• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

How Many 600's On A 30amp?


Active Member
I BELIEVE that a 115 volt, 30 amp = 3400 watts...so 5.
I BELIEVE that a 240 volt, 30 amp = 7200 watts...so 11.
I was told that amps times volts = watt usage, if I'm wrong, someone correct me! :)


Well-Known Member
I think the ballast eats up some power too though -- like the light is 600 watts but then you have the ballast, ballast fans, ect.


Well-Known Member

If it is a new circuit, don't go bigger than 20 amp. Anything larger, and the appliance, receptacle, and wiring must be rated for 30 amps. Needless to say, you can't just pull a 20 amp breaker out and replace it with a 30 amp.

15amp circuits require min 14 gauge wire
20 amp min 12 gauge
30 amp 10 gauge.

The only place in your home where you MIGHT find a 30 amp circuit is on a electric range or maybe a small cloths dryer.

So, best case scenario you have a 20 amp circuit dedicated to your grow area. At 120V that is 2400 watts. By the book, you are only really suppose to use 80% of that, so 1920 watts.


Active Member

If it is a new circuit, don't go bigger than 20 amp. Anything larger, and the appliance, receptacle, and wiring must be rated for 30 amps. Needless to say, you can't just pull a 20 amp breaker out and replace it with a 30 amp.

15amp circuits require min 14 gauge wire
20 amp min 12 gauge
30 amp 10 gauge.

The only place in your home where you MIGHT find a 30 amp circuit is on a electric range or maybe a small cloths dryer.

So, best case scenario you have a 20 amp circuit dedicated to your grow area. At 120V that is 2400 watts. By the book, you are only really suppose to use 80% of that, so 1920 watts.

do you know what you are talking about, i chose to put my grow room on 240v - 32 amp - mcbs, i can run up to 7680 watts from each mcb and i have 3 just now, but i only run about 1200 watts from each mcb, the problem with running 32 amp circuits is the 32 amp electric shock you can get, so what i did was i changed all my grow room sockets with rcd protected sockets, so now all my equipment is protected through the mcbs in the consumer unit and i am electric shock protected with the rcd sockets. the only problem with rcds is they are so sensitive that sometimes a light will trip at switch on. but i am never far from my grow room, to turn it back on.

MCB = Miniature Circuit Breaker.
RCD = Residual Current Device.


Well-Known Member
Look man if you want to violate the NEC in your own home, that's fine, but don't recommend someone else do it. You can't just put a standard duplex receptacle on a 30A circuit because you want more juice. The receptacle has to be rated for 30A. They do make both 120v and 240v 30A receptacles, but a standard appliance won't fit in them because the configuration is different.

So, unless your ballast or whatever you are running is made to run off of a 30A circuit, you can't do this. BTW you would know this immediately because the plug configuration would be different than the standard plug with two parallel prongs.

It never ceases to amaze me the horrible advice some people give on this forum.

You may want to review 210.21(B)(3) in the NEC when it comes to receptacle ratings.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
If you can get a Kill A Watt meter (if it can handle one of those grow lights on it) Test to see how much amps it draws don't forget the draw it takes when you first start it up to and take the amp number and divide it by the amperage of the circuit barker and that's how many you can run. If you want to draw more though it then upgrade the proper things so that you don't put you, your house and everyone else that goes into your place.

If you don't want to do things properly then you shouldn't be growing and your more then likely to start your house on fire.


Well-Known Member
I BELIEVE that a 115 volt, 30 amp = 3400 watts...so 5.
I BELIEVE that a 240 volt, 30 amp = 7200 watts...so 11.
I was told that amps times volts = watt usage, if I'm wrong, someone correct me! :)
Your not wrong at all,volts x amps equals watts,allways.

Then you subtract 20% for saftey margin & spikes when planning out lines.

For all the saftey sams that are gonna freak over fire hazzard the grower is not in the usa, therfore is using european standards in which 30 amps is extremely common,most of the world does not run on us voltages.

The conversion table the member who i quoted gave you is valid for all voltages & amperages as well.


Active Member
you should be only using about 6 amps per 600 watt light. pretty much taking 720 watts dividing by 120 volts to get 6 amps so i wouldnt recomened more than 4 thatll leave some wiggle room for variences. just my opinion.


stephaniesloan, you should research the US system before you criticise it. Almost every house is fed 220-240v(RMS) with 100 or 200 amp service, instead of continuing using the full phase we split the phase for a number of reasons which is where your 110v(x2) occurs at. Also the us produces as much energy as scotland in a year in 25 days(hoover dam alone produces 4.2 billion kwhrs a year), to act like scotland is some kinda electrical generation mecca is quite laughable. Also mcb and rcb are no different then our standard CB and gfci outlets(and breakers), you can still shock yourself my friend dont let hubris and belief in infalable technology convince you otherwise.


