The Choice I Never Made...


Well-Known Member



If 10 mutha fuckas tell ya yer a horse......get a bag of oats.........can you understand the simplicity of that statement??????I know your all super smart and shit cause your in school an all but damn dude!!!!!

I'm going back ta where i left off.Good stuff in here fellas....keep it up.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by beardo
So why not attempt to smash in the skull of any one who disagrees? maybe you could eliminate religious belief that way? Don't they kill flaun gong members in China and harvest their organs? I think China banned religion or has their own state religion.

Originally Posted by beardo
Why don't you? Why not? Don't you think they would taste good?

No one seems to want to touch on this or give any answers, but this might highlight why we need God.
I don't smash the skull of people that disagree with me because I have respect for other people and know that it would be wrong. If you need god to tell you not to do shit like that you are a terrible, disgusting, worthless human being and the world would be better off without you. I know how to behave like a decent human being without being tricked or coerced by fear.


Well-Known Member
I don't smash the skull of people that disagree with me because I have respect for other people and know that it would be wrong. If you need god to tell you not to do shit like that you are a terrible, disgusting, worthless human being and the world would be better off without you. I know how to behave like a decent human being without being tricked or coerced by fear.
What is a human being? Is that something God created in his image? Or an animal like a monkey that has evolved to become the dominant species? What is respect? Is that an invention or our mind or our socitey or our parents or government? What is wrong? what makes something wrong?


Well-Known Member
What is a human being? Is that something God created in his image? Or an animal like a monkey that has evolved to become the dominant species? What is respect? Is that an invention or our mind or our socitey or our parents or government? What is wrong? what makes something wrong?
a human is an ape-like animal that has become the dominant species. if god created us in his image, we would all look the same. but there are people born with all kinds of crazy diseases. extra limbs, lack of limbs, mental/physical handicaps, etc. if we are so perfect, why does this happen? is god punishing them? why would he punish someone who hasnt even had a chance to understand who or what they are yet? and if he does, why do you worship him if you know he does this?
science has an explanation for these things, do you?

respect is different in many cultures. some think its disrespectful to show the bottom of your feet, or show just the middle finger at someone. other cultures wouldnt even notice that you did that action. so it all depends on what society you were raised in, and how they behaved.


Well-Known Member
Pad, I don't think oly is the best person to seek answers from. He's stumbled upon religion without understanding what it is, so there is a poor chance you will gain any understanding from him. He has proven this with all his responses, which aren't likely to change. He doesn't even understand what we mean when we say ignorant, he sees it as an insult. How can you communicate with that level of under education? It's like trying to explain to a child that the big bright ball of light in the sky is actually a giant nuclear furnace that builds hydrogen into helium. The child doesn't know what words like hydrogen and nuclear mean, so there is no way he can possibly go on to make a connection. He is not capable of seeing it as anything other than a ball of light, nor is he capable of explaining to you why he doesn't see it your way. Oly is not a child, so it is unlikely his basic comprehension skills will improve. Whether someone takes this position with god or the sun, is it really a religious position? Oly is both willfully and incidentally ignorant, and happy about it. Your words will never mean anything other than atheist superiority to him, and you will gather no valid insight from engaging him. The good news is that people such as him don't amount to much in life, and he probably doesn't vote or try to influence political policy. When someone demonstrates they are a lost cause (incapable of comprehensive discussion) it is best to leave them be and let them circle the drain. It is your thread, but I don't see the value in your exchanges. Even religious people that might be reading this thread know better than him. I think it's important to send the message that, if you can't defend your beliefs (or even express them clearly in olys case) you DO NOT get to bring them to the table and participate in discussion with the adults. Unless of course you simply enjoy poking a retard with a stick.

People with his outlook and conduct make me angry too, but I realized a few years ago that those sort of people are not likely to be part of your circle of acquaintances. I used to leave the house with an angry sour attitude aimed at religious people, but in actuality most of them don't mind questioning their beliefs and assigning reason, as invalid as it may be. Most of them would give you the shirt off their back. This in no way excuses them for their erroneous conclusions and their tendency to push and judge; I am just saying that neither do they deserve such level of hostility. When you do encounter a worthless position such as olys, it does no good to attack it as it does not represent the typical catalyst responsible for religion. The best thing you can do is to promote awareness and education and encourage critical thought, which of course I see you do a lot. It's a long slow process but one that is likely to, eventually, be productive. These are the things I would have told my younger, angrier self, and I say them to you not out of concern for oly, but because I think you might benefit from a different perspective. I still tend to be inflammatory and offensive at times, but I do so while promoting doubt, and not just to point fingers and insult. If you turn on the God channel in my house, within 10 minutes I will be so angry at their manipulative promotion of self serving illogic I might break the TV, but again, I find those are not the same people I see going to church, and not all religious people are affiliated.

