Seeds from '78


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses!!

I'll transplant them to bigger pots tomorrow and hope for the best! I'm just gonna stick with water until they look better...

No way I can take these plants outta this hole. This is the only place I can grow...

harvest time

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't move them even if you could. Don't move anything until you check your humidity. If it is high, find ways to lower it, or put some Co2 down there. Also, until you get your humidity checked, water them less. You don't want to move if you don't have to because the plants dont look extremely healthy. And moving them risks shocking the plants and making them cause photosynthesis deficiencies which could almost kill the plants. Water lighter because when the roots don't have that much water, it causes the roots to grow out better which will help your plant be able to support the larger leaves with more water once you get to your normal schedule. Good luck, looks ok just be careful, dont look to healthy as of now.


Well-Known Member
Update: Don't even know where to begin, but here are some pics. They seem to be looking much better now. I got new pots, but haven't gotten the soil yet. I've cut off all the dead leaves on each plant too.

humidity is holding at a steady 50-51% in the hole. Temp is a nice 72 degrees. I'm feeling much better about these plants now. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
I did a couple of times, but it was causing so many burned leaves, that I just stopped. They've been with just water for the past 2 weeks now. I got them looking better now, so once I transplant them to bigger pots, I'm gonna give grow big another try.


Well-Known Member
but those couple of times you fed it, did you dilute it? you only use like 1/4 strength of the recommendations..... start small....gradually move up.

leaves should be dark green.....well at least i thought. your leaves look almost yellow

whenever my plants yellow or arent green enough, i take it as they are screaming at me for some nitrogen.... i think you're starving them bro


Well-Known Member
You're right, these leaves should be green. I didn't dilute, only a few sprays with the grow big, but I also used the recommended amount which I'm sure caused the harm....

I'll stir up a new batch and use less and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
One things for sure you need to insulate the bottom of your pots from that cold ass ground,air temp is way different than inner ground temp,your roots are freezing their ass'es off.

Ever slept on a water bed where the heater wasnt working,if you had you'd know what im talking about,the cold sucks all the heat right out of your body & i'd be willing to bet thats a big issue with the problems your having.

There needs to be air space under your pots if your going to grow in that space,something like milk crates to set the pots on.


Well-Known Member
That should be doable. I think I got something like that laying around somewhere down there.

I had a waterbed for 3 yrs and it went out, worst night ever! Won't ever go back because of that reason alone.


Well-Known Member
Update: instead of digging a bigger hole, I just filled the hole about 3/4 worth of soil and planted them. 6 days later and they seem to took the move quite well! They are even starting to show some color!!!!

Pic 3 - Closeup of '78



Well-Known Member
Wow! Congratulations. I went through the thread from the beginning. Good job.

I am happily surprised, but not schocked one sprouted. Cannabis is a hardy plant.

I have a fantasy of discovering a prescription bottle full of weed seeds from a decade gone by. Something kept in a dark container in a drawer kept in some dude's parent's house.


Well-Known Member
They were stuck in small pots for 2 months with no nutes and no room to grow. Each plant had a big ass root ball that I had to break up before I transplanted.

Temp is 77 with humidity holding at 62%