Well-Known Member
The only advantage I see to the European power distribution system, which I admit I am no expert, is that it distributes power at 50Hz rather than 60Hz. This helps to slightly lower I2R losses over long distances.

Power in the US is distributed at high voltage. It is stepped down to 120/240 at street level where it supplies homes.


Active Member
stephaniesloan, you should research the US system before you criticise it. Almost every house is fed 220-240v(RMS) with 100 or 200 amp service, instead of continuing using the full phase we split the phase for a number of reasons which is where your 110v(x2) occurs at. Also the us produces as much energy as scotland in a year in 25 days(hoover dam alone produces 4.2 billion kwhrs a year), to act like scotland is some kinda electrical generation mecca is quite laughable. Also mcb and rcb are no different then our standard CB and gfci outlets(and breakers), you can still shock yourself my friend dont let hubris and belief in infalable technology convince you otherwise.

exactly all that power consumption from a country that is almost on the brink of third world poverty, the population of my country is only about 5m people, and our country is flourishing, this is not england you know, we get as much electric power as we want and if we need to we can ask for a 3 phase meter in our home which will blow your electric home consumption clean out the water.
we have one of the most water abundant countries in the world and there are hydro electric dams every few miles, they can even store our elctric power so that if there is a drought for 6 months we never have to worry about having to cut power. and even through drought they store our water too so there has never been a water shortage ever.
our people are very proud of our country and we look after it priority number one. your country has been ravished any way possible by the greed of the inhabitants over the centuries.

now back to electric talk, and the original question that the person wanted an answer to, which was how many 600w can he run from a 3o amp system and the answer was easy.

in fact here is the answer to any electrical watt/volt/amp question. : http://www.supercircuits.com/resources/tools/Volts-Watts-Amps-Converter


Well-Known Member
Here in the good ole USA we got circuit breakers. All things being equal and if the creek don't rise on a PRACTICAL level you can load a circuit with as much as you want. The worst thing that will happen is the breaker will pop and need to be re-set. If it popps more than a couple times you are overloaded and need to lessen the load. If it doesn't you're golden.
But if you want to be safe use Stepanies table. She's an inspector


"if we need to we can ask for a 3 phase meter in our home which will blow your electric home consumption clean out the water."
Yet another ignorant european with a complex against the US, we can have 3 phase 600v power run to our homes too, big deal.
I would hope you guys would bother to learn about systems before you criticise it. Both of you come off as ignorant asses trying to tell us how much better scotland is then the US, I understand your pride in your nation as you should, but there is a time and a place for that and now especially on this subject is not the time or place.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
How many 600 watt lights can you comfortably run off of a 30 amp breaker?
what you running, 110 or 220. either way see how many amps your ballast pulls times that my how many you are running, if it execeds your breaker either change the breaker to a bigger one are don't use as many lights..


Well-Known Member
All this euro national pride is touching & i can relate but for any european to post the shit thats been posted here is silly & ungratefull.

The whole of europe owe's debts to the united states that will never be repaid,mainly because we never asked,before all the euro kiddies go getting all smug do some history research,no matter what euro country your from if it wasnt for the greedy fucks in the usa spoon feeding the whole of europe for 80 years every last one of your parents woulda called each other " comrade " and woulda been sucking Joseph Stalin's cock for a crust of bread,and thats only after Hitler got done tattoing swasticas on your grandmothers asses,the usa & its generous people helped every last one of your countries go from a life of sheep & goat hearding existance farmers to what you are today,your welcome.

Im not sure which european country you cats are from but this whole anti usa attidue the younger generations are spewing forth was paid for with your forefathers groveling,an entire group of countries who's very existance is built on american generousity shouldnt be throwing stones across the pond.

Anyhow on topic of power.

You guys sure act superior when it comes to power as well as politics,when the decision was made in the usa of what kind of power should supply the masses many things were taken into consideration,cost vs user saftey were the issues,user saftey was what drove the usa to go with lower voltages at much higher costs.

In the usa we could have a 5 year old child stick a fork in a light socket or wall unit,every last protection circuit we use could fail & the chances are that the child will walk away having learned a lesson,can you say that,i dont think so.

Before you guys get all smug you need to realize exactly why we use the system we do & realize that we have the lowest number of in home electrocution deaths in the world beacuse of the system we use.