In short, I am suggesting you should save your contempt for those who deserve it (sheep mentality vs child mentality) and shape it into a more piercing and impressionable tool.

Here's a quote that in no way pertains to anything I've just expressed,

I have no room in my heart for compassion
If you piss me off I will quickly start smashin'
Your pleas for reason are simply pathetic
Why waste my words when my fists are poetic

- Beefcake the Mighty


I HATE you, I HIT you. I HATE you, I HIT you. I HATE you, I HIT you. I HATE you, I HIT you. I HATE you, I HIT you. I HATE you, I HIT you. I HATE you, I HIT you. I BEAT YOU TO DEATH.
I hear you Heis, and you're right. This shit gets everyone nowhere. I made a few civil attempts in the beginning with oly but eventually just gave up. It was a mistake to take the hostile route of engagement, I admit.

Thanks for your post, I hope to one day get past the frustration.

It doesn't matter how much you try to help someone if they don't want to listen.


Well-Known Member
I stopped reading this post about half way through, but as far as I can see there is not a single rational reason in that list.
I could care less. He asked a question. I gave him the information he sought. If you cared to know the rational of what others thought, you would have read it throughout as well. I did. I found Rational reasons and Irrational reasons.

I also understand the concept of Rational and it doesn't encompass only your prespective of what rationality is

You may find it Rational to stick a Dick up your ass. I may find that to be Irrational.

Please, I employ you...


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter how much you try to help someone if they don't want to listen.
Exactly, but thats what I said a few posts ago... Oh, I'm a believer. Hands over Ears/Eyes...

Hypocrite -

That is why Oly doesn't respect nothing you have to say. This isn't the first time he has engaged your posts.

I tried sitting and just giving resourceful information to a friend and he told me it looked cartoonish/joke. He couldn't accept what I was telling him as serious and I could see him starting to tear up from anger. At that point there is nothing you can do, if they want to know more they will seek you out..


Well-Known Member
I believe in life. I dont believe we were put here but created here. Just like the green plants we all have come to love an enjoy. This is why most, if not close to all scientists dont' have a religion. They know, or seem to think they know, how life was created: As a single celled organism. But lets face it, im no scientist but believe how they do. Have since i was a child. Karma is my religion, the old "do to others what you want done to you" addage has a lot to do with how well you want your life to be in the outcome. Make more people smile around you and you're more likely to smile as well.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps this is a better way to phrase the question I asked to get rid of some of the confusion;

Are there any reasons that would convince a rational person God exists?

This is a little bit different, as the reasons one might have for justifying their belief may seem rational to them, but that wouldn't make them any more or less rational to everyone else. Those beliefs may(and does) lead a person to do some pretty irrational things making them an irrational person.

One final point to ice this cake... can a believer say the same thing about science?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I could care less. He asked a question. I gave him the information he sought. If you cared to know the rational of what others thought, you would have read it throughout as well. I did. I found Rational reasons and Irrational reasons.

I also understand the concept of Rational and it doesn't encompass only your prespective of what rationality is

You may find it Rational to stick a Dick up your ass. I may find that to be Irrational.

Please, I employ you...
He asked a question and you provided an unsatisfactory answer. I don't think the term "rational" is completely subjective and up to each persons personal view. We have definitions for words. You may believe in santa, and you may believe that to be a rational decision based on reason and logic, but you would be wrong. You cannot provide any rational reasons to believe in santa claus. A belief in santa is necessarily irrational by definition.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps this is a better way to phrase the question I asked to get rid of some of the confusion;

Are there any reasons that would convince a rational person God exists?

This is a little bit different, as the reasons one might have for justifying their belief may seem rational to them, but that wouldn't make them any more or less rational to everyone else. Those beliefs may(and does) lead a person to do some pretty irrational things making them an irrational person.

