The Choice I Never Made...


Well-Known Member
He was Jesus-I don't find that random, listen to him, listen to his mom , check the birth records Jesus Christ Allin.
Seriously no. I'm not going to watch a 40 minute video of Jerry Springer and some crazy guest because you wanted to make some obscure point about a comment I made to another poster.


Well-Known Member
Seriously no. I'm not going to watch a 40 minute video of Jerry Springer and some crazy guest because you wanted to make some obscure point about a comment I made to another poster.
Ok so don't watch it, G.G. was Jesus and the Devil he was a second cumming of Jesus like an evil jesus like ying and yang- anyways why don't you try to bash believers of Gods word? I asked the other guy that. Why cant we just be left alone by you so we can obey God in peace and do good works and follow the 10 commandments and go to heaven? Keep your wicked tongue to yourself.


Well-Known Member
If you believe something that gives you comfort at the cost of someone else's life, liberty or happiness, then fuck you sir, you don't have the right to that belief, and you damn sure don't have a right to it if you don't have any evidence for it.
Only one of those two is claiming to have high morals and standards, which was supported by saying their parents taught them, making only one of them a hypocrite.
Ok, I see your point, so let me reword to be specific. If you are claiming the expressive use of the word fuck as of having low morals and standards, then Pad just contradicted himself by using the word fuck because he feels his morals are technically of higher standards supported simply through the context of what he said. Oly may feel the exact same way about Pad's belief and see them as lesser standards of morality. Attempting to assign one's vocabulary as a form of lesser morality is subjective to individual opinion and only seen as such from your personal prespective.

And this is where my point lies, both are claiming a belief in a better set of morals. To categorically choose 1 as not setting a precedent of better morals is hypocritcal to the fact of them both claiming higher standards and using the word fuck. My point is fuck is fuck, if they both chose to use it within their vocabulary standards of their better morals then fuck is fuck.

If Pad said to Oly I love you man, then Oly said Pad I love you man, would that then equal out to them both having equal standards or Moral? Would you then say Oly your parents taught you good morality and standards?

No point in attaching any said comments about parents to them when they cannot defend themselves. Oly made that claim so we can speculate on their morals but we can only personally judge Oly for what he is saying. Oly parents may feel he is using low standards of morality, however they are not here to comment on or defend themselves.


Well-Known Member
Ok so don't watch it, G.G. was Jesus and the Devil he was a second cumming of Jesus like an evil jesus like ying and yang- anyways why don't you try to bash believers of Gods word? I asked the other guy that. Why cant we just be left alone by you so we can obey God in peace and do good works and follow the 10 commandments and go to heaven? Keep your wicked tongue to yourself.
If only you would do things in peace and left everyone alone, no one would bother you. Bring your shit out in public and people will ask you why you are holding a turd and no matter how much you clean and polish it, it will still be a steaming pile of shit to many folks.


Well-Known Member
If only you would do things in peace and left everyone alone, no one would bother you. Bring your shit out in public and people will ask you why you are holding a turd and no matter how much you clean and polish it, it will still be a steaming pile of shit to many folks.
That's cool I will be following the ten commandments I'm looking forward to heaven and in the meantime i'm enjoying my time on Gods great earth, I would recomend you do the same but if you don't want to go to heaven I can't force you only let you know that Jesus gives you that option, if you don't want to go then that helps my chances, I heard theirs limited seating and their might only be room for 144,000 people.


Well-Known Member
beardo, would you mind answering these questions?

-do you believe holding a belief that comforts you at the expense of others (if your beliefs are costly to others isn't the question, for this hypothetical, assume they are) is OK?

-how can you be sure that which contradicts or opposes your beliefs are the work of the devil?

-can you see how this kind of reasoning would ensure a person doesn't question the things they believe?



Well-Known Member

Goodnight Everybody!!

edit: and Pad I'm not picking on you, just after these last few posts....whew!!


Well-Known Member
That's cool I will be following the ten commandments I'm looking forward to heaven and in the meantime i'm enjoying my time on Gods great earth, I would recomend you do the same but if you don't want to go to heaven I can't force you only let you know that Jesus gives you that option, if you don't want to go then that helps my chances, I heard theirs limited seating and their might only be room for 144,000 people.
From what I have read Jesus doesn't give me that option as I have denied the holy spirit (many times). Even if I ask for forgiveness now I can't be saved, oh woe is me.

BTW, even recommending and letting me know about Jesus's options is NOT quietly observing your god or your 10 commandments in peace.

[I see you haven't taken my suggestion and learned the difference between there/their and theirs/there's]


Well-Known Member
beardo, would you mind answering these questions?

-do you believe holding a belief that comforts you at the expense of others (if your beliefs are costly to others isn't the question, for this hypothetical, assume they are) is OK?

-how can you be sure that which contradicts or opposes your beliefs are the work of the devil?

-can you see how this kind of reasoning would ensure a person doesn't question the things they believe?

For sure, Holding your belief is ok because thats what is best for you and theirfore what God wants, Anything challenging Gods word is the work of the Devil trying to make you stray from Gods word. The lack of questioning and belief that any questioning is blasphomy is what makes it a perfect belief system.


