This is gonna require a 4x8 flood tray, and you'll need 3 1K HPS lights, but you'll get what you're looking for.
Starting out with clones, veg them under 400w lights for 60 days. During that time, take off all side branches (NOT the fans) This will leave only the main Cola as a bud site. The clones taken now become the next round. I plant my clones in 2 gal grow bags, but any 8" pot will do. You can fit 72 of them on a 4x8 tray. I settled on the 8" pots because I didn't want to water every day or more!!! If you don't mind that, you can fit 128 of them in 6" pots.
Anyway, at the 60 day mark, put them on the 4x8 table under the 3 1K lights and flower them out. If you have a good yielding strain, you oughtta get at least a zip, zip point 5 per. Your Colas will be as large or larger than a loaf of french bread
I wouldn't start out the clones on 12/12 without a good veg time and expect to get these results. I veg my clones for the same time as the girls in flower take. that way, it's a revolving process.