im fuckin done too man!


Well-Known Member
its been great guys but its time for the ol bandit to be moving along. what phelps said really got to me. i dont need any substance to make me or my life better. i think this is for the best. oh and you better believe i aint done with the herbs, not by a long shot. just call me peter parker cause im in love with mary jane. maybe ill see you guys on the other side. peace and thanks brothers, Bandit.
There must be a solar flare. I can't keep going like this either. I have a family to think about. Psych's are intriguing and I'm sure I'll always have some sort of curiosity, but some things in life take precedence.



...what the FUCK is in this shit!! :? :? :shock:
its been great guys but its time for the ol bandit to be moving along. what phelps said really got to me. i dont need any substance to make me or my life better. i think this is for the best. oh and you better believe i aint done with the herbs, not by a long shot. just call me peter parker cause im in love with mary jane. maybe ill see you guys on the other side. peace and thanks brothers, Bandit.

Oh great ! Now what am I going to do with all of this San Pedro ???
you guys are trippin-


Nah ... They are not tripping. This is just how it goes. People start taking hallucinogens to try and "find themselves" They see it as some mystical kind of soul searching journey, and try to find the who, why, and hows of the world. They want to find out their own place, and how they fit in to the whole big puzzle. They do enough drugs, they finally see the "light" or they finally come to the knowledge that there IS NO mystical answers ... just a planet that we are on due to simple nature.

So then they trek off on a different path of enlightenment and zen LOL.

Then one day years later, after much living experience, knowledge gained. and wisdom, they realize life is simply a short stint that nature and chance dictated .... and NOTHING is really in charge of anything. Truly, we are just spinning around on a ball of rock, and that IS IT.

Once they reach this place, then they can finally admit a couple of things : Hey, drugs are fun and feel good ... and THAT is what they are really about. Recreation ..... not any kind of mystical voodoo ... but good old recreation.

And THAT is the journey most will take ... and it is truly Ok. Cheers !
And don't forget forever is damn long time, it is very likely that some day in the future the opportunity or desire will arise for you to put your ear back on that phone connected to who knows on the other end, to hear what is new, what is old and what is still the same. If my own life experience is anything to go by, we are cyclical beings, and we keep returning to finish the unfinnised, no matter how much time we need to put between us and it to decide to do it again.