One final point to ice this cake... can a believer say the same thing about science?
I think the only way someone like me would think god exists is if somebody floated into air, or walked on water and seperated seas in front of me like the bible makes it out. And thats a good question. I've asked some here (mormons) and they get mad! Red in the face even. Seems the can judge me with no problem, but when i simply ask of their faith they flip the script!


Well-Known Member
He asked a question and you provided an unsatisfactory answer. I don't think the term "rational" is completely subjective and up to each persons personal view. We have definitions for words. You may believe in santa, and you may believe that to be a rational decision based on reason and logic, but you would be wrong. You cannot provide any rational reasons to believe in santa claus. A belief in santa is necessarily irrational by definition.
I provided a worldly view answer. It wasn't my personal answer to the question. If you don't like it go edit wiki and submit a new definition for the world to accept. If you read what I did say, then you would see that to comprehend the others rationality, one must first engage each others reasoning of rationality. And rationality doesn't mean it must encompass that which I see as rational. I could be wrong about Santa. So tell me why you see it as irrational.

Because you didn't recieve any Santa gifts as a Kid. Sorry, I did....

You living fantasy dude and you argue fantasy.

You argue as an Adult and Think like a child... That is irrational..

I don't understand this post.
I honestly didn't expect you to. It was quite confusing wasn't it.. but I'll explain. You ignored what I said which was the exact same thing Heis said but you acknowleged him telling you the same thing I said. Unless you just missed my post all together that I quoted you on.. However, you are accusing Oly of having his eyes/ears closed when you are offering information to him. You just did the same thing. Unless you missed the post I just quoted you on.. then my mistake.. it's all good


Well-Known Member
One final point to ice this cake... can a believer say the same thing about science?
Yes, one can say the same thing about science. Einstein was ridiculed for being irrational about his theories. Just as past and present theories by Scientist are found to be of irrational degrees.

Before you Ice a Cake, you have to bake One first..


Well-Known Member
@brazko, that's a good one stating you received santa gifts as a kid. I did too, however dont believe in god. I only celebrate xmas now for tradition's sake and to pass to my children what my parens passed on to me. :)

(i know u werent talking to me, im just in a talkative mood) lol

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I provided a worldly view answer. It wasn't my personal answer to the question. If you don't like it go edit wiki and submit a new definition for the world to accept. If you read what I did say, then you would see that to comprehend the others rationality, one must first engage each others reasoning of rationality. And rationality doesn't mean it must encompass that which I see as rational. I could be wrong about Santa. So tell me why you see it as irrational.

Because you didn't recieve any Santa gifts as a Kid. Sorry, I did....

You living fantasy dude and you argue fantasy.

You argue as an Adult and Think like a child... That is irrational..
I did read what you wrote:

I could care less. He asked a question. I gave him the information he sought. If you cared to know the rational of what others thought, you would have read it throughout as well. I did. I found Rational reasons and Irrational reasons.

I also understand the concept of Rational and it doesn't encompass only your prespective of what rationality is

You may find it Rational to stick a Dick up your ass. I may find that to be Irrational.

Please, I employ you...
That is what I disagree with, and I don't think you do understand the concept of rational. My perspective and your perspective are irrelevant. You can't just make up a reason that is not based on logic and say it's rational to YOU.

I don't care if you received gifts that had a tag from santa. Using that information to get to the conclusion that santa is real is NOT rational regardless of whether you personally believe it to be sufficient or not.


Well-Known Member
@brazko, that's a good one stating you received santa gifts as a kid. I did too, however dont believe in god. I only celebrate xmas now for tradition's sake and to pass to my children what my parens passed on to me. :)

(i know u werent talking to me, im just in a talkative mood) lol
Ok Santa.., Now what god do you not want me to believe in?


Well-Known Member
But santa is real. Think back to when you were a kid when you still believed, it felt great right? Makes me smile to this day, Even though we clearly know as adults he is not. This is the premise of believer's in all forms of believing. :)


Well-Known Member
That is what I disagree with, and I don't think you do understand the concept of rational. .
No, read and comprehend the full definition and concept of what rationality is. I think you don't understand rationality.

Answer this: Do you find it rational to stick a Dick up your Ass?

Please answer this question...