caught uncle snooping around guerallia grow

u could always just frame him? go get an few oz's put them by him and call the police n tell them hes just threatened you with a knife or some bs they will be all over his ass find the weed and he will be locked up for a little, if u use coke instead of weed he'll b gone for awhile lmao

i would suggest meth, biggest charge, or x.....thats a pretty big charge
Some of these answers are just plain stupid. Confront him and say you seen him at your site and he needs to forget about it.
idk about these answers i can't say to go physical or diplomatic (i say diplomatic), but one thing i do kno (you don't have to tell him) but you need some leverage,
I would suggest the old baseball bat to the kneecaps. It's just old school and very effective at relaying your feelings.
never fails and you can usually pick up a cool handle like "the chiropractor" or "Mr. Bones" or something really cool like that !!
Reverse psycoligy . Tell him he an have as much as he likes and you will help him with his grow , Then BAM when he has his back turned baseball Bat into the back of his head .. That old trick always works
Is your uncle a hard ass? Is he a thief? Does he grow indoor? Are you a bad ass or a punk bitch?

I would install motion sensing cameras used in hunting attach to a couple of trees? That will let you know for certain who f'd with your babies.

What makes you think he'll try and jack ur shit?
There's either one of two ways you can do this.

Either work the problem out verbally and come to an agreement, maybe help him and give him info or something like these people were saying.
Or you can invest in a tent, a shotgun, and some patience and you're crop will be protected just fine
Now that your uncle knows I am sure that his friends know. If he doesn't jack you one of them will. 2 options. Cut and count your losses and prep for next year, or wait it and and risk getting busted or ripped.
Scaring him could work but it all depends on how you scare him. Brute force will do nothing but tempt him to bring more friends back next time. Now, you enter his home while he's asleep, kill his dog (bring it on PETA), and leave a note for the morning telling him he's next if he doesn't keep his nose where it belongs..... Now that might scare the shit out of him. Nothing strikes fear into the heart of a man like when he realizes that even though he is within the safety of his own home he is not safe from you. Everybody has to sleep sometime....
poor billy bob fightin with uncle buck again , u were just over your last fight about your bowl of meth and now this, aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwwwwwwwwwww what a shame billy bob n buck fightin agin they alway fightin
I'm with sc'mo, really nothing to loose at this point other than culling your plants. Turn it into a positive at least for yourself, good luck.
thanks for all the excellent ideas, i can probably move them since they are in buckets, it just sucks cause its such a good spot with nice morning sun. I felt bad because every year he grows seedy junk maybe hes just interested in seeing how to grow the right way. i hate helping people around here because when they do good they brag saying there #1, giving me no credit