sluts and nice girls

fuck i heard about the riots and want to come check it out, but i have to be in s.f. Saturday
no idea when i can go to london, i got ripped off on a chair recently and t set me back, maybe i can sell my sex doll for enough to get a ticket, thing creeps me out now anyways.

you just dont want to miss v nasty...
Fuck I heard about the riots and want to come check it out, but I have to be in S.F. saturday
No idea when I can go to london, I got ripped off on a chair recently and t set me back, Maybe I can sell my sex doll for enough to get a ticket, Thing creeps me out now anyways.
So how much you want for the doll? are there many miles on her? is there any kind of warrenty on it? Do you have a pic.??:lol::lol::lol:
So how much you want for the doll? are there many miles on her? is there any kind of warrenty on it? Do you have a pic.??:lol::lol::lol:

I'm thinking I should be able to get 1000 or at least 500, I'm the second owner, I've only used her a few times, mostly she just sits their taking up space
After thinking about your post, you're pretty much on point. A girl may not act like a slut in public, but she could very well be a slut with her husband/boyfriend.

ohhh.. yeah i see wut u did thurr

however i seen a few comments saying you cant be a slut and trust me you can i knew a girl in 1 year slept with 50 men....
ohhh.. yeah i see wut u did thurr

however i seen a few comments saying you cant be a slut and trust me you can i knew a girl in 1 year slept with 50 men....

lmfao i agree with sunni, ive seen a few of my friends do nasty things, 2 girls friends made out with the same guy the were fighting over one night ( he was alone at the bar in as suit lmfao not even hot) so when i was asked by the 2nd of the 2 to give her 5 mins in his truck i looked her square in the eyes and called her a slut, asked if she liked leftovers, then took a cab home lmfao ewwwwwy
Muffin did u pull #5 on ur last trip?

I did three different ones on the same day last time I was their two were back to back, finished with one came out and grabbed another chick and went for round two, then went to the bar, ended up with another one that night before coming back over the boarder- the three in one day's the luckiest I've ever gotten, I still kind of regret not getting two at once while I was their. I've quit banging whores for the most part because I hate condoms and I like licking pussy and I don't want to use condoms but I also don't want to catch the AIDS andyou just don't want to be going down on whores so it's no whores for me although thinking about it makes me want to go back to Tijuana, That place is paridise.