Honest Answer Required Pls.


Active Member
Look iav 2 white widows exacly 6 weeks into flower on a 8 week flower cycle, thing is 1 of the plants now as no fan leaves as they all yellowed up n died, and 95% of the other leaves r completley yellow,,

shud i chop it down now?
Will it do more damage than good if i continue to grow?
Decent size buds and the hairs are 50% brown but the trichs r still clear

what shud i do ? Good advice required pls !



Well-Known Member
Could do with pics, but I reckon its just the plant sucking all the N nutes from the leaves. Don't panic, let it do its thing


Active Member
could do with pics, but i reckon its just the plant sucking all the n nutes from the leaves. Don't panic, let it do its thing
camera just broke so cant rearly get a pic, will try wiv my fone, but its hard to get a pic wiv it. C wat i can do , cheers for chippin in m8

Gary Busey

New Member
Add a little N in your feedings, not too much though.

Don't chop @ 6 weeks, you'll only be disappointed in the potency, and yield.

WW can go as much as 10 weeks I do believe. There are so many versions out there.... I guess each one can be different to some extent.


Active Member
add a little n in your feedings, not too much though.

Don't chop @ 6 weeks, you'll only be disappointed in the potency, and yield.

Ww can go as much as 10 weeks i do believe. There are so many versions out there.... I guess each one can be different to some extent.
yeah i heard this allso about up to 10 weeks to finish, hadent i add so much yellow i wud of took it to 10 weeks if need be, just dont no if its healthy enough to go the next 14 days to finish her 8 weeks which is wat the seed suplier sed


Active Member
add a little n in your feedings, not too much though.

Don't chop @ 6 weeks, you'll only be disappointed in the potency, and yield.

Ww can go as much as 10 weeks i do believe. There are so many versions out there.... I guess each one can be different to some extent.
plus i here u on the n thing i am aware this is the prob but first grow so new mistakes were gonna b made, thanx for ya reply man


Well-Known Member
What a good question, i would personally leave them go the distance as long as the bud dosen't start to die. Hell the bud might not be so great when finished and all that yellowing might have extended your finishing times. I know they say let your plant get a little Nitrogen deficient but that going way too far!lol!

Easly bud always smokes like crap so let it go if you can and maybe some nitrogen or whatever it needs, kinda would screw with the flush but i dont think this plant needs a flush.

More to the point how did it end up like this? You just fed her water or a fert NPK ratio 0:50:40 for the whole flowering? Peace

Gary Busey

New Member
yeah i heard this allso about up to 10 weeks to finish, hadent i add so much yellow i wud of took it to 10 weeks if need be, just dont no if its healthy enough to go the next 14 days to finish her 8 weeks which is wat the seed suplier sed
I'd try to let them keep going until either they make it (the trics will tell you when the plant is done), and by the looks of the pics, they should, or if for some reason they don't, I'd wait until it's near dead, and salvage what I could from it.

I think they'll make it though, yellowing is common in flowering plants. They look okay otherwise.

plus i here u on the n thing i am aware this is the prob but first grow so new mistakes were gonna b made, thanx for ya reply man
Too much N can mess things up at this stage in growing. 1/4 strength N supplement should do the trick. I grow in hydro and use 3 part nutes, so if my N levels are low, I just simply add some to the reservoir.

I would seriously look into some N though, that yellowing will soon turn to browning and crispy leaves, then the plant will not be able to absorb the light it needs to continue flowering as it should.


Well-Known Member
Keep it going as long as you can! If it sick and dying that's going to hurt the yield but if the tri's don't change to amber it will be on the mild side of the potency charts . When the buds start to rotting then you'll have to make a decision if and when to chop it;-)


Active Member
what a good question, i would personally leave them go the distance as long as the bud dosen't start to die. Hell the bud might not be so great when finished and all that yellowing might have extended your finishing times. I know they say let your plant get a little nitrogen deficient but that going way too far!lol!

Easly bud always smokes like crap so let it go if you can and maybe some nitrogen or whatever it needs, kinda would screw with the flush but i dont think this plant needs a flush.

More to the point how did it end up like this? You just fed her water or a fert npk ratio 0:50:40 for the whole flowering? Peace
basicly yes never give enough fert in veg then in flower no nitrogen hence the probs, next time i will b more awre of this, thanx for reply


Active Member
i'd try to let them keep going until either they make it (the trics will tell you when the plant is done), and by the looks of the pics, they should, or if for some reason they don't, i'd wait until it's near dead, and salvage what i could from it.

I think they'll make it though, yellowing is common in flowering plants. They look okay otherwise.

