
when putting rooted clones in a rdwc system do i have the water level just touching the roots?
also can i mix up ready ph'd nute water in containers to to top up the rez?
and are hydroton clay pebbles the best medium in net pods?




Well-Known Member
I touch the bottom of the net pots until the roots show then just the roots with a 1" or so space between the pot and water. I would still check the water ph.


Active Member
when putting rooted clones in a rdwc system do i have the water level just touching the roots?
also can i mix up ready ph'd nute water in containers to to top up the rez?
and are hydroton clay pebbles the best medium in net pods?


yes water till the roots touch the water
go easy on nutes and yes check your ph
clay pebles are the best. (rockwool) is what sucks


Active Member
so if some clones came in rockwool would i transplant them in to pebbles or place the rockwool cube in the pebbles?
place the rockwool in the pebles
if you picked up the clone with the rockwool then you are stuck.
the only way to apply your own medium its if you take the clones your self
experiment with several mediums. my expirence with rockwool in a DWC is no bueno too much mold.


Well-Known Member
if they are already rooted in rock wool, just put the rock wool directly into the net pot and surround with clay pebbles and you should be just fine,