Names Your Call Your Weed?


Active Member
Whats some names you call your cannabis i don't like to call it pot it sounds dodgy i mostly call it ganja,Buddha or herbs


Active Member
i usually call it by whatever strain it is. for a general name i dont really call it anything. just very vague words like got, any, it, some, stuff, that,
in rare cases if they want me to specify, usually buds, pot, weed, smoke, burn. better to keep down low.


Well-Known Member
My group just ends up calling it "the dam thing"

so if someone wants to smoke they just say" wanna do the dam thing"


bud bootlegger
i'll never know why some people don't like the name pot for pot, just seems silly to me.. idk if it's that i'm a lil older and the term pot has been around for ages, but i don't seem to mind it at all..
i like skunk, bud, sticky icky, green, crack on a stick, trees, or any strain names.. i'm forgetting a ton of them i know as well, but oh wells..

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i'll never know why some people don't like the name pot for pot, just seems silly to me.. idk if it's that i'm a lil older and the term pot has been around for ages, but i don't seem to mind it at all..
i like skunk, bud, sticky icky, green, crack on a stick, trees, or any strain names.. i'm forgetting a ton of them i know as well, but oh wells..
my buddy just called me 2 mins ago and asked blatentley is i had and POT lol


bud bootlegger
lol.. i like your buddy.. my one old friend asks for sweet leaf, lol.. i've been around bud for idk, over 20 years or so, and i've never not once in my life called it sweet leaf, lol.. what can you do...