Man Gets First Ever Eye Ball Tattoo


Mota King
I think I need to go kill myself now for seeing that... thanks.. lol

i second your motion... WTFFFFF!!!!?!?!?:confused::confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
I cant imagine it,im sleeved out & my entire back is done but the EYEBALL,no way jose.

I thought it hurt getting my elbows done.:cry:


Well-Known Member
oooo shit
you guys never saw DRAGON PENIS!?!?!?!
one time our entire class told our teacher to go look up dragon penis and she actaully did and she said it looked badass lol


Well-Known Member
actually, i don't believe it. if you notice, that's a syringe, not a tattoo needle. what they are doing is injecting a dye for some kind of procedure.


Well-Known Member
well dude it would be kind of hard to do that with a tattoo needle... considering tattoo needles are rapid and violent so to think anyone would even attempt to tattoo their eye with an actual tattoo gun... well dude c'mon


Mota King
dude.. whoever dragon penis is should have his junk taken away for Penile Abuse!! that tattoo AND its pierced... :spew: