The Choice I Never Made...


Well-Known Member
Thier are threads with the population control plans I can find one and give link if you want and the video in this thread is good, I think it is relevant but I will try to stay more on direct in relation to the topic at hand.
My point was to say that Atheism opens the door to justify horrible things or to take away the premise for not doing those things and excercising self control
And what are morals without religion? or religious roots.
If you can get gay married why not be able to have multiple wives or have a husband and wife for a 3 way marriage?
and religious people cant be talked into killing in the name of god? what about 9/11, the salem witch trials, or the inquisition?
the self control it takes to not kill someone does not come from religion. it is imprinted in our brains, and has been for a long time. usually when someone kills someone else, in their head there is a legit reason for the murder. they made a decision to override that instinct because someone else slept with their wife, or stole their money, or is a heathen/sinner.

morals can also come from our society. i know not to do bad things because i will feel empathy for those i hurt, and also i may be shunned by others in my society. yes, religion has morals. but that does not mean morals come from religion.

i dont have any problems with gay marriage. the multiple wives thing gets a little iffy because sometimes the teen girls are brainwashed into thinking they love a 40 year old. but if its multiple consenting adults, i see no problem with it. the women in polyamorous relationships tend to get jealous with eachother though, which is expected


Well-Known Member
every christian knows they wont see god on earth, the bible says if man were go see god on earth he would die.
your arguement is since you cant see nothing theres no proof. there is no arguement we kno theres not visual "proof" of god. its all based on faith. so boom debates over? thats what i dont get. why ya'll want to debate this.

dont twist my words, and dont say something offensive then say, no offence.
the fact that we wouldent listen to what you say is because you cant say anything except i wana see god with my eyes blah blah. or then the science thing. why cant there be a scientific explination for the way god created the earth? i dont get that either.


Well-Known Member
See Luger, it doesn't logically matter if your approach doesn't account for the ability to circumvent. I personally would start at the root of the problem. By providing information that shows their roots are actually limbs, you establish a base to work with. Some things cannot be simply cut off but rooted up. If my intent was to uproot buried minds. My thread would never bring into question one's belief but be an information haven that allowed a person to ingest willingly. You cannot expect to force feed somebody in hopes of them willingly digesting it. I'm not saying you are. It's just probably the dinner table you're sitting at.

I never see a person's belief as something I must change, because I know through the process of evolving their belief will change over time, some sooner than later to never at all. But that is the process of evolution. If a person believes in one aspect of it, they must be able to understand it in all aspects. If you withdraw any component of it's mechanism then you don't have evolution. And they never had faith in it from the beginning. I have faith in evolution.

I do agree with Baby Dro that it becomes pointless in this type of enviroment to change a person's belief. Change the enviroment and evolution happens. Will that ever happen? Your guess is as good as mine :lol:

edit: I say belief but I also mean a person's outlook on life will also evolve. To address the people that don't have beliefs. To note that I wasn't being 1 sided about what I am saying.


Well-Known Member
thats what i was trying to say all along, but i guess it went un noticed...

you see, what i say dont matter, lol

See Luger, it doesn't logically matter if your approach doesn't account for the ability to circumvent. I personally would start at the root of the problem. By providing information that shows their roots are actually limbs, you establish a base to work with. Some things cannot be simply cut off but rooted up. If my intent was to uproot buried minds. My thread would never bring into question one's belief but be an information haven that allowed a person to ingest willingly. You cannot expect to force feed somebody in hopes of them willingly digesting it. I'm not saying you are. It's just probably the dinner table your sitting at.

I never see a person's belief as something I must change, because I know through the process of evolving their belief will change over time, some sooner than later to never at all. But that is the process of evolution. If a person believes in one aspect of it, they must be able to understand it in all aspects. If you withdraw any component of it's mechanism then you don't have evolution. And they never had faith in it from the beginning. I have faith in evolution.

I do agree with Baby Dro that it becomes pointless in this type of enviroment to change a person's belief. Change the enviroment and evolution happens. Will that ever happen. Your guess is as good as mine :lol:


Well-Known Member
every christian knows they wont see god on earth, the bible says if man were go see god on earth he would die.
your arguement is since you cant see nothing theres no proof. there is no arguement we kno theres not visual "proof" of god. its all based on faith. so boom debates over? thats what i dont get. why ya'll want to debate this.

dont twist my words, and dont say something offensive then say, no offence.
the fact that we wouldent listen to what you say is because you cant say anything except i wana see god with my eyes blah blah. or then the science thing. why cant there be a scientific explination for the way god created the earth? i dont get that either.
We believe in things we can't see all the time. Gravity for example. Gravity is an unseen force, yet still interacts with reality in a measurable and predictable way. The very fact that God can not be predicted or detected is what makes it impossible to have a scientific explanation. In other words, if we want to test if god created the world, we have to ask ourselves, what we would expect the world to look like if their was a creator? Since the creator is all powerful, he can make the world look any way he wishes. Therefore the claim that god created the earth is not subject to the scientific method. That does not mean the claim is not subject to reason and critical thought, it just means there is no way to gather evidence when there is no way to distinguish between real evidence and false evidence.

If you think skeptics trust what they see with their eyes, then you do not fully understand the mindset of skepticism.


Well-Known Member
Yeah science is always being proven wrong-Remember when margerine was good for you and butter was bad, then trans fats were bad so margerine had to change?
Science is often proven wrong-God is never disproven.
Yes, I agree with that as well Beardo as being a good example. I'm just now trying to get it back straight in my head as well and started back buying the sticks and not the buckets. I also think people need to stop buying artificial sweetners mislead by the idea its a better choice and good alternative to sugar. It is in no way a good or better choice then just using plain sugar.

Also people are mislead into thinking enriched means better/extra nutrients when in actuality it just means that the food product that was stripped of all its valuable nutrients had to be enriched to restore its presumed natural qualities. That is not all cases but the majority of cases. Just a Marketing scheme whereas the information is technically true, but the belief that it is better is false.


Well-Known Member
We believe in things we can't see all the time. Gravity for example. Gravity is an unseen force, yet still interacts with reality in a measurable and predictable way. The very fact that God can not be predicted or detected is what makes it impossible to have a scientific explanation. In other words, if we want to test if god created the world, we have to ask ourselves, what we would expect the world to look like if their was a creator? Since the creator is all powerful, he can make the world look any way he wishes. Therefore the claim that god created the earth is not subject to the scientific method. That does not mean the claim is not subject to reason and critical thought, it just means there is no way to gather evidence when there is no way to distinguish between real evidence and false evidence.

If you think skeptics trust what they see with their eyes, then you do not fully understand the mindset of skepticism.
Your theory of gravity proves God, if God hadn't thought of Gravity we would float away-That's what's so cool about God he thought of everything. Proof is in the Vagina, it's the center of the universe and the holiest of holes. If their is no proof God does not exist why are you hating? God is great, why wouldn't you want to go to heaven? haven't you heard it's really nice their.


Well-Known Member
@ luger187...

so what is it you want me to answer?

Im done arguing! I see no point in my behavior and have thought it through that you guys are right... i did take offense to what you all said and acted like a child that got their toy taken away... But as the adult that i am, i know that i should have not responded in the ways i did.

If you all took offense or found my actions disrespectful, for that i am sorry. What i am not sorry for is sticking to my beliefs...

I thank you all for your understanding and i thank you even if you dont care about what i just said...

One thing I respect in all people, no matter what their belief is the acceptance of criticism and recognition when they have acted inappropriately. I only hope I can do what you just did if I act like a child and stubbornly refuse to listen to what others are telling me.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Why Incog? Maybe the private time I decide to share outside of my personal life with the company I work for sometimes moves me to feel obligated in actually getting something accomplished while I'm there since they are paying me. It's hard to get good signals in to my smartphone but I accomplish it every now and then. The only thing is it puts a big strain on my phone always roaming for signals and it already has a shitty battery life.

So at some point I have to charge it (main reason) and also uphold my agreements to the company. I would use the internet there but because they monitor what we search, I don't think going to a grow site would be in my best interest, and even less worth immediately responding to ignorance..

That's All
Uh...I was stoned making more rush references. Why? Why? Zzzzzz = [video=youtube;5nmOMo4OPi4][/video]


Well-Known Member
Did they make them take God off the money? someone told me they were taking God off the quarters, thats messed up.


Well-Known Member
I'm all for that go get a gay union contract with all the same benefits a marriage certificate gets you with the exception of the approval of God.
That's what a legal marriage is. As has been pointed out numerous times, the term marriage does not belong to those that worship gods. Marriage is merely a covenant between two people. If a religious group wants to add their god to the covenant, then they are free to do so but the state does not require a religious test for marriage. What you are asking is sole ownership of a fucking word that has meant many different things to various cultures throughout history. Why not just usurp the word 'love' as well?

By claiming ownership, you require the state to devise a brand new term that has exactly the same legal benefits and protections that marriage already has. There's absolutely no point in doing so and only adds confusion to the law.


Well-Known Member
Does anybody remember this Post?

I'm not saying I'm right but the information within put forth information that science led to an irrational belief.

I just never heard back from the OP. I just wanted to know if I was able to tackle his challenge he put forth. Where he go? I could be wrong about the information within and I don't mind fully understanding anothers prespective of how I may be wrong.

aside note:

I'm not your adversary and I'm always on the team seeking to understand truth. You have to learn to Respect your teammates. There is no I or We in Team. And I never look at you as an Atheist or anything else but a human who's seeking to understand. I'm always willing to learn from you and anybody else regardless of their belief or education. Something I already have accomplished by simply reading what insights, information, prespectives and knowledge you have chosen to share. I feel you have made me a better person and it had nothing to do with your beliefs or education.

but that aside:
Yeah science is always being proven wrong-Remember when margerine was good for you and butter was bad, then trans fats were bad so margerine had to change?
Science is often proven wrong-God is never disproven.
The rules of logic permit you to be completely rational but still wrong. You can have a sound logical explanation but invalid premises. Induction, the tool that science uses most often is necessarily inexact. This is why we can never say that a theory is proven. Nothing we know about the universe that we live can be known to be absolutely correct. There is always a margin of error. Science strives to diminish that margin with each new discovery.

This is why Einstein supersedes Newton and General Relativity is likely incomplete as it doesn't mesh with Quantum Field Theory, which, being the most successful scientific theory to date, is still fundamentally wrong as it ignores gravity. Science is like a large jigsaw puzzle that starts out with large course pieces but as we put it together, the pieces get smaller and more detailed, sort of like Zeno's Arrow.


Well-Known Member
aren't dreams proof of GOD? and microscopic cells have to be proof also. I would also say people who have heard GOD or talked to him are proof.