Too much n can mess things up at this stage in growing. 1/4 strength n supplement should do the trick. I grow in hydro and use 3 part nutes, so if my n levels are low, i just simply add some to the reservoir.

I would seriously look into some n though, that yellowing will soon turn to browning and crispy leaves, then the plant will not be able to absorb the light it needs to continue flowering as it should.
quite the fookin headache as wat to do, dont no if u post pics up ya self but they never show wat u want it to show, just hard to get the rite pics, but my leaves look way worse to the eye as they do in the pics i posted,, and like u sed soon its drying of the leavs then crispy brow, just wat apened to my fan leaves, so i no its prob gonna apen to them, i av 2 plants i am toying wiv the idea of cullin it today let the other continue as it as more green on it than this one, i think if u seen it by eye u wud probly think like me n chop !!!!!! I will av a joint n ponder for a hour or so n then decide one way or the other,, as i a nooby i av no referece but logic says chop, i hope thats the reality allso !!!! Peace out n thanx for ya time m8

Gary Busey

New Member
Seems like the pics I take and post are nothing alike. I have an average quality camera, and experimented with it trying to get the best pics, and the best I came up with did my plants no justice.

Keep it growing, don't chop it yet. It has a ways to go before it wont grow anymore. Trust me.

quite the fookin headache as wat to do, dont no if u post pics up ya self but they never show wat u want it to show, just hard to get the rite pics, but my leaves look way worse to the eye as they do in the pics i posted,, and like u sed soon its drying of the leavs then crispy brow, just wat apened to my fan leaves, so i no its prob gonna apen to them, i av 2 plants i am toying wiv the idea of cullin it today let the other continue as it as more green on it than this one, i think if u seen it by eye u wud probly think like me n chop !!!!!! I will av a joint n ponder for a hour or so n then decide one way or the other,, as i a nooby i av no referece but logic says chop, i hope thats the reality allso !!!! Peace out n thanx for ya time m8


Active Member
i'd try to let them keep going until either they make it (the trics will tell you when the plant is done), and by the looks of the pics, they should, or if for some reason they don't, i'd wait until it's near dead, and salvage what i could from it.

I think they'll make it though, yellowing is common in flowering plants. They look okay otherwise.

Too much n can mess things up at this stage in growing. 1/4 strength n supplement should do the trick. I grow in hydro and use 3 part nutes, so if my n levels are low, i just simply add some to the reservoir.

I would seriously look into some n though, that yellowing will soon turn to browning and crispy leaves, then the plant will not be able to absorb the light it needs to continue flowering as it should.
decisions decisions decisions !!!


Well-Known Member
That bit of bud dont look too bad, looks like you got some calyx swelling, after seeing that it would be a shame to chop when she might look a lot better in two weeks. Dont think it will be too dissapointing smoke by the looks of it but dont expect too much with big nute deficiencies. Up to you bro, as you grew it then i would look if it is swelling more everyday and more red hairs everyday, maybe just let her go one more week or as long as you can keep the buds healthy. Dont forget you probably got a lot of green leaf on the actual bud even if you have no fan leaves. Peace


Active Member
seems like the pics i take and post are nothing alike. I have an average quality camera, and experimented with it trying to get the best pics, and the best i came up with did my plants no justice.

Keep it growing, don't chop it yet. It has a ways to go before it wont grow anymore. Trust me.

ok my man uve convinced me to hold of for now, will keep lookin at them and decide as i go,,,,,,, like ya bud man thats where i wanna b, growin so it looks as good as urs there. Peace out for now man. Nooby


Well-Known Member
Take a small sample, let it dry 5/6 days and smoke it, if good chop early by one week, if not your screwed. LOL


Active Member
that bit of bud dont look too bad, looks like you got some calyx swelling, after seeing that it would be a shame to chop when she might look a lot better in two weeks. Dont think it will be too dissapointing smoke by the looks of it but dont expect too much with big nute deficiencies. Up to you bro, as you grew it then i would look if it is swelling more everyday and more red hairs everyday, maybe just let her go one more week or as long as you can keep the buds healthy. Dont forget you probably got a lot of green leaf on the actual bud even if you have no fan leaves. Peace
cheers kingrow, good ideai will look to see if any hairs change colour over the next 2 days n take a little measurment n c if its filled out any,, but as re it lookin better in maybe a week or so i wudnt think so only coz ive grown themn seen how they av responded to al ailments allong the way, coz i did give them some nitrogen 2 weeks ago n no improvement just gettin worse,,, nute lock wat ever it is, is y i dont think she will improve over 2 weeks, butwill b checkin them hairs n for sure,,, cheers kingrow