So this b*tch is cheetin on me...

lol you guys are hillarious...

but ya i agree about the bills and mail and shit...

i woke up this morning in a freinds house to a phone call talking about how her and her parents are going to be here at 6 pm today...and if i'm not out by then they will call the cops... i don't know what all she told her parents...but i just got done taking all my scetchy shit to my moms... so they got nothing on me, i'm gonna shower clean the house a bit, make myself look pretty and respectable and tell them to go fuck themselves... they gonna call the cops and the cops are gonna side with me because i've been an occupant for 10 months and this is my perminent adress...

but this shit is gonna get ugly...

and if you really want to change the title then change it to like "this terrible female is cheeting on me" or some shit like that...

but she may take the comp when she leaves so i might not be able to follow up with you guys...but she might not... but you'll hear from me soon enough anyway..
Oh ya? I didnt know I was coming down that way?!

wow, you are a tough one.

here you go. hope this wont get me in trouble. i tried to blur the pic..:-?

FaCultGen, keep your head up brother. you will be alright !!:joint::peace:


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wow, you are a tough one.

here you go. hope this wont get me in trouble. i tried to blur the pic..:-?

FaCultGen, keep your head up brother. you will be alright !!:joint::peace:
A tough one? Me?

Shes aiiighht.
She kinda reminds me of that chick thats on that tanning reality show.


she does kinda look like that chick...
I know right?? K CULT sorry for temporarily hijackin your thread...

SO, good luck with the cleaning. Remember to keep your cool when they come. Also remember to stand your ground. Dont be acting all pussyish either.
last night was good, after i got to the bar with my friend and his girl and her friend, and we did some shots, i stopped shaking and shit, calmed down and just had a good time.

today on the other hand has been an adventure...and it's about to get worse in a couple hours... and then relife will come...maybe...

i just always start shaking in shitty situations... i need some valiume or some shit...

i don't mind if you guys talk about other shit too lol... hijack away
just keep the peace and you will be the better person now.

where are you at ? im asking because i thought you were near me.
i need some advice...maybe you guys can help...

so i just found out today that my gf of 3 years has been lying to me about going to hang with her bitchy ass sister, and in stead is going to this dudes house and messing around with a guy that lives there...we've been having some issues lately and i am moving out in a week...but this shit is unacceptable...she could have at least waited till we didn't live together...

so... i need to get back at her for this shit, i just found out today, and she dosn't know that i what you guys think i should do?

i was thinking about killing her ass and this dude... lol...

if u did your job at home she would't have to stop by my place...dont blame her
Ok, here is what you do.... Revenge is sweet...remember that...

slash his tires.... and beat his ass... then break up with your girlfriend in the most gangster way... jus be like " hey we need to talk... um, not to be rude, but im kinda over you soooo get your things and leave... dont get me wrong its been fun i guess, but your pussy is getting old"
Ok, here is what you do.... Revenge is sweet...remember that...

slash his tires.... and beat his ass... then break up with your girlfriend in the most gangster way... jus be like " hey we need to talk... um, not to be rude, but im kinda over you soooo get your things and leave... dont get me wrong its been fun i guess, but your pussy is getting old"
She pretty much already dumped his ass....

But I would tell her that her pussy was old anyway... and maybe say it smelt stinky too.
if u did your job at home she would't have to stop by my place...dont blame her

i don't think she would have stuck around for 3 years if i hadn't been doing "my job"...

she's just a little slutty bitch with no morals or honor...

lol but fuck you anyway.

ahhhh...ate some food, cleaned the house, got all pretty for the cameras... ready for
lol actually i'm not sure if she said anything about that...if she did then the gloves come off... pluss i took all that shit out today and it's all at my moms house, so she can't proof shit...