how much do caregivers give to patients for free?

i don't know of any caregivers in my state that don't charge for reimbursement (and i mean time, elec, everything). if one of my patients told me to give them free meds i would tell them i quit (unless they where seriously needy) and saying its THERE plants, no they are my plants at that point because if they wanted them they would grow them. simple fact is even if they grew them out themselves it still wouldn't be free at all (start up costs, elec bill, bulbs, nutes, etc etc....the list goes on) so why in the world would i do it for free?? I give patients oz's for 150 and all the "producers" here charge 15-20 a gram (depending on potency and strain, most is shit though) so even at what i ask they are still getting a great deal for better product plain and simple, never had a complaint. start charging or get new patients im only allowed 4 and i could have had over 30, my state doesn't allow collectives so if you want to take on more than 4 patients you have to apply for a "producers" card, which is expensive 1000$ app fee/10k a year renewal so you better have patients that are going to pay for there meds lol.
i don't understand the point of taking on "patients" in the first place. :?

could someone explain why you would want to grow for someone else, for free?

it helps sick people-

for one.

for two, any overages produce income.

surely fdd, you benefit financially from your garden. in MI thats the way the law is set up. no 99, or unlimited plant count per patient. you have to have the patients to have the plant numbers.
some peolpe are of the opinion that the plants are really the patient's plants, and the caregiver is just that. not to the patient, but to the plants.

i am very particular as to who my patients are. they are truly sick. my grandmother was turned to a zombie from cancer meds and it's my personal goal in life to help other grandma's that don't know about herb.
i am caregiver to her plants, she gets top notch meds, and the overages go to other patients for a REASONABLE fee. and that covers expenses, such as utilities, labor, nutes, etc..

so to answer your question, i do it for my grandma, on the one hand, and because in the end, it's not free. i do receive compensation. which is what our law allows.

alot of the problem is gardening skill. 12 plants in a perpetual should make more than enough to give some away. one of my patients takes 2 ounces a week and never comes close to maxing out his 12.
as to the OP-

be careful with family.
a truly sick person would be overjoyed to have a good guy growing great meds for them.
the person with enough energy to worry about their profit isn't that sick.

they will fuck you first.
.Family will fuck you over faster than any stranger if you let them.

If you are too easy with people, they will take everything you have to give and not appreciate it. After all what's the big deal, you grow this stuff yourself and you're family.

If one of the dispensaries were to give away 1/4oz for free that would be a big deal.

If you hold yourself cheap, others will too.
If you are too easy with people, they will take everything you have to give and not appreciate it. After all what's the big deal, you grow this stuff yourself and you're family.

If one of the dispensaries were to give away 1/4oz for free that would be a big deal.

If you hold yourself cheap, others will too.

Words of wisdom right here. This actually just happened to me with another business adventure. Anyway the way I run my grow is based on the reality of what this law is. There are some really sick people that do benefit from what I am growing those people I am going to take care of however I can because if I was sick I hope someone would do that for me.

Then there is the people who are not sick and want to smoke a joint everyday to unwind and relax. If they have their cards I will hook them up but they will not be getting discounts or freebies.

I ask for small donations from my cancer patients, people with chronic issues. Full donation for the others.
it helps sick people-

for one.

for two, any overages produce income.

surely fdd, you benefit financially from your garden. in MI thats the way the law is set up. no 99, or unlimited plant count per patient. you have to have the patients to have the plant numbers.
some peolpe are of the opinion that the plants are really the patient's plants, and the caregiver is just that. not to the patient, but to the plants.

i am very particular as to who my patients are. they are truly sick. my grandmother was turned to a zombie from cancer meds and it's my personal goal in life to help other grandma's that don't know about herb.
i am caregiver to her plants, she gets top notch meds, and the overages go to other patients for a REASONABLE fee. and that covers expenses, such as utilities, labor, nutes, etc..

so to answer your question, i do it for my grandma, on the one hand, and because in the end, it's not free. i do receive compensation. which is what our law allows.

alot of the problem is gardening skill. 12 plants in a perpetual should make more than enough to give some away. one of my patients takes 2 ounces a week and never comes close to maxing out his 12.

nobody ever mentions the selling to outsiders part. all i ever here is complaints about patients wanting more from their caregivers. if it is just you growing for a patient and they are causing you grief, simply stop growing for someone else. otherwise you have to accept it. especially when you are profiting off someone else's script.
Take it from some highly intelligent people.

