Digital vs Magnetic ballast!


Well-Known Member
Which is better. I know that the digital ballast are lighter and dont put off as much heat. but will one put out more lumens or push your bulb more? better yield from a digital ballast? any advise would be greatly appreciated. before i go spending money on them


Well-Known Member
Efficiency...lower operating cost...longer bulb life...longer ballast life (and a longer manufacturer's warranty)...quicker start up time...

And yes, they use more of the bulb's potential than a magnetic.

Well worth the money IMHO.

Grow Safe


Active Member
they put out less heat and start up quicker. and ive never heard about them costing less to operate, i was under the assumption that 1000 watts was 1000watts magnetically or electronically.

and ive never even understood why starting up quicker was ever a REAL selling point to these over priced ballasts. i mean, are you going to actually lose plant yield in the extra 60 seconds it takes the magnetic ballast to warm up? i can see how it prolongs the life of the bulb in that aspect though, so maybe that is the selling point... i dunno..

for the $150 i saved going magnetic, i seriously feel like it would take the life of several tens of bulbs in order for it to make sense financially using an electronic ballast.

just my $ .02

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
If you are in a state where the cops are not a concern, go for the pretty boxes (If you got it like that). BUT if you don't live in a 420 friendly state:

All my lights were salvaged HID lights from a factory/foundry that was demolished here. All magnetic ballasts. Aside from one or 2 that had a "buzz" (LOL), they worked like a champ. 1000 watts is 1000watts, whether it's digital or magnetic, so I don't see lower operating costs. Less heat I'll go for, and maybe quicker start up time, but I believe that's more a function of the bulb. I change my bulbs every year regardless, so extended bulb life would be a non issue. I had 8 1K lights when the cops came in. My opinion is why spend a whole lot of money that the cops are gonna take if the worst happens? If you got it like that and can take a hit like that, go for the digitals. I'm pissed enough they got my fancy aircooled sun systems hoods!!!

God forbid anyone should go thru that, but the reality is we all face it. Why risk losing more than you have to when the less expensive alternative works just fine? Craigslist usually has tons of used HID lights.


Well-Known Member
Steven how much did u pay for your ballast? I bought a lumatek digital 400w and I though it was only like $50 more,the pros are it puts out up to 30% more lumens it has a super lumens switch it is also dimmable so u can make a 400w bulb run at 250w saving electricity and cutting down on heat plus they don't make that annoying humming sound like magnetic ballast do


Active Member
i really cant see how a electronic ballast can put out up to 30% more lumens unless your using a bulb that puts out 30% more lumens than the one you previously tested.
lumens are rated by each individual bulb not the ballast so imho this theory is kaput. unless you or a manufacturer can provide me with true scientific documented experiences with identical bulbs and different ballasts. its like advanced nutrients claiming they have the best nutrients on the market but in no way can they prove that statement. check out homebrewers thread on conneseur vs dyna gro and youll be amazed.

anywho. i paid 200$ for my harvest pro elite II 1000w switchable ballast by sun systems and it does carry a 5 year warranty.


Well-Known Member
it has a super lumens switch it must just put more electricity into the bulb
i really cant see how a electronic ballast can put out up to 30% more lumens unless your using a bulb that puts out 30% more lumens than the one you previously tested.
lumens are rated by each individual bulb not the ballast so imho this theory is kaput. unless you or a manufacturer can provide me with true scientific documented experiences with identical bulbs and different ballasts. its like advanced nutrients claiming they have the best nutrients on the market but in no way can they prove that statement. check out homebrewers thread on conneseur vs dyna gro and youll be amazed.

anywho. i paid 200$ for my harvest pro elite II 1000w switchable ballast by sun systems and it does carry a 5 year warranty.


Well-Known Member
I have both and the plants response to digital is impressive due to the pulses that magnetic send ever notice how you can't take pics in rooms with magnetic? Cuz of no pulse in electronic plants get more light.


Well-Known Member
I have both and the plants response to digital is impressive due to the pulses that magnetic send ever notice how you can't take pics in rooms with magnetic? Cuz of no pulse in electronic plants get more light.
there is a high amount of logic in what you say ;)


Well-Known Member
I have both and the plants response to digital is impressive due to the pulses that magnetic send ever notice how you can't take pics in rooms with magnetic? Cuz of no pulse in electronic plants get more light.
can anyone second this? that would be interesting if its true. I really want to get to the bottom of this 30% more lumens deal cause if thats true thats alot more light. the bulbs are 156000 lumens im wondering if the magnetic doesnt push it all the way. sumone told me if you put a regular bulb in those that they will pop on super lumens. if thats true then i think there might be a little bit of truth to 30% more out put

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
it has a super lumens switch it must just put more electricity into the bulb throws MORE juice to a bulb that is designed for a given amount of current? Slump, sound suspiciously like that would reduce bulb life. I dunno. I like the switchable ballast thing, but that can be done on a magnetic HPS ballast by isolating the striker with a switch. Oh, and for future reference, a 1K HPS ballast will friggin' BLAZE a 400w MH bulb. Had one run 24/7 for 2 months, no problems. A friend of mine said he did it and I tested it out. REALLY! I'm sure it reduced the bulb life, but hey, it didn't blow like I thought it would.


Well-Known Member
I like the normal ballast myself vs. the digital, the digital is top notch when looking to get the most out of you bulbs but they burn the bulbs out a lot faster. Thats the only down fall for me. They make bulbs that are for digital but I dont want to spend a left nut on just one! The lights we all should be looking at getting are the Plasma set-up! Just to much right now and to new to the market but soon to be the thing to be! Just watch!


Active Member
I have both and the plants response to digital is impressive due to the pulses that magnetic send ever notice how you can't take pics in rooms with magnetic? Cuz of no pulse in electronic plants get more light.
if that is the case then i can see how it would definitely increase the output. dunno, i had a friend with a lumatek 600w digital ballast and he was running 400 watt hps bulbs in it to flower with, and in the same environment (same room) and i know im kind of comparing apples to oranges here, but the plants under my 1000w hps magnetic ballast WAY out performed his setup.

if i could get my hands on a lumatek 1000w ballast without coming out of pocket i would use it over what i have for sure. but when i was purchasing equipment for my medical garden i wanted to get Great results with a Cheap setup, that being hard enough to do i found ways to save some money here and there. the magnetic ballast being one of those money saving purchases (at least for the time).

all in all being said, it seems relevant that there is little reason not to use a digital ballast aside from initial purchase investment.

Biological Graffity

Active Member in one of the coldest states in the US I love my magnetic ballasts here is why:
A) I can run them all winter in the unheated space (with electric heater just in case) so not only they produceed plenty of light , but also the pecious BTU's with the price of oil and all...
B) You can easily salwage magnetic ballasts (or entire lights) from industrial spaces that are becoming more energy efficient, just gotta look around , mabe make friends with the local industrial electrical contractor...
C) the lights I salvaged could also be rewired to run on 220 or 3 phase (most industrial HID fixtures have that option)...AND THEY ARE FREE!
PS If u r in New England Hit me up got plenty more , let them go cheap....



Active Member
I recently upgraded from magnetic 1000 to digital and I noticed a difference within a couple weeks. All of my clones just took off, my flowering plants got thicker and fatter than I was used to seeing with previous grows. I'll take digital over magnetic any day of the week. Magnetics are big, clunky, heavy, hot and they buzz buzz buzz. I just feel like all of my plants are much happier with digital. I swear to you I notice a difference. These babies grow faster now I'm telling ya.



Well-Known Member
digital ballasts are better because of the pulses they use to create the arc. they are more efficant so they run cooler wich means wore wattage for the bulb because with every transfer of power there is a loss of power example more heat from the ballast. and as far as digital ballast costing less on start up yes it can take 15 min for a magnetic to warm up by throwing alota wattage. but the picture shows how digital ballasts operateCIMG0069.jpg


Active Member
digital ballasts are better because of the pulses they use to create the arc. they are more efficant so they run cooler wich means wore wattage for the bulb because with every transfer of power there is a loss of power example more heat from the ballast. and as far as digital ballast costing less on start up yes it can take 15 min for a magnetic to warm up by throwing alota wattage. but the picture shows how digital ballasts operateView attachment 1710732
15 mins seems a little much, my magnetic ballasts sure do look like they are at their brightest about 60 seconds in...