Troll alert...And yes there is plenty of data to support foliar feeding dating back to the 1950s.Has anyone seen any hard data that shows foliar feeding does anything at all? A grad student at the University Of Michigan Soil Science Dept. compared foliar feeding to eating a sandwich through your skin.
Without reading what context that remark was made, I'd say that doesn't speak well for our educational system today. There are many studies showing the effectiveness of foliar feeding available for your reading, just google foliar feeding studies.Now there are certainly times when it is a waste of time, when the conditions aren't right for the stoma to be open. The stoma is where the plant absorbs water and nutes directly into the leaf. When the stoma is closed it doesn't accept a transfer from the outside.Hope this helps some.Has anyone seen any hard data that shows foliar feeding does anything at all? A grad student at the University Of Michigan Soil Science Dept. compared foliar feeding to eating a sandwich through your skin.
Troll alert? For asking a question?Troll alert...
That grad student is a fucking RETARD then, if he knew anything about plants he wouldn't have made that statement and this thread wasn't posted to see if I think that foliar feeding works BECAUSE I HAVE DONE IT FOR YEARS AND KNOW FOR A FACT THAT IT DOES!!Has anyone seen any hard data that shows foliar feeding does anything at all? A grad student at the University Of Michigan Soil Science Dept. compared foliar feeding to eating a sandwich through your skin.
It doesn't make you a troll but to simply answer your question your question. Yes foliar feeding will help your plant. That sandwich skin dudes wrong.
And @ op
My customer bought one and he said it raised his humidity by 8 in 2 minutes in his 20 x 30 area
Their also called atomizer sprayers
Well I have degrees from both U of M and MSU. Both institutions are leaders in agricultural education and I can assure you if a Professor is teaching such BS at either he/she will have a short career with them.....