I don't feel it's right to take on a patient so you can grow more plants. Those 6 or however many plants you're growing for them should ALL be for your patient if that is the case.

I do feel you should be reimbursed for the costs of those plants though, which you should keep diligent books on.

Your situation doesn't sound good for a grower honestly, weren't you the guy who's uncle followed them to their grow? I wouldn't want all these people knowing I grow.
Especially if their strangers kinda.. I can see if its family or friends who wanna help but cant grow themselves.. But simply Growing Other ppls bud.. Bad Idea.
I don't feel it's right to take on a patient so you can grow more plants. Those 6 or however many plants you're growing for them should ALL be for your patient if that is the case.

I do feel you should be reimbursed for the costs of those plants though, which you should keep diligent books on.

Your situation doesn't sound good for a grower honestly, weren't you the guy who's uncle followed them to their grow? I wouldn't want all these people knowing I grow.
I don't think one can charge for time or labor in Oregon. I would love to be wrong about it though.

I live in Oregon and have a growers card and yes you can charge for costs and labor which I'm told from a reliable source comes to about $75.00 per month per oz. At the dispensary it's $9.00 per gram which comes to $270.00 per ounce and the street price is around $300.00
i don't understand the point of taking on "patients" in the first place. :?

could someone explain why you would want to grow for someone else, for free?


basically u get to grow 12 plants per patient, and the idea is you help ur patients get buds at a reduced rate and any extra meds u can sell to the dispencery. So everyone wins
I don't feel it's right to take on a patient so you can grow more plants. Those 6 or however many plants you're growing for them should ALL be for your patient if that is the case.

I do feel you should be reimbursed for the costs of those plants though, which you should keep diligent books on.

Your situation doesn't sound good for a grower honestly, weren't you the guy who's uncle followed them to their grow? I wouldn't want all these people knowing I grow.
I chopped my plants down outside, all these people??? who
The choice about whether to let people know you grow or not is up to you and is a personal choice.
I have 2 patients, 1 a very close friend of over 20 years. He is disabled and is unable to see my grow at all. I do show him cell phone pics.
My other patient is a friend of a friend and very wealthy, not much of chance of him stealing.
Other than that the only people that know I grow are my immediate family and a couple other friends that also grow. Ive been at it since long before it or I was legal. I learned a long time ago that shit is on a need to know basis only. Too much of a risk with theft and other problems.

On pricing, I dont "charge" anything, I just ask for reimbursement and that also depends on the patients financial status. My disabled friend is on a fixed budget and I only charge him $100 an OZ.
My wealthy patient owns 4 homes and like 7-9 cars. He pays me $300 and Oz. ....Still a break for him from dispensary prices and im happy to say better quality than the 1 local dispensary in my state (They sell The Church for $85 a 1/4)

My advice is just go with your gut on pricing, if someone has plenty of scratch then you should ask them to pay a fair price. If someone is broke or on a fixed income you should help them out with price if at all possible. If your looking at being a caregiver as a business you'll need a lot more patients or be able to sell to a dispensary. If not theres always the black market.
your growing for some1 and selling their weed to them for $300 an oz? He can get top shelf from a clinic for that, where is the Aid your bringing in that case.. other than having more plants for yourself.
With stories like this, think I will just be my own caregiver.
I currently cultivate my own medicine, but had high hopes(no pun intended) of one day becoming a Caregiver with a couple of patients. This thread however(a great one btw), has got me thinking twice. There's seems to be a fine line between doing the noble thing by helping the sick and making a little extra change to keep your head above water in this recession. I for some reason, was under the foolish impression that I could do both... help the sick, while making a little money to supplement my income. But this thread has been very informative and has given me a few more things to think about.
I would never charge my patients top dollar, I was asking half (donation) what the dispence was charging and my buds are better then alot of stuff there, pretty fair considering the amount of start up cost. Once I get my grow dialed in I was gonna give an Oz for free per harvest. Another thing NO ONE sees my grow