Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Been state side but all over the place, kind of sucks letting nature do her thing . Sure I will pay for the neglect but I hope the burlap bags work as well as last year


Glassblowing Moderator
Smokes awesome .. clears like a bong with the glass on glass fitting. The doughnut puts a spiral on the smoke and makes it easy to pass


Well-Known Member
I like the new bowl. I would like one like that. Very unique indeed.

GD - When is tha last time you saw your plants? Last year your crops were huge, did you go and water them last year, more then this year? Did you harvest any JTR yet?


Well-Known Member
Wudup Michigan growers??? Been a a minute since I have checked in... A lot of my crop this year has been suffering from lack of water lost a few I think I have only 2 left in one plot. Some of the others are small don't expect much of a harvest this year been busy with work and shit.. I am here hoping all the rest of you have a great year!


Well-Known Member
Dam hic your killin it bro......

james42 nice work bro..

GD good to see you around as well...

dank nice work with the glass I used to blow glass manny years ago...:clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
Wudup Michigan growers??? Been a a minute since I have checked in... A lot of my crop this year has been suffering from lack of water lost a few I think I have only 2 left in one plot. Some of the others are small don't expect much of a harvest this year been busy with work and shit.. I am here hoping all the rest of you have a great year!

Bro I was thinking about ya just the other day. I was about to put the APB out on your ass but ya came around before I could get to it. So man fuck that ain't good to hear that you lost out do to work, but I salute you for your efforts to feed the fam. I will have plenty delstele for you to take a baggie home with ya after harvest for the loss "knock on the stupid wood". Gotta get around with me anyway about that time of year cause I will have a couple clones and a nugget of them "testers" ready for ya to take home


Well-Known Member
Bro I was thinking about ya just the other day. I was about to put the APB out on your ass but ya came around before I could get to it. So man fuck that ain't good to hear that you lost out do to work, but I salute you for your efforts to feed the fam. I will have plenty delstele for you to take a baggie home with ya after harvest for the loss "knock on the stupid wood". Gotta get around with me anyway about that time of year cause I will have a couple clones and a nugget of them "testers" ready for ya to take home

Ya mon its been a bad year for growing I've had them before prolly will again. Sweet man you are to kind my friend... I will have some to harvest just not like years passed..I get a break in the action I will head up your way bro.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering today if the cops were out a little early this year because they have learnt about Auto Flowers? These auto flower gardeners may have attracted attention away from the norm? unknown but yet a thought.


Well-Known Member
I saw an article where these dudes payed a soybean farmer to let them plant their autos in with his soybeans. Yeild was lower but they harvested them all and made $.


Well-Known Member
I know the cops are smart and have good intel, that is why I find it hard to believe that they are not aware of the possibilites. The more time goes on the more auto growers there will be and already are. Those auto flowers are done - if done correctley would be done right about now.

Is it so far fetched as to believe that they will be spending their budget money a little more earlier then in the past and fly them helis around or the police planes looking for bud in July? I have respect for the police and there vast array of ways to gather intel if I did not respect my advisary "in this area of my life" I would have went down years ago.

The more I know the better off I and We are. I wish to knew the police mans opinion on autos and if they will begin persuing them. I do not know why I need to know other then the fact knowing shit can keep you alive in this game of cat and mouse we play outdoors.


Well-Known Member
i know they know about autos. i simply dont think growers are guerrila-ing autos. therefore i think they think the same way=)

also, i dont think most states or counties would have the extra funds ...

it was just my pennies.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Hey guys question
Once the man has spoted a grow will they bust it rightaway or will they let it be and wait till harvest??
they will watch an wait to see who shows up. never take the same way into your grow. set up fish hooks on fishing line and hang it from a tree limb around your grow at varying heights. i always take my dog and a camera and some kind of nature book.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Thanks JC
I am more worried about my plants behind my houe
The chopper was flying around 2 weeks ago and a friend said they were flying low almost landing behind the house, no contact from leo just dont want to talk to him just before harvest when Ill have about a LB of nugs vers 1/4 of leaf ya know what I mean


Well-Known Member
Do you guys know if its state or county cops that fly the helicopters?
Ive only seen one low flying chopper this year and that may not have been what they were doing. I know the state cops in our county are having major budget problems this year. There post got closed down and there working out of there homes.
Im thinking they might not be out at all around here this year.