Well-Known Member
From what I have read Jesus doesn't give me that option as I have denied the holy spirit (many times). Even if I ask for forgiveness now I can't be saved, oh woe is me.

BTW, even recommending and letting me know about Jesus's options is NOT quietly observing your god or your 10 commandments in peace.

[I see you haven't taken my suggestion and learned the difference between there/their and theirs/there's]
I might just have to knock on your door, faith without works is dead. All you have to do is accept Jesus as your personal lord and savior. It's like A.A.


Well-Known Member
I might just have to knock on your door, faith without works is dead. All you have to do is accept Jesus as your personal lord and savior. It's like A.A.
So your complaining about wanting to just be left alone to worship your god were really empty words and meant to engender sympathy and understanding but no one of your kind actually believes it because proselytizing is integrated into your belief system. Lying for Jesus noted. :clap:


Well-Known Member
So your complaining about wanting to just be left alone to worship your god were really empty words and meant to engender sympathy and understanding but no one of your kind actually believes it because proselytizing is integrated into your belief system.
It is an essential part of the program.


Well-Known Member
Why cant we just be left alone by you so we can obey God in peace and do good works and follow the 10 commandments and go to heaven? Keep your wicked tongue to yourself.
You can't bring your beliefs to the table and then expect them to not be criticized. Again, religion is always the first to play the hurt card. What is the problem with examination and critical thought? How does being asked to explain your beliefs qualify as a wicked tongue? It seems you're being pretentiously sensational. Your brain has trained itself to allow any opposition to your beliefs to be thought of as the devils work so that it becomes easy for you to dismiss it. Classic cognitive dissonance.

Ok, I see your point, so let me reword to be specific. If you are claiming the expressive use of the word fuck as of having low morals and standards, then Pad just contradicted himself by using the word fuck because he feels his morals are technically of higher standards supported simply through the context of what he said. Oly may feel the exact same way about Pad's belief and see them as lesser standards of morality. Attempting to assign one's vocabulary as a form of lesser morality is subjective to individual opinion and only seen as such from your personal prespective.

And this is where my point lies, both are claiming a belief in a better set of morals. To categorically choose 1 as not setting a precedent of better morals is hypocritcal to the fact of them both claiming higher standards and using the word fuck. My point is fuck is fuck, if they both chose to use it within their vocabulary standards of their better morals then fuck is fuck.

If Pad said to Oly I love you man, then Oly said Pad I love you man, would that then equal out to them both having equal standards or Moral? Would you then say Oly your parents taught you good morality and standards?

No point in attaching any said comments about parents to them when they cannot defend themselves. Oly made that claim so we can speculate on their morals but we can only personally judge Oly for what he is saying. Oly parents may feel he is using low standards of morality, however they are not here to comment on or defend themselves.
The quote was meant to serve as an example. You are the one that assigned my comments to a specific incident. I was speaking of olys general theme of responding to genuine inquiry with abuse and hate, which is in contrast to what Jesus taught. Since he claims to have learned his religious morals from his parents, they must have taught him to be a hypocrite, which I find despicable.


Well-Known Member
Oh noooo!!!!! So you guys who say you believe in sciene does that mean you are a scientologist? You know, those who worship tom cruise!

There you go folks, the compassionate, tolerant Xian spreading his love...

Oly, I don't think I have ever commented on any of your posts and this is how you introduce yourself to me? What goes around comes around, you will be seeing a bit more of me from now on. Don't say I never warned you.


Well-Known Member
Its so funny how you dudes get so riled up and stuff! Trying to belittle people, you know, its sort of a hate crime if you ask me...

You claim that people force this info on you, yet I never told any of you to believe in anything... And you try and you try so hard to talk down on my beliefs, when I have nothing to say about yours..

And im assuming you think any anthropologist and the like who believe in God are stupid as well...


Well-Known Member
Its so funny how you dudes get so riled up and stuff! Trying to belittle people, you know, its sort of a hate crime if you ask me...

You claim that people force this info on you, yet I never told any of you to believe in anything... And you try and you try so hard to talk down on my beliefs, when I have nothing to say about yours..
I for one jackass, understand and have seen the fucking evidence for evolution, but i choose not to accept it because i believe in God and the bible... I wrote a few reports on it and passed my classes, thats what worried me, passing, not what some stupid fucking atheist has to say... you seem soo intelligent, but you are very dumb... your logical thinking really fucking sucks ass bro and that is something you should really re evaluate... making assumptions about things you dont know just show off your stupidity...
Seems to me that you had plenty to say, and your language clearly indicates that you are trying to establish a superior position by insulting. How many of us have insulted you? It seems the faults you find in others are things you fail to notice about yourself, which is typical of a hypocrite.

Meanwhile you have provided nothing of substance for us to consider. You haven't made one single valid point or addressed points made to you beyond hostile beratement. You are unable to defend any single one of your statements, and somehow in your head that equates to us getting riled up and treating you unfairly. You don't even seem to possess to ability to express yourself clearly, so why we should we pay attention to anything you say?