Is this Mite Damage??!!!


Active Member
A few leaves in my room have had spots ( awhile ) not really gotten worse and haven't even lost a leaf?......I have pulled and inspected a few of the worst ones. I microscoped the top and underside with my 100x and cant find a single egg, immature or adult mite. I am a week or two out of harvest should I be concerned? I would hate to spray anything on my ladies at this stage? HEELLLLPP! could it a nute issue?



Well-Known Member
Look at the underside of the leaf on the one pic, that is def mites... but if he spray now it could make his nugs taste like shit


Well-Known Member
yeah it's pretty late in the game. might consider a no pest strip. some people don't like them, but they work great.


Active Member

$12 at home depot, lowes, walmart. The wand gets under every leaf.

If I was concerned about mites a few weeks from harvest, I'd drop my temps and spray plain water under the leaves daily. As long as you can keep this up, you'll keep the mite population on your plants to a minimum until harvest. Then you can sterilize everything and start over.


Active Member
the pics aren't the best but each spot is necrotic leaf! no eggs at all...WTF!... how can i not see the little fucker under 100x?


Well-Known Member
Look closely, that's not mites.
You can get some cal-mag, that will help but your late in flower and you have to expect that from the lower stuff.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I don't think that's spider mites. I just found mites on one of my plants and the white spots look totally differnt from yours. If u do find mites Don't use no pest strips either, they are not safe for consumable products.

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
I have some of those on my older leaves as well. She's about a week or so into flower and ivr noticed it for awhile. I had a scare of mites and looked everywhere I could. Nothing.

As they said I would just ride it out. :weed: