep. I'm always ready to just pass out in my bed... I just notice that if I'm around lights, something about me just isn't focused. That's really all I can say about it... I've always been kind of like that, and I have a feeling that the anxiety episode I had in May has just made me more self-conscious. I think I should probably start jogging... I once had this sort of feeling from losing someone dear to me, and joined a school track team. Within just a week I was over it somehow.


You know... this is all in my head. Marijuana has nothing to do with this. I'm sure it somewhat contributed to it, because I have pretty low tolerance and that blunt of AK-47 probably crept up on me and caused that anxiety. It has worsened because of little sleep, thinking too much, and trying to find answers on the internet. I'm not psychotic, I'll never be psychotic. I need rest, time away from the herb, and something to do other than think. Only because of that anxiety that took place did I get here, but smoking more always returns me to the mental state I was at before, which is how I've felt for awhile... Therefore, weed isn't worsening it.

The reason I've felt psychotic is that as I've thought I've been having issues, I've thought about all the good memories of my life, and wished I could be re-living them. This put me in a confused state with skewed perceptions of reality. I've done this to myself, not the weed. I have done this before in my life.Well, that's my conclusion... I'll end it there.